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Address—C.H. Brown
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Address by Clifford Brown, Kentucky, September 6, 1964.
Something that interests me in a special way about this chapter.
Some of us were associated very closely with our dear brother, FC Blount.
The dear and beloved.
Evangelists That if there ever was a dear beloved Evangelist, he was one.
And this was his favorite chapter. When I think of this chapter about Zacchaeus, I think of Mr. Blanc.
And one of the greatest privileges I ever had in my life.
It was just 50 years ago at this time, right down here in Kentucky. We had a general meeting like this, only about 1/4 this size.
Your brother Flount asked me if I would stay and help him and some tent meetings.
And I had time to think it over and I said yes.
And I look back on that as one of the most refreshing periods of my whole long life.
Those six weeks.
In that tent over in Paul Jibbetton's front yard.
The gospel went out and 50 souls pressed through and found Christ. And some of them are sitting right here in this room tonight. Paul Jividen, the monk.
And Jesus entered.
And pass through Jericho.
I was asked to take the gospel in Montreal.
Number of years ago.
And at the last minute.
I made-up my mind that I was to speak from.
Chapter 19 of Luke bought Zacchaeus.
So I read the passage.
And for some strange reason, we didn't seem to be able to get much beyond that first verse.
Jesus entered.
Who passed through Jericho.
So we just stopped for a moment or two and talk about that.
Jesus entered and passed through Jericho.
That's history.
Now look back at the 6th chapter of Joshua. Just one verse if you don't want to turn to it.
I'll read it to you.
Remember that Jericho was the city that tried to keep the children of Israel from ending into their promised inheritance when they came up out of Egypt.
26 verse.
And Joshua adjourned them at that time, saying cursed.
Be the man before the Lord that rises up and buildeth this city, Jericho.
He shall lay the foundation thereof in his first born and in his youngest son.
He shall set up the gates of it.
Now what a pronouncement that is. That's that city that tried to keep God's people out of their promised land.
Now look at first Kings 16.
We're way over now.
Time of that wicked wicked man Ahab.
Ahab and Jezebel.
34th verse.
In his days, did he heal the death of life? Bill Jericho.
He laid the foundation thereof in a Byram, his first born, and set up the gates thereof in his youngest son, Siga.
According to the word of the Lord, which you speak by Joshua the son of Nun.
How long do you think that was after?
500 years.
All you young people here.
Remember, this is God's word and prophecy is history written in advance.
If God says The thing is going to come to pass, count on it. It's going to come to pass.
There are no ifs and ands about it.
Jericho was the city of the curse.
And in that way.
It's a type of this work, a cursive city.
And this world is under a curse.
The ground is cursed.
You farmers know about that?
You know what a battle you have with various pests and weeds and whatnot.
It's a constant struggle, yes.
But here's something to think about.
Jesus entered and passed through Jericho.
Oh, what a momentous back, Daddy. He entered and he passed through.
We have the proof of it on every hand.
This meeting tonight is a proof of it.
Brother Myers is talking about pennies this morning.
So I got one out of my pocket.
And on the front here by the side of Abraham Lincoln, it says 1963.
What does that tell me?
19163 years ago.
God's son.
Came into this world approximately then.
19163 years ago Christ entered.
And he's passed through.
And you and I.
Are responsible for the fact that he's been here. He left an impressed an imprint.
And you and I are going to react to that one way or another. What is your reaction? You can't get away from the fact that he came. He's been here. Every church fire in the country tells you he's been here. Every cross that you see elevated in the air tells us he's been here. Did you write a letter today? You dated your letter. You were dating that letter according to the days when the Lord Jesus Christ entered and passed through.
You can't escape it. It's written everywhere.
Solemn thing for you.
If you don't know him, solemn thing, he's been here.
You know Julius Caesar.
He won't have to answer for what you have to answer for.
Christ hadn't entered and passed through Indiana his day.
He never heard of Christ, nor could he. He hadn't been here.
But you live in a day.
When that fact is acknowledged by the whole civilized world, it's been here and passed through.
