Address 7

Duration: 1hr 1min
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Address—B. Roossinck
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Good afternoon, everybody.
What a privilege it is to be together.
And to raise up the Lord Jesus as.
And I look at all of your faces and.
It's just it warms my soul to see such.
And I look at you, dear young people, and.
How my heart goes out to you, and I hope what the Lord's help that we can.
Honor the Lord Jesus together this afternoon.
We have a tremendous savior.
And so I would like to start by singing hymn #151.
It's hard to know what him to use in a meeting like this. There's so many that are honoring to the Lord Jesus. And we I had on my heart earlier #150 and we sang that this morning. And it's such a beautiful hymn, isn't it?
There was a rat of a prolific hymn writer that set up #150 I would trade all of the hymns I wrote for that one. That's a tremendous thing. Both sing #151 Lord Jesus.
When we think of thee.
Of all thy love and grace our spirits long and fain would see thy beauty.
Face to face.
Verse four. Our Lord, our life, our rest, our shield, our rock, our food, our light, each thought of Thee, the constant yield, unchanging fresh delight.
Let's say #151.
Lord Jesus went away. Think of me.
Of all thy love and grace.
Our experience.
Our souls while Lord.
Did for some grace.
Our Lord, our life.
Our rest, our shield.
Our God.
Our life.
Our deal unchanged, unchanging, pristine light.
You must stay here in the heart and spirit, say.
Before we open God's Word, let's ask for His help.
Let's turn.
First of all, to Colossians chapter one.
Brother that asked me to speak this afternoon told me that there would be a lot of young people here and I have to tell you young people. I hope that's OK if I address you specifically, but anything that I say is certainly not limited to the young people.
The Lord Jesus is sufficient for everybody.
And I have a real.
Joy for you young people. It's a difficult world that we're living in.
There are serious challenges and.
As I pondered what to speak about.
I got on my knees. I asked the Lord, what shall I say?
I really feel inadequate to stand before you today. You know, there are people in this room that I used to write on their shoulders.
I I still feel like I'm a young person.
And the Lord said to me, Speak about me.
Share the Lord Jesus with them. And that's what I'd like to do. So let's read from Colossians 1.
And this is what our heart is for you young people. Colossians one verse 9 For this 'cause we also, since the day we heard it, did not cease to pray for you, and to desire that you might be filled with a knowledge of His will, in all wisdom and spirits will understanding.
That you might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing.
Being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.
Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power.
To all patients, and the long-suffering with joyfulness, giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light.
Who have delivered us from the power of darkness, and it translated us into the Kingdom of His dear Son.
To stop right there.
Our hearts have been occupied so far in this conference with the Lord Jesus.
God's beloved Son.
Think of who this person is.
God's beloved Son, I want to speak to you about the Lord Jesus and his wife.
Down here from the book of John.
Before I do that though, I just want us to think a little bit about who the the place that the Lord Jesus has right now.
Think about.
What Joseph said to his brothers Joseph is a picture of the Lord Jesus.
God has made me Lord of all.
That's the place that the Lord Jesus has.
Hasty and tell my Father of all my glory.
A little more in Colossians 1 here. I just want to read some before we start turning to the book of John about the place that the Lord Jesus has.
Verse 15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the first born of every creature?
For by him were all things created.
That are in heaven and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be Thrones or dominions or principalities or powers, all things were created by him and for Him.
And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.
And he is the head of the Body, the Church, who is the beginning, the first born from the dead.
That in all things he might have the preeminence.
For it please the Father, that in Him should all fullness dwell.
The Lord Jesus.
Is the head God has given him a position of total?
The Lord Jesus was there in a past eternity, we read in Proverbs 8. Before he formed the mountains, I was there.
I can't quote it exactly. Maybe we should turn to that quickly in Proverbs 8, Speaking of the Lord as as the as wisdom.
I'm sorry to be nervous brother and I this is not my.
Normal audience.
In Proverbs 8 it says.
I was set up from Everland from the beginning, wherever the earth was when there were no depths.
