Adorning the Doctrine

Address—Bernie Roossinck
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I know that many of you are making decisions.
Decisions about your spiritual future.
Decisions about.
Following Christ or not decisions about.
Careers decisions about Relationships decisions about.
Paths of study.
I know that many of you know and love the Lord Jesus, and I'm so very thankful for that.
And what I would like to do with our time tonight is speak a little bit about.
What the Lord Jesus means.
What he wants to do in your life and then how we can as young people and this adults to shine out.
The glorious light of the gospel of Jesus Christ to your neighbors, to your family, to your folks at school. So the topic I had before me is in Titus two, and I've had this on my heart for a long time.
And the subject is this adorning the doctrine?
Now most of you know that.
In our house, there's five women and a female dog.
I'm not sure what gender efficient is that a girl too? No. OK, so there's a fair bit of adorning that goes on in our house.
And really, what adorning means, young people, when you look it up, is to make something more beautiful or more attractive.
And I know that many of you know the gospel, many of you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior. But I want to challenge you with this is that.
A real deep.
Heart meaning in your life? Or is it something that's pretty clear and maybe as clear and as cold as ice?
And people at your office or at your school would be surprised to hear that you were at Michigan camp.
I hope that's not true.
I want to help you.
Look into the scripture and I just wrote down a list of things that came to mind about adorning the doctrine.
So let's read first in Titus chapter 2.
And we'll start with.
The time is pretty sure here, so I be careful how much I read.
We'll begin with verse seven and all things showing thyself a pattern into good works.
In doctrine showing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity.
Sound speech that cannot be condemned, that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed, having no evil thing to say of you.
Exhort servants to be obedient unto their own masters, and to please them well in all things. Not answering again, not stealing. That's what purloining means, that purloining by showing all good fidelity.
That they may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in all things.
For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared unto all men, teaching us that.
Denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously and godly in this present world.
Looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ.
Who gave himself for us?
That he may redeem us from mother nicotine, and purify unto himself. But peculiar people sell us with good works.
These things speak and exhort and relief with all authority.
My intent was to have a bag of hyacinth bulbs here. How many gardeners in the room?
So those of you that know about hyacinth bulbs know that they look like onions.
Looks like a red onion. Same shape, only shrilled up.
And if you try to chop that up and put it in chili, you would say, what a nasty weed.
No taste, no smell, drive junk.
You know young people.
That's how the unsaved world sees the gospel.
It's foolishness to them.
They look at that and go no value at all.
But if you would take that hyacinth bulb and plant it, cultivate it.
You would get out of it to shoot and then that shoot would be a lovely spray of flowers. I like blue ones.
Lovely, beautiful, and that is what I want to try to bring out spiritually to you tonight, that the gospel of the race of God is such a marvelous, beautiful thing, a gift from God and to be able to adorn that and bring out that glory of the Lord Jesus in your life.
Rather than have it just sit there and go here, look, I have one too, and people look at it and go, I don't see anything that looks like junk to me. So I want to help you adorn the doctrine.
But first of all.
We need to talk about the subject of the gospel, and that is the Lord Jesus Christ.
And it's not my intent to go into all the work of salvation. Tonight, I want you to spend a few minutes talking to you about being in the school of God.
What the Lord Jesus as your teacher?
We've read here in verse 12 That we should live soberly.
Righteously and godly in this present world. And I would suggest to you, the young people and older ones, to you that.
There are three parts of the school of God in your life. The first one is personal and that is to live soberly. The second one is really in relation to others and that is deliberateiously.
And the third one in relation to God, and that is to live godly. There are three very important aspects of the school of God.
So let's talk for a little bit about the lovely Lord Jesus.
How many of you kids love the Lord Jesus and adults?
I'd like to speak to you for my heart tonight.
But a few things that I love about the Lord Jesus. First one is in Matthew 11.
I got.
Number of verses I want to share. So if you're not that good at finding the verses, you can just listen. This is Matthew 1128.
Let's start with that.
Come unto me.
All ye that labor and are heavy laden, I will give you rest.
Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me where I am meek and lowly in heart, and you shall find a rest unto your souls, for My yoke is easy.
My burden is light, young people. Some of you I know today are tired.
Maybe not physically tired. Maybe you're all physically tired. I know what time I get to bed and I think it's before you.
How about in your soul and in your heart? You're weary, tired.
The last couple of years have not been easy.
You know, we went to Carrollton Conference this year and thank you, Joe for inviting us.
