Addresses to the Seven Churches; Life and Eternal Life; Translation Work

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Eternal life in full is contorting to Christ in glory, according to the purpose of God. As life we receive it now: they did even when He was here, though, till the Holy Ghost came, they little knew what they had received. That He did quicken them, see John 5:25: but when the Holy Ghost came, Christ in glory—the pattern of this life in glory -was revealed, and attached itself, so to speak, to the life which existed in the saints, and thus became the hope and formative power of the life of Christ in the saints here, and so their spring of joy. John always unfolds life as in this subjective state in us; but, beholding the glory of the Lord unveiled, we are changed into the same image from glory to glory. So Christ has sanctified Himself that we might be sanctified through the truth. Thus Paul whoever, as his general theme, presents us to God justified and glorified, never really speaks of the present eternal life of the Christian (the nearest to it is Rom. 5 and 6; now, one is given in the well of water springing up into eternal life—the glorious state, that into which it springs up -and is life in the power of the Spirit, recognizing this at least on the way to the glorious result in the mind of God) save at the end of his course [chap. 6:22], which is generally taken as the close of this life: there is not much difference. The other is a mere image of its present operation.
As to your second question: I have never doubted (since studying it) that the departure from first love involved, in the general history, the final rejection of the professing church.
The evil was greatly aggravated, but repentance and return continues for three churches: and in Thyatira space had been given to repent, and judgment, and the Morning Star and the kingdom take the place of the church. The rest are, as Protestantism, beyond as to the basis church structure; and all from Thyatira to the end of Philadelphia refer to the Lord's coming. There are always (Isa. 5; 6) these two grounds of judgment: what God first made us, and—Can we meet the Lord? departure in Adam, and Christ coming. So that, as to Ephesus, I agree with you.
As to revision, a very large part is done, but not all, and what is has been sent to another Hebraist for Hebrew and French. That may delay. But I wait for my work to be closed which is very near, and one or two things relating to—and if it lingers too long, I may very probably return before all is closed, even if I had to return here.
J. G. D. seems failing, dear man; happy for him, but a real loss there. The uncommon kindness of his character was sometimes a snare to him, but he was upright, and God delivered him; and his piety, grace, and devotedness were beyond many—I might say, most—and God used him very much out there. If we trust God, we shall see God's end of things. And, blessed be His name! all is just as He would have them; and we are but on a journey. Still God ought to be glorified here.
Pau, November 19th.