I was brought forth when there were no fountains abounding with water, before the mountains were settled, before the hills. Was I brought forth well as yet He had not made the earth, nor the fields, nor the highest part of the dust of the world.
When he prepared the heavens, I was there.
When he set a compass upon the face of the deep. When he established the clouds above. When he strengthened the fountains of the deep.
When he gave to the sea his decree that the water should not pass his commandment.
When He appointed the fountains of the earth, then was I by Him as one brought up with him, and I was daily His delight, rejoicing always before Him.
Rejoicing in the habitable part of this earth, and my delights were with the sons of men.
The Lord Jesus was there with his Father in a past eternity and his He was thinking about you, and He was thinking about me. Even before the earth was formed, before you were conceived and brought in this world, the Lord knew who you were.
I think it's in Jeremiah where it says.
When you were still in the womb, I knew you. Before you were in the womb, I knew you. The Lord is the Lord Jesus.
Gave up that place that he had with his father, and he came down into this world to die on Calvary's cross, so that your sins could be washed away in his precious blood.
And he has risen.
Victorious and God has given him the highest place in heaven. And I want to ask your heart, brethren, what is the Lord Jesus to you?
I look across your faces, young people, and I know that many of you know and love the Lord Jesus.
Is he the number one person in your life?
He needs to be.
That speaks to my own heart and see #1.
Yesterday Dunn shared a verse with us in Hebrews 13. Jesus Christ. The same yesterday, today, and forever.
The perfect humanity of the Lord Jesus was tremendous, marvelous, but his heart was the same then as it is now, as it will be in the future. The Lord doesn't change.
In the book of John we find in chapter 8.
When the Lord claimed to be the Son of God, they were arguing with him. Says you have. Have you known our father Abraham?
He says your father Abraham rejoiced. We should read that together before Abraham was I am. What a tremendous claim.
John, Chapter 8.
Let's read verse 54, Jesus answered. If I honor myself, my honor is nothing.
It is my father that honoreth me, of whom he say that he is your God. Yeah, you have not known him, but I know him, and if I should say I know him not, I shall be a liar like unto you.
But I know him, and keep his saying. Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day, and he saw it and was glad.
How's that possible? Because he was there. You know, we read this morning and and Genesis 22 of Abraham and Isaac going there and my father, behold the fire in the wood. But where is the lamb for a burnt offering? And what's the answer?
God will provide himself a lamb. And so they went.
One unwillingly and the other one willingly. Is that what it says? No, they went both of them together.
Isn't that beautiful? Here's the father and the son going along together.
And the Lord Jesus could say here, your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day, and he saw it.
Let's look at verse 58. Verily, verily, I say unto you, before Abraham was I am that incredible, I am, that's what when God appeared to Moses, that's what he said too at the burning Bush. You remember Moses said, well, who shall I tell him you are? He says I am, have sent you that I was.
Not I'm going to be someday.
Yes, I am. I am from a past eternity to a future eternity. I am. And that's who the Lord Jesus is.
I am.
What I would like to do?
Let's take up some things in John that the Lord Jesus said I am.
And many of these can be all of these, perhaps.
The gospel could be preached from any one of these things, but I would like to just try to encourage you rather in these things.
And I want you to think about when the Lord Jesus said I am.
He was I am when he claimed to be something. He was all that.
You know, I could say I'm a fast runner, which I'm not.
Sorry Mario, I lied.
When the Lord Jesus made a claim he was totally that thing and so I would like to try to encourage us from some things in the Gospel of John and I just wanted to start by by reading there in Colossians about the place that God has brought him into. He is the head and all things he should have the preeminence and so young people.
In your lives, when the Lord says, I am this to you.
And we'll get into some of these things. Take that to heart. The Lord says I am the bread of life. I am the resurrection and the life. I am the way, I am the door. I am the Good Shepherd. We'll get into some of these things and what it means to your life. Think of it.
The man in the glory, right this moment, at the highest pinnacle.
Nobody higher.
Is something for you and for me.
A tremendous thing to ponder.
So let's turn to John Chapter 6, by the way.
