I am in no hurry when a candle stick is put out: God has His own time for lighting it up again. I know I am very slow in discerning people and evil. Certainly I have the kind of charity which thinketh no evil, though it is in danger of being spoiled in a long life. But I feel more when I have got to a conclusion. They have all need of thorough breaking down there....
I entirely feel with you as to the gathering power. It is a great point now, but the Lord is sufficient and faithful—cannot fail His church. Brethren ought to be an adequate center of communion for conscience, if it be not power to draw. I look for no rebuilding, but I do look for gathering, though there be little strength. But this must be grace, and that of the Lord.
I purpose (D.V.) coming to Ireland, but I am beset with calls, and plenty of work here. May the gracious Lord guide me in His goodness. I have some twenty unanswered letters, though I have written many daily in this fortnight's tour to the west I have made.
As to Bethesda, in spite of every effort, many have got out, and many are uneasy. The denial of the church and of the Spirit tries greatly many of them, and the low state and evident want of principle in B. itself. They will say anything to keep people, but by patience, those that are conscientious, through grace, get clear.
Ever affectionately yours.
October 12Th, 1865.