“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” That is the difference between a believer and a non-believer. If we have confessed our sins, it is distrusting God not to believe that they are put away.
Suppose that I have a little boy, and when I go home he comes to me and says, “Papa, I did that naughty thing you told me not to do.”
I see there are signs of contrition, and say, “I am sorry you did it, but I am thankful you confessed it. I forgive you.”
He goes off lightly. He has been forgiven. But the next day he comes and says, “Papa, do you know that yesterday while you were away I did that naughty thing that you told me not to do. I am very sorry. Won’t you forgive me?”
I say, “My son, was not that forgiven yesterday?”
“Well,” he says, “I wish you would forgive me again.”
Don’t you see how dishonoring it is? It is very disheartening to a father to have a child act in that way. And it is distrusting God and dishonoring Him for us to be constantly lugging up the past. If God has forgiven us, that is the end of it. “Who shall lay anything to the charge of God’s elect? It is God that justifieth.” If God has justified me, will He lay any charge against me?
But, dear friend, if you are not already forgiven, do not sleep until you are. Have this question of sin forever settled for time and eternity. God wants to forgive you, and He will, if you will confess your sins and ask His pardon.