Some of you younger kids in here that maybe you are not in the habit of reading regularly yet. That's a great habit to cultivate and the Gospel of John would be a good place to start doing that. And if you're older and you do not have that habit developed.
He'll never be. How do I say this? Today would be the day to start. That you're never going to be younger than you are right this moment. Take up the word of God and read it.
Start in the Gospel of John. It's a tremendous book.
OK John chapter 6 and verse 35.
Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life.
He that cometh to me shall never hunger.
He that believeth on me shall never thirst.
I am the bread of life.
Ever find in your soul that you're hungry?
I have found that in my life.
Hear the Lord Jesus says I am the bread of life. You know, young people, there are so many things that you can feed on in this world that have no value whatsoever.
Turn over to Isaiah 55. It's one of my favorite chapters in Isaiah.
You see a 55.
We'll just read the 1St 2 verses here. Oh everyone that thirsteth, come ye to the waters. He that hath no money come ye buy and eat. They come by wine and milk, without money and without price. Now listen to this question. Why do you spend money for that which is not bread?
And your labor for that would satisfy it not Hearken diligently unto me.
And eat ye of that which is good, and let your soul delight in fatness.
Oh, there are so many things, brethren, that that strive for our our attention and our time. And I have to ask myself, what am I feeding on? Am I spending money or time or resources?
And bread that there are things that don't satisfy.
Oh, young people, turn to the Lord for that hunger in your soul. God has put eternity in your heart. If you know and love the Lord Jesus, there's a desire to be filled with his knowledge, with the with his ways, with his thoughts.
And yet how often we find that we're spending capital, both time and money and interest, and that was just not bread.
And here the Lord could say, I am the bread of life. Are you hungry in your soul?
You know, you could walk out these doors tonight and and go to endless places in this city to try to find satisfaction for your soul. You're not going to find it there. You're going to find it in the Lord Jesus Christ.
I am the bread of life.
You know it's a.
In John chapter 8, when the Lord said that there were many people offended by that, they didn't understand what He meant.
How could he be the bread of life? And the Lord says who?
I can find this again here.
John chapter 6. I'm sorry.
Verse 51 I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If any man eat of this bread, he shall live forever.
And the bread that I give him is my flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world.
And there the Lord Jesus was talking about eating to obtain life, eternal life.
And once you have eternal life, then there is a lifetime of feeding on the bread of life to maintain it. You know, if I ask some of you young people to to just, we had that meal right there, right? And that was excellent.
And now to go until next Lord's Day with nothing to eat, not a drop. Would you do that? Like, no, I wouldn't do that. I want to have a snack since this meeting is over, as you can see, right?
But how often spiritually do we say, no, I'm not going to eat of the living bread? You know, I gave the Lord an hour last Sunday. They ought to be happy with that. No, that's there's so much more to be had. Get into the word of God, open it up, read it. Let the Lord Jesus pour into your soul.
I am the bread of life. You're not going to find nourishment anywhere else.
Think about the manna that the Lord gave the children of Israel in the wilderness, right?
We don't have time to develop this, so I just want to give you a few points and just whet your appetite for this. Go look this up.
White, sweet, nourishing. It was on the dew and not on the ground. All of those things remind us of who? The Lord Jesus, right?
Think about what it says in Philippians 2 about humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. There's these little white pieces of manna like coriander seed, it says in Exodus 16. And they picked it up and oh, it tasted like wafers and honey. That's who the Lord Jesus is to us young people.
He has how to express this well to you.
Feed on him.
OK, let's move on for the sake of time.
Go to John chapter 8 now.
Turn 8.
Verse 12 Then spake Jesus unto them, saying, I am the light of the world.
He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.
Says in first John chapter one.
This, then, is the message that we have heard of him.
That God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. And that's who the Lord Jesus is. No darkness at all.
There can be no sin.
In heaven.
And we could preach the gospel from this person, spend perhaps a whole week of meetings on the light. But I would like to ask you, I would like to speak to you, those of you that know and love the Lord Jesus from this.
You're looking for clarity in your life.
It's a Dark World out there, young people.