And behold.
There is a man named Zacchaeus.
Which was the chief among Republicans. And he was rich.
He was chief and he was rich.
Well, those are the two things that men want.
As a tremendous struggle going on in this world right now.
And the two great things that men are seeking.
Our place or prominence and well.
Men either want money.
Or they want a position, a prominence. They want to be at the top.
They say there's lots of room at the top and so they keep clamoring and they never reach it and they're never satisfied, but that's what they want.
Money and place in this world. What are you seeking?
What are you after?
Well, this man had that.
He was chief among the publicans. That means that a publican is a tax gatherer, and he was the chief among them.
All the others were under him. Oh, how men like to have others under them. You.
See that in the arm?
Oh, yes, the private and the And then the going up the corporal and the Sergeant and the Lieutenant first and 2nd and the captain and then the major and on up the line. Oh, how people love a place in this world.
Well, this man had it. And what's more, he had lots of money. He was rich.
Yes, but he wasn't happy. He wasn't satisfied. I want to tell you whoever you are here tonight, young or old.
You have a vacuum in your soul that nothing in all the universe can ever feel and satisfy.
Accept the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ as your own personal Savior.
I was a boy between 16 and 17 years of age.
Had a terrible accident.
Fell out of a barn and justice about killed myself. Lay in a hospital for over 2 months.
But God taught me something during that experience.
He taught me that I was a Sinner and needed a savior.
And the first confession I ever made, I made to my.
Unbelieving father.
I made my confession to him.
And I remember his answer.
Son of a grill. I'm glad of it. I hate a hypocrite, but if it's real, I'm glad of it.
Well, that's a long, long time ago.
That's ancient history.
But all that was the grandest thing.
That ever came to me in my life.
Was when I found the Lord Jesus Christ.
I didn't have the good background that you've had.
I wasn't brought up in the meeting all you young folks that have heard these things from your infancy right on off.
Wow, privileged you are.
How responsible you are for it's a required of a man according to what he has.
Not according to what I have not, and to whom much is given of him shall much be required.
Or if you miss heaven.
It'll be much sadder.
Than for someone that was that just came up on the street.
Miss Heaven, it's a solemn thing to hear all that you've heard all your life.
And then miss what God has for you.
Well, this man wasn't happy.
His riches didn't satisfy his big position. Ah, that didn't feel the longing of his soul.
And if you're not saved, I know that you have a vacuum down in your soul.
I know that you haven't found the secret of happiness. I know you haven't.
Don't try to tell us that you have.
Oh, you're seeking?
You're pursuing it like the pot of gold at the foot of the rainbow, but you never get there.
And he sought to see Jesus who he was.
Or who he is.
And sought to see Jesus. Why do you want to see him? I fell in need in his soul, and he'd heard of Jesus.
And he thought maybe maybe he's the one that has the answer. I want to see who he is.
Well, they had the right thought. I'm going to tell you that right there.
Is where everything hinges. Who is he?
Ah, don't let the devil ever whisper into your soul. That is less than what he represented himself to be.
There is no one fact more fully authenticated in the word of God from Genesis to Revelation.
Than that the Lord Jesus Christ.
Was God manifest in flesh scene of angels?
Preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.
He was gone, nothing less. Not a secondary God.
And when you talk about the second person of the Godhead, you're not speaking in terms of priority, you're just using a convenient form to describe the matter of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost. But don't don't ever think for a moment of ascribing to the Lord Jesus.
Any secondary place in the Trinity? No. He was gone.
Well, Zacchaeus wanted to see him, who he was or who he is.
And he could not. For the press Edward press means crowd because of as little as stature.
You know, if you really want to find Christ the Christ of God or not the popular Christ.
No, not the Great Mentor, the Great Teacher, the Great leader. But if you want to find the Christ of God.
You'll find plenty of the Press of the crowd that will hinder you getting to him.
There there are many movements on foot today that are definitely of Satan to hinder you from finding God's Christ.
Be on your guard.
I feel sorry for our young people today.