We walk in that room, you know I.
I told Bacchus what a.
Thrilled to sit in a room like this with the Lord's people.
And to be over the Word of God, and to be glorifying Lord Jesus and singing together.
What AI loved, it was so great, but young people, some of you, some of you older ones want to remind you, the Savior, the Lord Jesus, he says come to me if you're tired.
Are you weary?
I'll give you a rest.
Take my yoke upon you, you know when you're in a situation in your life and all of us are at a different station of life.
The Lord invites you, says take my yoke upon you now a yoke. I've had a yoke here before, most evil remember a wooden harness that hooks to you animals together and they pull on that load together.
The Lord Jesus says.
Come to me.
Will be yoked together in this walk through this world. And so that's the first aspect that I wanted to speak to you about is are you tired? Are you weary in your soul? Bring it to the Lord Jesus, he says, I will give you a rest.
And there's no rest rather than like that.
All right, Luke, Chapter 10.
The Lord Jesus in his earthly pathway through this world.
Found refuge in a few homes and one of them that we know he resorted to multiple times was the House of Martha.
Luke, chapter 10.
And verse 38 came to pass as they went, that he entered into a certain village, and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house.
She had a sister called Mary which also sat at Jesus feet and heard his word.
But Martha was cumbered about with much serving, and came to him and said, Lord, the sonak care that my sister had left me to serve alone. Bitter therefore that she helped me.
Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things.
One thing is needful, and Myriad shows him that good part which shall not be taken away from her.
We need to be like Mary and to be sitting there at the feet of the Savior.
Just being with them.
This hearing is words, letting that pour into your soul. Young people, you open the word of God and read it. You sit up the feet of the Lord Jesus.
Hope you don't mind this man, but I'm going to call you out last Sunday when you shared those verses.
It's hard.
And I returned, keeping composure. And I want to tell you, young people, don't be ashamed to love the Lord Jesus.
Read about him.
Sing about him, think about him in a certain way, just sitting there like Mary, and the Lord says she has chosen the good part.
So young people.
Love the Lord Jesus like that and sit there.
And just let him love you.
I know Beck's dad will say that sometimes in our family, especially to the grandkids, just sit there and let Jesus love you.
All right, related to that run, I got this from your dad.
I love you, Dad, son of Solomon. Chapter 2.
The Song of Solomon can be read.
In a number of ways.
I believe it could be read as Jehovah and Israel. I think it could be read as.
Christ in the Church.
It could be read as a husband and wife.
It could be read as I want to apply it right now as the Lord Jesus and you.
Song of Solomon, chapter 2, verse 3.
As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons.
I sat down under his shadow.
I sat down under his shadow with great delight, and his spirit was sweet to my taste.
What a beautiful picture the Lord Jesus there pictured in what I just read.
As a fruitful bow, we know that Joseph has spoken of that way. Joseph is a fruitful thou whose Frances gone out over the wall, and so on.
Here this one can say.
I sat down under his shadow with great delight.
And I just want to impress upon you, brethren.
There's such a lovely.
Communion in such a beautiful connection. Just sit there under the shadow of the blessed Lord Jesus with great delight.
And his fruit was sweet to my taste.
I want to encourage you young people.
Whatever time you get up in the morning.
Get up 1/2 an hour earlier than that or more.
Get comfortable, get your Bible, get a cup of coffee.
And sit down.
Under his shadow.
With great delight, you'll find out and spread the sweet to your taste.
All right, now let's go to Ruth.
Those of you that know me know that I love the book of Ruth.
There are so many beautiful messages in this book.
Maybe you would say to me, Bernie.
Amount of strength in the Christian race.
When he introduced you to the man whose name means in him is strength.
Road Chapter 2.
I am going to take that. Most of you know this story. We don't have time to develop it. Let's read.
Verse 8 then said Boaz had the roof herest thou nod, my daughter going out to glean in another field.
Neither go from hence, but abide here fast by my maintenance. But thine eyes beyond the field that they be reaped, go thou after them. Have I not charged the young men that they shall not touch thee? And when thou art a thirst, go through the vessels and drink of that which the young men have thrown.
Well, Boaz is a beautiful picture of the Lord Jesus. Ruth is a picture of somebody that was brought in the blessing by the sheer grace of God. And that's how we've been brought into blessing to brethren. And Boaz means the name means in hemisphere.