You when I leave here tonight after supper, Lord willing, I'm going to drive back to Grant MI.
I would like for my headlights to be able to show me all the way there. I'm the kind of a person that likes to have a plan.
But you know, it doesn't work that way, does it?
Turn those headlights on.
You're only going to see a couple 100 feet.
And then we have to pro ceed in that light that we've got. And as you go along that path, the light shines out further and further right. And eventually, if the Lord will, I'll get home to my house in Grant MI. And those headlights are only have sewn just a little ways ahead of me. But you know where we're going through a Dark World, young people, and the Lord Jesus is the light of the world.
Trust him.
Trust him.
I am the light of the world.
You want clarity in your life? Get into the Word of God and find out who the Lord Jesus is.
You want direction in your life? Ask Him. This is the person that is on high in the glory right now. Say, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?
He wants to show you that, to open it up. You know, sometimes we find ourselves groping around in the dark, trying our own way, right? And how the Lord would like to say.
This is the way. Walk in it.
I think it's in someone 19 where it says, thy word has a lamp unto my feet, light unto my path. I was glad when you read this morning.
Of the Word coming into the world capital W the Lord Jesus is the Word.
This is the word of God, young people.
Fill your hearts and your soul with the Lord Jesus and He will guide you and direct you.
So important and so totally reliable. You know, I could grope around. So we have a saying at our office, by the way, we have this giant computer database that seems like it's the catch all for every file that possible in agriculture. And so somebody would say, well, you have the you know, the crop removal file for cotton. Yeah, it's on drop boxers and this file server, whatever it's like, well. It's.
In there, it's like going into Walmart with the lights off.
Right. You're looking for the plastic forks. You know they're in there someplace, right? But where? It's not the way the Christian life should be.
Walk in the light, the Lord Jesus says. I am the light of the world.
You can't find them more reliable source of light than that.
So I just want to encourage you, young people don't.
Waste valuable time and resources groping around in your own strength. The Lord says, Look unto me.
I'll give you the light. I am the light. You want light? It's me. I'm the light.
What a beautiful thing to be able to turn to the Lord. You know, all of us have been in places, probably many of you this week, where you're like, Lord, what do, what shall I do? What do I do? There's a fork in the road. There's a, a choice to be made. There's an unexpected circumstance that's come up that has been an illness.
Joseph asked you to have an address.
Sorry Joseph, with the Lord's strength I will try to encourage the Lord's people, but you get on your knees and grope around, say well, I got this now get on your knees. Say Lord, I need your light, please give me and he will.
OK, let's move on. John Chapter 10.
And I'm just scratching the surface on these things, young people, because we could have a whole conference on any one of these things. But I hope that I'm wetting your appetite for this. John. Chapter 10.
There's a couple of IMS in this chapter and they're beautiful.
Let's read verse 9.
The Lord says I am the door.
By me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out and find pasture.
Well, in the gospel sense, this is Speaking of entering, of opening your heart's door to the Lord, and he is the entrance into salvation. But now I want to speak to you young people, from a Christian living point of view. It's my understanding.
In biblical times that.
There were two kinds of sheep bolts.
One of them would be a large enclosure that might have a number of flocks in it, and perhaps there be a herdsmen of some kind, the hireling.
To put the sheep in, keep them in there all night, and then the next morning the shepherd would call his own out. It's like.
You know, come Bernie sheep and Bob sheep or whatever and they would go out. But then there was another kind of fold and it was a much smaller one that would be an individual flock perhaps out in the wilderness, a little circle of stones perhaps. And then the shepherd was at night. They count the sheep as they went in. Maybe there was 15 sheep or whatever.
1230 Good. There's none missing. And then evening would come on, and then that shepherd would lay down in the door in the space, and he was the door.
And so if there would come a some wild beast or a robber to steal a, a lamb perhaps, or whatever he had to deal with that shepherd laying there in the space, I am the doer.
That's what the Lord Jesus is for us. I am the door. Think of the protection in that.
Let's turn to Isaiah chapter 8.
This was read to us yesterday and I found it to be very encouraging.
Isaiah chapter 8.