I do.
For I know something about what's going on.
In the school systems of the country today.
Would you believe it that when I went to high school?
As a 14 year old boy.
That our dear principal got up there with his Bible every morning and read to us.
We had a quartet that got up and sang him.
And then someone sat down to the piano and played the champ.
The so-called Lords prayer that was every morning.
But I'll tell you, there's nothing like that in that high school today. It's all different now. All that is shut out.
I feel sorry for you, but just trust.
The Word of God. Stake your all on what God says in his book.
And it'll keep them.
Well, I know a dear sister.
She's not very old.
And she was in school.
And this young professor had taught them the theory of evolution. And he.
Tuck them in fidelity as far as he dared.
And in the examination.
There were some questions asked that plainly required infantile answers.
So she gave the answers.
As she had been taught and then she put a footnote. Now the above is what I was taught in your class.
But I do not believe it. I believe the word of God and.
And stated something as to her faith in Christ.
I admired her for that.
She didn't lose her grade. No, she wasn't relegated to repeat that course. That man had enough of decency about him.
To let her pass. Oh, don't be afraid of these infidel teachers.
I think a young man used to be in Drake University.
And a professor used to say.
That the Christianity was responsible for all those horrible wars that took place back there in Europe during the Middle East, and he was constantly harping on a Christianity is responsible for all this.
And we had a young brother in the meeting. It was a student over there, and every time the professor would make a statement like that, he'd say professor I object.
And the professor would say, well, now, what's your objection?
It was not Christianity that caused those wars. It was the perversion of Christianity the cause.
Finally, the professor said if all my students were like you, I couldn't conduct a class.
Oh, don't be talked down. Believe your Bible. State your soul on it.
And you're going to be glad someday. Yes, you are. If you stick your soul on, the truth of God is revealed in this book. You'll be able to lie down in peace someday if the Lord doesn't come.
And pass into his presence with the knowledge of where you're going and why you're going there.
He sought to see Jesus, and he could not because of the press. Don't let the press spoil it for you.
And he ran before and climbed into a Sycamore tree to see him, for he was to pass that way.
I notice it says he was to pass that way, but it was the last time. This is final. He didn't pass this way again, it's his last time.
And who knows? Who knows?
That tonight may be your last time.
Yes, it may. This may be the last time you'll ever get a chance to claim God's salvation.
He ran before.
Climbed up into a Sycamore tree or a fig tree.
It's properly a fig tree.
Big Mulberry is a proper term. He ran before and climbed up into the Sycamore tree.
Now there is nothing very dignified about a mature man, especially a man in his important position with all his wealth and influence.
Running down the street in that way, it wasn't anything very dignified about it.
And then what was more injurious to his dignity with climbing a tree?
You couldn't look very dignified climbing a tree as an adult.
And here was this great crowd, seeing the whole thing.
But he was nervous.
He wanted to see Jesus.
Are you afraid of what people are going to think?
If you get to Christ tonight, is that what's holding you back?
It didn't hold Zacchaeus back.
He went right down the road and up that tree.
Strange place for a mature man to be.
He climbed into a Sycamore tree.
He needed a tree, didn't he?
And you know.
If you're ever going to be in heaven.
You'll have to have a tree in your life.
You'll need a tree. Look at Exodus 15 for a verse.
Exodus 15 and verse 23.
And when they came to Mira, they could not drink of the waters of Mira.
For they were bitter. Therefore the name of it was called Mara.
And the people murmured against Moses, saying, What shall we drink?
And he cried unto the Lord.
And the Lord showed him a tree.
Which when he had cast into the waters, the waters were made sweet.
Isn't that lovely, bitter waters?
Bitter water couldn't drink them.
What do those bitter waters need?
They needed a tree.
And when they cast the tree into the water.
They were made sweet.
Ah, dear friend here tonight you're going to find that this life.
Is filled with bitter water.
No one's life goes the way he plans it.
This life is full of disappointment.
Everyone that's of mature years will testify to that fact.
And if you don't have Christ.