And here's Ruth, an outcast from Moab. According to Mosaic Mosaic law, she wasn't to come into the congregation of Israel for 10 generations.
And yet here she is in Boaz's field, and Boaz says don't go anywhere else. You stay with me and with my own.
And I just want young people to encourage you.
Stay in the Lord's field, that beautiful Savior, that one, that in him is strength. He says don't go glean anywhere else. Everything you need is right here. I also find this encouraging. At the end of this chapter, Naomi says to Ruth, Where did you go today?
Like where physically have you been? She was, oh, I'll tell you who I was with. It was Boaz. I love the answer.
You know, Naomi is on. Where'd you go? I was like, oh, I was with the guy, Boaz.
And he told me to stay here.
Well, one more before we get into some of the things I have on adjourning the doctrine, and that is Second Corinthians 3, verse 18.
2nd Corinthians 3, verse 18.
But we all with open face beholding leave out as in a glass.
We all with open face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. And the reason I read this verse, young people, is this.
The Lord Jesus has done everything possible for you.
And that glorious gospel of the grace of God that brings us into such blessing. This is the.
This is him. I I really enjoyed it when Mr. Makowitz said a couple of times. He's here.
This is the one and we don't have that. This verse is referring back to you, the time when Moses face was shining because he had he wanted a sense of Lord, let me see your face. And the Lord told him, you can't see my face, but when I pass by, I'll put my hand over and you can see my back.
And Moses came down out of that mountain, and the people were on.
What's wrong with your face? We can't even look at you. That's the glory of the Lord is just shilling off of his face. And what I want to tell you, young people, is this.
Little editorial. The scripture says precept upon precept, line upon line. Here little there little.
Love the word Jesus, pour Him into your soul, sit down under his shadow, and you'll find in your life that you're changed from glory to glory.
I hope I'm not misrepresenting what that verse is teaching. That's what it means to my own soul.
Changed the old Bernie that didn't know much this little at a time, being occupied with the word Jesus, letting that lovely man pour into your life and you know.
You start to.
Want more in your life to please him and walking away to serve him and that's really.
Giving us this desire to adorn the doctrine. So it's not just, hey, I'm a Christian. Well, what does that mean? Hey, I believe it's God died on the cross. Lord Jesus, that's it. Now it's so much more than that. It's it's a life. It's a full, complete, absolute transformation.
And so it's not just like that old dried up bulb. Is there life in there? To the outside world, the same looks like junk to me.
But you begin to be changed with glory to glory, and that growth is coming out and pretty soon those first little blue flowers around and more and more of them, that fragrance.
I want that in your life for you young people.
Now for the next rest of the time, I think in speaking about adorning the doctrine, we probably could make a list of thousands of items so.
I got about 400 slides and we'll have doing this Friday at midnight.
No I don't. I just wrote down.
Some things that came to my mind and heart. This is not an exhaustive list.
And there are probably things that you'll be able to say after meeting. Oh, you forgot about the big important one. Yes, I know. I, I forgot about it. I just want you. This is the new order, young people. I don't want to offend any of you, but I'm going to speak pretty frankly to you for the next half hour about adorning the doctrine.
It's not my intent to make anybody mad. I want to encourage you to let some of this sink into your heart and ask yourself, where am I at in adoring the doctrine? First one is contentment.
First Timothy, 6/6.
Godliness with contempt is great game.
I'm going to tell you something that happened to me quite soon after I started dating my wife.
I was here in Michigan staying at Janice Hurley's house as I was an intern and they were kind enough to host me and I met my lovely wife that summer.
And at the end of the summer, I went back. I left Michigan, went back to Nova Scotia and moved into my little one room apartment.
And a couple days later I got a letter in the mail from BEX Mom.
Was a.
I didn't expect that, but it was a lovely letter basically telling me.
How about their daughter? And one of the crowning things she wrote in there is the Spurs.
Think one of the primary features of backing at that time was godliness with contempt in this great game.
That was a big encouragement.
I want to ask you young people this are you content?
So much in this world to make us discontent.
You contend with your body.
I wish that I.
Was skinny and taller.
And I guess I could do something about that, at least the skinny part.
I was born with a cleft palate. When I was a kid, I had a lisp. Kids called me flat nose. I wasn't content with my body at all.
You know, I thought that I was righteously mad about that. You know what it really did in my life? It turned me into an ugly, angry kid.
That's what happened.
And I want you to think about whatever station of life you are in right now.
Are you adorning the doctrine by being content? Are you discontent that you're single?