Just read 13 and 14.
Sanctify That means to set apart.
Sanctify the Lord of hosts himself.
Verse 14 And he shall be for a sanctuary.
Oh, young people.
A sanctuary.
I know that you have felt this. I have. All of us have. Sometimes you just need a place of refuge, a place of safety.
You know the enemy of your soul is like to pound away all the time, right? It's chipping away, chipping away, and there needs to be a place of safety here. The Lord says I am the door.
Anybody that comes after you when you're under my protection will have to deal with me. He's basically what he's saying.
What could be safer than the Lord Jesus himself saying I have you?
And yet, what's our tendency to go? Well, Lord, you can have Sunday for a couple hours and I might give you Wednesday night once in a while, and that's all you get the rest of the time. I got this myself. Oh, it's the wrong choice, brethren.
Here the Lord says, I am the doer, be in my care.
What protection, what safety and how often we we just don't take that for for what? He says. I'm the doer.
Somebody wants to come in and 'cause you problems has to be.
If you're safely in that fold and the Lord Jesus is there as your protection.
You never get more better protection than that. Now I know that sometimes the Lord allows things in your life. He allowed things in the life of Job. But the Satan could not do anything to Job without God's expressed permission to do that.
That's the kind of protection that we're talking about, that Satan himself has to go get, if you will, a permission slip from God to do anything to you.
I am the door. You believe that? Practically, do we believe that?
Let's go down to John 10, verse 11.
And get back to John 10 here a minute.
Could really spend a lot of time on this. The the Shepherd and the scripture is a tremendous topic.
John 10 verse 11 I am the Good Shepherd.
The Good Shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.
Is to ask you.
Again, do you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior?
He gave his life for you.
He gave his life for you if you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior.
He is your Shepherd.
I was really struck.
Who with the verse in Mark that says when the Lord Jesus saw the multitudes, he had compassion on them?
Because they were as sheep, having no shepherd.
Think of the heart of the Lord Jesus. I've spoken on this before, but it just moved me. The Lord is standing over the city of Jerusalem, right?
And it says he wept over it.
How often would I have gathered thy children as a hen gathers her checks under my wings? And you would not?
What a what a heart that the Lord Jesus has that heart.
Is for you.
And now let's speak about it in terms of our Christian walk. Turn to Ezekiel 34.
This chapter deals with shepherds, and you could spend a lot of time on this. This is addressing the the shepherds of Israel, and it's given in a negative way because they were not doing a good job of it, but it shows us what shepherds do.
And I just want to point some of these things out that the Lord Jesus wants to do young people for you as the Good Shepherd, Verse three, the end of verse 3.
Feeding the flock.
I hope it's OK if I change the negative to positive here.
The disease that be not strengthened. The Lord Jesus wants to strengthen you. You know we suffer problems, don't we brethren? We do the Lord we're living in a in a fallen world. I was just talking with Bruce Limbo at lunchtime about the Zika virus and mosquitoes.
Many of you know that I work in agriculture and.
I told Bruce that my job is to fight the curse.
That's what I'm doing. They're constantly battling weeds, insects, disease.
Every When you open a bag of seed corn, where's Barry at? So Barry, when you start planting corn next March or April?
Everything that happens, it goes down, down, down, doesn't it? And when you get to the harvest, oh, there's a little bit left.
The disease that you're not strengthened. Well, the Lord wants to strengthen us, brethren, what's the next thing? Healing that which is sick.
You know.
We all feel this, don't we? I I'm not that old, but my hands hurt.
Byphones have arthritis in them right here. My knees are not that good.
You know, I've shared this with some of you this summer.
I'm watching my dad in his final years.
And it's difficult.
And yet think of the heart of the Lord.
To heal that which was sick.
You know, I think about what the Lord said when Lazarus died.
Or what he did when Lazarus died and the word goes out, He whom thou lobbest is sick. The Lord feel that he did, and he says come, let's go.
And he and he acts. But you know, I'm not saying that that the Lord is going to take away all of your problems, but I am saying as the Good Shepherd here, the Lord cares and the Lord wants to heal. Maybe your need healing emotionally.