You're going to have disappointments all the way down the road and then at the last.
You're going to pass out in darkness and despair.
Yes, you are.
It's an awful thing.
End up your life with no knowledge or hope for the future.
And remember this. That conscience never turns into them. This thing that ticks away down on the inside of you, and it's ticking right now while I'm talking, that will never turn into those.
Your mind may turn input. Oh yes, you can swallow the Freudian theory and go in for all this modern thought and philosophy, but down inside something is going to constantly say but supposing it's true after all.
Now turn over to the 5th of X.
Acts 5.
And we'll read from verse 30.
The God of our fathers.
Raised up Jesus.
Whom ye slew?
And hanged on a tree.
Whom ye slew and hanged on a tree. That's the tree. The.
That you're going to need.
If you get to heaven.
Him Hath God exalted with his right hand, to be a Prince and a savior.
For to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins.
And we are witnesses of these things, and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him.
Those people were accused.
Of taking Christ.
And slaying him, Hanging him on a tree, So they did.
But what did God do about it?
Him hath God exalted with his right hand, not to his right hand, but with his right hand he reached down and in mighty power.
Exalted that Blessed One.
To the highest place in heaven at his right hand.
That he might be a savior. You need a savior. Why not have 1:00 tonight? Why not accept him?
That he might be a savior to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins.
What is repentance?
It's taking sides with God against yourself.
Have you done it yet? Or when someone speaks to you about the Lord, you immediately begin to defend yourself. See. Well, I'm not so bad, I'm fairly good.
My next door neighbor back in Des Moines lived there beside him for many years.
He was an unsaved man. He was a good neighbor. Never had an unkind word with him all the years we lived side by side.
But he was a swearing man. He had no time for God, for Christ.
I have talked to him many a time about the Lord.
He said, Well, someday I'll get baptized and join my wife's church.
That's as far as we'll never get.
Wife in the morning.
Well, I'd say now Mr. so and so.
You know, I wouldn't walk across the street.
To get you to join any church? No, I wouldn't.
I wouldn't walk across the street get you to join any church, including the one where I go.
But I'd sit up all night long if I could lead you to Christ.
No. Someday he'd get baptized and join his wife's church.
But he never did. He lost his mind.
He died out of his mind. He's buried. He's gone.
Oh, what a solemn thing it is.
Repentance. No, Nothing wrong with him.
And then what forgiveness of sins?
Last Sunday night, we'd go tonight.
We had the gospel up at Bloomington, up at Des Moines, and.
We spoke about that woman on the 7th of Luke.
And what the Lord said to her, The sweetest words, I suppose, that ever fell on human ears for her.
Said it right to her.
Thy sins are forgiven.
Thy faith hath saved thee.
Go in peace.
Oh, can you think of anything better than that?
And my dear friend here tonight, I don't care how big a Sinner you are, how deep died you are, far from God.
If you'll repent.
And take Christ.
He'll say to you thy sins are forgiven.
Go in peace, thy faith hath saved.
Ah, that poor woman. She was a vile character.
But she heard those words from the lips of the Lord Jesus Christ himself.
When I look at the 10th of Acts.
39th verse Acts 1039.
And we are witnesses of all things which Jesus did, both in the land of the Jews and in Jerusalem.
Whom they slew and hanged on a tree. There's our tree again.
Him hath God raised up the third day.
And showed him openly not to all the people, but unto witnesses chosen before of God, even to us.
Who did eat and drink with him after he rose from the dead?
And he commanded us to preach unto the people, and testify that it is he which is ordained of God to be the judge of the living and the dead.
Now listen to this precious verse.
To him give all the prophets witness that through his name.
Whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins.
Can God make it any plainer?
All he tells us, over and over and over again.
To leave on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved.
That's it. A repentant Sinner. All he needs is Christ, nothing else.
To him give all the prophets witness.
That through his name, whosoever does that take you in whosoever.
Does it take you in? Where are you tonight in your soul?
13th of Acts.
Acts 13.
Verse 28.
And though they found no cause of death in him.
