A Word to Young Believers.

DO not be troubled by the mazes of theology. Get your theology from the Bible, and the Bible alone. Take first the simple passages, and pin your faith to, and rest your soul upon them; the more difficult ones will gradually be unfolded to you by the Spirit’s teaching; though there must always be in the infinite that which is beyond the comprehension of a finite mind. We are not called upon to comprehend, but to apprehend, to lay hold of, what God has said, and believe Him.
Let scripture be its own interpreter; read the difficult passages in the light of the simple ones, and ever maintain that no passage of the word of God can either contradict or qualify another. All is absolute truth, and as such, perfectly consistent, though certain truths may be like two parallel lines which never meet within the radius of our vision.
Get to know God, and pillow your soul upon the bosom of His infinite love. You can find Him only in Christ, and then you are entitled to know perfect rest.
The teaching and interpretation of men have created all the difficulties over which the different schools of doctrine have wrangled for centuries.
Accept with thankfulness whatever help the Lord may give through any, but judge everything, Berean-like, by the word of God.
Divine sovereignty is absolute; human responsibility so great that it can only be measured by the fact that God has spoken, and men will not hear; that Christ has died, and men will not believe.
Man by nature is at enmity against God, and nothing but divine grace can turn him round.
If anyone is saved, it is by grace, and grace alone; if another is lost, it is because he “would not” be saved in God’s way. The heathen, God will deal with. Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right? We have to do with the responsibility of those who have heard, or who have at least the opportunity of doing so.
See that you “rightly divide the word of truth.” Do not apply to believers what is intended for mere professors, nor to the latter what is applicable only to the former. Be sure of this, that no word in the Bible is intended to unsettle the faith, or to disturb the peace, of any true child of God. A clear apprehension of fundamental gospel truth will greatly help in this. God’s righteousness—man’s guilt and ruin—the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus—the believer’s justification—and Christ Himself the measure of his acceptance.
Get familiar, at least in some measure, with dispensational truth. Distinguish between law and grace—between Judaism and Christianity—Israel and the church—earthly prophecy and heavenly truth. Observe the mighty difference resulting from the accomplished work of the Lord Jesus, His being now exalted at God’s right hand, and the presence here of the Holy Ghost.
Remember that for the believer judgment is past, sin put away, God having been glorified as to it, in the cross.
Lay hold of the blessed meaning of the rent veil, and rejoice in having boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, whether for prayer or worship.
Depend upon a living Saviour for daily grace and guidance;” and seek to walk “worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing.” Confess the Lord Jesus in baptism, and heed His word, “Do this in remembrance of Me,” until He come.
G. DE M.