So Lord care about that.
He does.
You're hurting inside.
The good separate cares about that.
Bound up that which is broken.
Ever feel broken, young people? I have. The Lord wants to bind that up. I am the Good Shepherd.
I don't let him work in your life.
Brought again that which was driven away.
Oh brethren, we need this in our assemblies.
It hurts when you see other young people that you were going along with and suddenly they're gone. It hurts. Does the Lord care about that? Yes, He does. I am the Good Shepherd.
Sought that which was lost.
We could spend a lot of time on this, brethren, but here the Lord says I am all of those things.
Isn't that encouraging? I find that very encouraging.
OK, we're running out of time. John 15.
This one is near and dear to my heart.
John 15, five.
I am the vine, ye are the branches. He that abideth in me, and I in him the same, bringeth forth much fruit, for without me can do nothing.
Here the Lord says, I am the vine, you are the branches. What are those branches supposed to do?
Bring forth fruit, right?
Think about the what it says in Galatians 5 about the fruits of the Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace.
Now I got to look it up. Gentleness. Goodness.
They better look it up. It's the word of good. Let's get it right. Galatians 5/22.
The fruit of the Spirit. By the way, I used to read this as fruits. It doesn't say fruits.
This is a one thing. Think about it like an orange young people. It's a fruit with sections. That makes sense. Here they are.
Lovejoy, Peace. Those three are Godward.
Long-suffering. We need that, brethren. We do, don't we?
Long-suffering. That's how **** Orgas used to say it when he, when I was a young person in the East, he would say a law suffering. I mean, you remember him say that.
Gentleness and goodness, those are toward our brethren. Faith, meekness, self-control, temperance, those are individual. That's the fruit of the spirit. Brethren, you want to be fruitful and useful in your life.
Abide in the vine. The Lord says I am the vine. Abide in Him. Spend your time with Him.
Grow in him.
Love him, serve him, it's worth it.
The marvelous thing. And then this fruit comes out.
Reminds me of the.
The priestly garments in the Old Testament, and I can't remember where this is found, but I'll explain it to you. At the bottom of the garment there was a little golden bell, and then a little golden pomegranate, and a bell and a pomegranate all the way around. And what does it speak of?
Testimony and fruit in balance abide in the vine. You know, you go to your workplace, you go to your office, you go to school.
Let there be a balance of testimony and fruit in your life.
Put up your flag early.
When I was a kid, we were always taught to staple the colors to the mast, and that's a sailing analogy. It means put up the flag so everybody can see it on the mast of the ship early.
Don't be afraid, kids, to say I belong to the Lord Jesus Christ. He's my Lord, He's my Savior, and there will be fruit and testimony in your life. The Lord was a perfect example of that. And as the vine, He's the source of all of that fruit.
And you can utter a minute.
John, 1125.
This is the story of the raising of Lazarus. The beautiful story. By the way, John 1125. Jesus said unto her missus Martha.
I am the resurrection and the life.
He that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.
And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.
Believer style this.
I am the resurrection and the life.
You know, this morning we remembered the Lord Jesus in his death. And as we broke that bread, I thought of this. The Lord Jesus died. He came into this world the Son of God, the perfect, spotless Lamb of God, no blemish, no spot, and he went to the cross and he died.
And they put him in the tomb.
And from a natural standpoint, you could say, well, that was that.
He's dead.
What happened on the first day?
The awesome thing?
He's not here.
He's risen.
Why seek ye, the living among the dead?
The Lord Jesus is the first born from the dead. You know, Lazarus was raised back to life, but he wasn't the first born from the dead. Why? Because he died again. The Lord Jesus would never die again. Right this moment, the Lord Jesus is at the right hand of his Father, alive.
Humanity, a perfect man and your savior.
Young people, get ahold of that in your heart.
Your savior.
Interceding on your behalf.
Protecting you, Loving you.
What an awesome thing. What a victory, right?
I am the resurrection and the life.
Colossians 3. We mentioned this yesterday, but I just want to touch on it again.