Yet they desired pilot, that he should be slain.
And when they had fulfilled all that was written of him, they took him down from the tree. There's our tree again.
And laid him in a sepulchre.
But God raised him from the dead 38 verse.
They had known unto you, therefore, men and brethren, that through this man Christ Jesus.
Is preached unto you, Hellen damnation, no.
The forgiveness of sins.
The forgiveness of sins.
And by him all that believes. All that believes.
Not all those that believe and.
Do wonderful things. Wonderful feats? No, all, I believe.
Are justified from all things.
From which he could not be justified by the law of Moses.
Beware, therefore, let that come upon you, which is spoken of in the prophets, Behold, ye despisers.
And wonder and perish. Aw, take that morning. Beware.
There's a warning here, but all how blessed.
They took him down from the tree, but God raised him from the dead.
Now one more reference over in Galatians third chapter.
Galatians 3.
Verse 13.
Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law.
Being made a curse for us.
For it is written cursed as everyone that hangeth on a tree as our tree again.
Christ has redeemed us from the curse.
Being made a curse for us, you and I deserve to be cursed to be banished from God's presence.
The good Christ stepped in.
And what he virtually said to God was this. I hope I say this reverently.
Don't curse them.
Curse me in their state.
And as he hung there on the cross.
A holy, holy, holy God.
Turned his back on.
And left him in darkness.
He was made a curse.
For you and for me.
Ah, if you reject that.
Such a salvation at such a price.
And you rejected.
You know, the word of God says that He bore our sin.
He bore our sins.
In his own body on the tree our sins.
Ah, did he bury yours? You want to find out?
Do you really want to find out whether you did or not?
Well, I'll tell you, you can find out tonight.
If you will come to the Lord Jesus Christ as a poor lost Sinner tonight, right here in this room.
And receive him as your savior. You've got positive proof.
That he bore your sins.
And his own body on the tree, it's whosoever.
The 26th verse of that third chapter of relations.
For you're all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
Nothing else will ever make your child of God but that.
A child of God or a son of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
Well, we'll go back now.
To our 19th of Luke.
5th verse.
And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up and saw him.
And that remarkable, why would the Lord look up there and see him?
He looked up, saw him five. Ah, my dear soul, let me tell you, there can't be one movement in your heart.
Toward the Lord Jesus, but he doesn't see enough.
If you've got any sense in your soul.
You'd like to know it, that you'd like to be near it. He knows about it.
He knew why that man was up the tree and when he got to that tree he looked up and saw him.
And he said unto him, Zacchaeus.
Make haste.
Are you are you thinking about delaying this matter?
You think? Well, I'll wait till tomorrow night.
Are you sure you'll be here tomorrow night?
Have you got some plans in your mind? You've got something scheduled and you think, well, that wouldn't be consistent for me to take Christ tonight and then go out and do that out. I'll finish this little engagement I have.
And then?
I may look after this.
Ah, my friend, listen. Make hate.
Don't delay.
Make haste.
And come down.
Pride keeps many a person from Christ.
Pride. How do you spell it?
That big eagle.
Keeps many a person from Christ.
Come down.
Oh, are you willing to do it? Are you willing to humble yourself here tonight?
And receive the Savior. Oh, I pray God, your might.
Why, you'd have all heaven rejoicing.
If you deal to Christ tonight, there's joy in the presence of the angels of God over 1 Sinner. Just one.
Good repent.
Come down.
For today I must abide at thy house, Ohio, what a privilege to have the Son of God.
Come into your house.
As Christ, come into your home.
Not many things in this world any sweeter.
Than a Christian home.
And I've been in hundreds of them.
Oh, there's something lovely about it.
A Christian whole.
Jesus coming in.
Being part of that home, the bowed head at the time of the meeting.
And then we open Bible.
And then the bowed knee.
And appraisal and the Thanksgiving and the request.
And the peace that reigns. Ah, there's nothing like it. Do you have a Christian home? Would you like to have one?
For today I must abide at that house. And he made haste, and came down, and received him joyfully.
