Abstaining From Breaking Bread; the Evangelical Body's Loss of Paul's Doctrine; Separation From the Lord's Table

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I have no doubt as to the two questions you put to me. Clearly persons ought not to separate from the Table while they own it to be the table of the Lord. The very statement proves itself, for so far as the act goes, I am separating myself from the unity of the body of Christ and from the Lord's table. Besides, it is the individual taking upon himself the whole judgment of the church of God. If a person says I do not own it as the Lord's table, the communion of the body of Christ, of course the relationship is ipso facto broken.
As to the second question: the theory is that the flesh is allowed to act in nothing, though the strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and the assembly ought to carefully maintain the truth. When it is mere imperfection of knowledge and ignorance, and the main purport is godly, there we have to forbear; but teaching contrary to the truth clearly ought not to be allowed.
The Lord in mercy still blesses us. It is a trying time, I may say, for all temporally, and our poorer brethren are thrown out of employment in more than one place, not all, of course, but it scatters them.
As to the work, we want energetic workmen more than work to do. As to C., the candlestick seems put out, or something very like it; if it be so, no human efforts will do, but it was never wholly begun, as far as I can see. But we can cast our care on the Lord; that is one comfort, and it is mine.
Affectionately yours in Him, in haste.
March 7th, 1865.