If he then be risen with Christ.
Live as much as you can for yourself and give him a couple hours a week. Is that what it says?
If ye then be risen with Christ, and that if is a statement of fact, not a you might be, it means since you are risen with Christ, If you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior, this is you since you're risen with Christ. Seek those things which are above where Christ said it at the right hand of God sets your affection or your mind on things above.
Not on things on the Earth.
For your dead and your life is hid with Christ and God. When Christ, who is our life shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory, all young people.
Set your affection on things above. Yeah, there's so much, as we said before, that once your time and your affection, set it on the Lord Jesus. It's the one object of devotion and affection that is worthy.
I am the resurrection and the life. He's alive for you right now.
John 14. This is the last one.
Jesus said unto him, I am John 14 six. I am the way that you.
Truth and the Life.
No man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
I am the way, the truth, and the life.
You know, State would want to say, well, he might be one of the ways maybe.
But he's that's not right. The Lord Jesus says I am the way. There's no other way to God.
The truth and the life.
Particularly here in the United States, people would say, oh, that's not very politically correct.
Doesn't matter, the Lord could say with total authority, I am the way, the way, the truth and the life. Young people, you want direction, You want clarity in your life.
Follow him.
He is the way you know, there are a lot of verses we could turn to you. I think if Psalm 16 that thou will show me the path of life. Does the Lord care about individual circumstances in your life? I'm thinking of the way now.
Not in a gospel sense, but in a practical, living sense. Lord, what way shall I go? What shall I study in school? Who should I marry? Should I take this job, this place or that place?
They get on your knees, ask the Lord and it says that I will show me the path of life. He will do that.
In Psalm 107 it says he will lead them forth by the right way. You want to be on the right way, I do.
And we're not going to find the right way in our own strength. They're just flipping a rolling the dice or, you know, drawing straws. Get on your knees and ask the Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? Lord I, I have to decide. Show me the way.
Is Isaiah 55 again where the Lord says a beautiful chapter by the way young people study that chapter. The Lord says my ways are not your ways.
My thoughts are not your thoughts. My ways are higher than your ways.
My thoughts are higher than yours. You know, let's just turn to that. Is there something there that's that's very restoring? Isaiah 55 again.
You know, I think all of us can think of times, perhaps in the last day even, where we have not done it right.
So listen to what the Lord says.
At the end of this chapter, let's read the.
13 they have 5513 instead of the thorn shall come forth the fir tree.
Instead of the briar, she'll come up the Myrtle tree.
And this shall be to the Lord for a name, for an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off, you know.
In our own strength here in this book, in a chapter in Isaiah, they were the Lord says, why are you spending money for that which isn't bread? Why are you thinking your own thoughts? Think my thoughts and we're guilty of that, aren't we, young people, but here the Lord could say.
In regard to his word and his heart for you, instead of the thorn, the fur tree will grow.
Instead of the briar, she'll come up the Myrtle tree. You know, the Lord can take the mess that we have made in our lives and make it into something valuable and useful. I can't remember where the verse is, but it says I will restore it to you. The years that the locust had eaten.
So it's not too late to.
Take these things that the Lord is.
And say, Lord, I have blown it in the past, but I want to walk now with you. Do that today.
He loves you, He wants to be these things in your life. He is these things whether you accept it or not. And the Lord can restore the years that the locusts had eaten and bring up these things that are useful and nice instead of these thorns and thistles that we that's what we get in our own strength problems.
Well, I hope that I have whet your appetite young people for these things I.
We love you guys.
Trust in what's trustworthy. The Lord Jesus is trustworthy. He's at the highest place of anything and person in this universe. He says, come unto me.
All ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me. It's beautiful, isn't it? That's what the Lord says to you, to me.
So I hope these things have been helpful.
Let's close by singing.
174 I think it is Jesus. Thou art enough the mind and heart to fill.
Yes #174.
All patience.
Our king of.
Oh my God.
The light days of the time.
I long is your desktop.
So, Holy Lord.
Will find you.
Till you die.
We are.
We're not.
Let's close with prayer.