Dear Zacchaeus, he didn't make the blunder that many have made.
He didn't say, Well, tomorrow I'll see about it. Oh no, no, he couldn't get on quickly enough.
And he received him into his house joyfully.
1St all his dignity. What is the crowd going to say? What are all those other tax gatherers over whom he's been? What are they going to say that doesn't bother him?
He receives them into his home and receives him joyfully.
And when they saw it, they all murmured saying is going to be a guest with a man that's a Sinner.
Isn't that? Isn't that absurd?
He's gone to be guests with a man that's a Sinner. What about themselves?
What about themselves?
They can point the finger and say he's a Sinner.
Never thought of themselves.
And Zacchaeus stood and said unto the Lord, Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor, And if I have taken anything from any man in false accusation, I restore him, poor fools.
In other words, Zacchaeus was not a bad man. He wasn't like that woman in the 7th of.
Of Luke? No, he's a different character.
And he tells the Lord about this.
But the Lord just cuts him short. He doesn't let him go a bit further.
Stops him right there.
Jesus said unto him this day.
His salvation come to this House.
No, not before. Just today.
For as much as he also is the son of Abraham.
What does that mean? What do you mean by that?
Salvations come here today because he's the son of Abraham. Well, turn to the 4th of Galatians. You get the answer.
Last verse of the third.
No, they.
Last verse of the third chapter.
29th verse Galatians 3.
And if ye be Christ, then are you Abraham? Steve.
And heirs, according to the promise.
If you be Christ, then are you Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise?
He had received Christ.
He was a true son of Abraham. Now he was saved. And then the Lord climaxes that with that wonderful verse. For the Son of Man has come to seek and to say that which was lost.
Zacchaeus was lost.
Now, he said, the Statomans come to seek. He's seeking you tonight.
If you're not saved, he's seeking you tonight.
To seek and to save that which was lost. All heaven's going to be filled with people like that.
Never lost once.
But they got saved and all. We'd love to see someone here tonight.
Come to Christ, shall we pray?
To Romans, the first chapter.
Romans, the first chapter.
Will you give to God that you didn't take the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior?
You've heard that Christ Jesus came into the world as save sinners.
And we have the divine record.
That the chief of sinners has already been saved.
The Apostle Paul by inspiration could write.
Of whom I am chief.
If God can save one like that.
He can save you, and he wants to save you.
Judgment is coming.
Yes, man must give account to God.
For his conduct here in this world.
But God has offered to you.
A salvation.
In Northern you need not come into judgment.
The Lord Jesus Christ when He came into the world a safe sinners upon Calvary's cross, He bore the judgment for sins.
For each one who has put his trust.
In the Lord Jesus Christ.
Did he bear the judgment for your sins?
Do we? Do you believe on him?
As your savior.
Oh, if you haven't.
What we've just read here is a prospect before you.
He is appointed today in the which He would judge this world in righteousness.
There'll be no mercy in that day, you know. Sometimes a prisoner will throw himself on the mercy of the court.
There will be no mercy here. He's going to judge the world in righteousness.
By that man whom he hath ordained.
The man who was going to judge this world has been appointed.
He's been set apart and you and I have the assurance that he is going to judge because God has raised him from a dead.
The risen, the glorified Son of Man, the Lord Jesus Christ, now in the glory, is the one who is going to judge in that day. Tonight he's a savior. It may be tomorrow that he will be a judge.
How will you face him tonight as a savior? Will you take him?
Will you put it off and find you have no recourse but to meet him as the judge?
The one who can say, come unto me, all ye that labor, and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
And in that day to hear him say depart from me, I never knew it. Oh, think of it.
The same lips will utter those words depart from me. I never knew him. How solemn all, won't you come tonight to the Lord Jesus Christ?
Own to him that you are in the class with those spoken of in the third chapter of the official to the Romans. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Find yourself there and come to the Lord Jesus Christ tonight, and find him a Savior willing, who wants to save and wants to save you now, oh, once you come to him.
So we say #12.