Here and There.

ALL earth’s pleasures fade and wither,
Christ alone abides;
And the ocean of God’s favor
Knows no changing tides.
Seen in Christ, God’s Well-beloved,
One with Him are we,
Sons of glory: He, our Captain,
Won the victory.
‘Twas through suffering, death and anguish,
He that victory gained,
Bore the wrath, and Satan vanquished,
Peace for us obtained.
He Who is our Life and Leader
Keeps us to the end;
Spite of all the rage of Satan,
God will still defend.
In the sunshine of His presence,
Whose blest name is Love,
What can touch the sons of glory,
Linked with Christ above?
In the center of heaven’s glory,
See the will-less Man,
God’s delight, the Father’s treasure,
Long ere time began.
He Who for our sins once suffered,
God hath glorified,
And ere long He’ll come in triumph,
Home to take His bride.
Oh! the joy of knowing, serving,
Following Christ alone,
Him Who met the altar’s craving,
Sits on yonder throne.
Suffering passed, and conflict ended,
There we too shall rest,
In the light that knows no fading,
With Him ever blest.
There, amidst heaven’s brightest glories,
To our God brought nigh,
Naught shall stay our hallelujahs,
Filling earth and sky.
Oh, the rapture then of gazing
On the Bridegroom’s face,
God and we in sweet communion,
Through His boundless grace.
Christ the center, we reflecting
His sweet image fair,
Shining in His perfect beauty,
While His love we share.
Here a moment—then in glory,
Holy Lord, with Thee;
To Thy word still keep us cleaving,
Till Thy face we see.