I know that some of you are at that station of life where you are looking for a spouse, but I want to encourage you, and there's nothing wrong with that, by the way, but I just want to say this to you.
Whatever station of life God has you in right now, be all there.
It's important, otherwise you're sitting there going, oh, I can't wait till next year.
I remember being a kid thinking, oh I want to be old enough to drive our vehicle or use the chainsaw or whatever. Be learn to be content where the Lord has put you right now.
Now I'm not saying this if you're in a place where you are not living in a godly life change 100%, but I want to encourage especially you younger people.
Learn to be content. Tomorrow will be to its own. The Lord brings you along the path by one step at a tone. And by not being content, you can really turn yourself into an angry and bitter person. And people see that and they're like, if that's what Christianity is, I'm out. You look at Bernie, dude. This is cranky and wrapped around the axle every day.
That's that Christian is not for me.
So I hope you get what I'm saying here. Adoring the doctrine. Part of it is be content. God will open up the next thing for you in his own good time.
But learn to be content.
All right, next one is obedience.
The ultimate example, of course, is the Lord Jesus.
John chapter 4, The Lord Jesus was speaking with the woman at the well there, Jacob's well, and the disciples had gone off to get food and they came back and here he is speaking with this.
Samaritan woman and they're like.
Here we write some of the evening, he says. I got meat to eat that you don't know about. Really. Somebody bringing something.
I guess the Lord is saying my meat is to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work. I hope I quoted that right.
John, Chapter 4.
34 My need is to do the will of him assembly and to finish his work.
Now the reason I went into this time at the beginning to talk about the Lord Jesus and how we can sit under His shadow and learn of Him as He is the ultimate example. It says in Peter Christ suffered for us, leaving us an example that we should follow in his footsteps.
Now obviously we can't follow the Lord's footsteps in redeeming the world from sin. I'm talking at practical living and adorning the doctrine. Obedience is important.
Mrs. Tony is not here anymore, but some of you young people from the Maritime School chuckle at this. Maybe some of the older ones. Her dad would walk around conferences with Norman Berry and he might get you up against the wall or off to the side. Young man, what's the key to happiness?
Money. Nope, I'll be back.
Hour or two later, young man, what's the key to happiness?
And the answer he was looking for is, if you know these things, happy are you if you do them.
That is the key to happiness. Happiness and obedience go together, young people. If you are living a course in your life that is in disobedience to the Word of God, you're not going to be happy and it will show.
You will be a surly.
Unhappy person. You know, I'll just tell you this to young people.
The Christian that is living.
A life for themselves and outside of the will of God is the most unhappy person you can imagine.
They're not happy in their Christian life.
They're not happy in the world.
Because that new nature says this is not right.
But still you're trying to walk two paths, you know it says the Lord said you can't serve 2 masters if you love the one and hate the other. I just want to encourage this to dear young people.
Learn to obey and that will help you adorn the doctrine and shine out this lovely man, the Lord Jesus. Learn to obey.
All right, language and conversation.
Through first, I'm just going to quote some of these because we won't have time to finish the list. In Luke chapter 4, it says.
When they heard the Lord speaking, they marveled at the gracious words that proceeded out of his mouth, and they said, Who is this? Isn't that this with Joseph the carpenter's son? Yes, it was, but much more than that, it was son of the Almighty God.
And those gracious words that proceeded out of his mouth.
You know, this is a challenge. I know that most any of you that are in the secular workplace, as I am, is surrounded by communications that are filthy.
And it can rub off on you.
How is it, kids, that a man that's swinging a hammer hits his thumb, cries out the name of Christ in vain?
We've all heard that happen, right?
Don't allow that to permeate your thinking and your operation, your day-to-day life. It can happen since they're an acts about.
The apostles. It says that.
They took knowledge of these men, that they had been with Jesus.
Let's look at the First Timothy chapter 4.
For sympathy 4.
Verse 12. What? No man despised thy youth, but be thou an example of the believers in Word, in conversation, and charity, and spirit, and faith and purity, young people.
You may love the Lord.
I know that many of you do. Don't ruin your testimony by allowing filthy speaking or even going along with bad jokes and other things.
To let people think that you're just like everybody else. You're not just like everybody else. I'll tell you a story. I can't remember which brother this was about. I think it might have been Mr. Ernie Wakefield.
The guys in his office were after him to go to the Christmas party.
I might be getting this story wrong, so pardon me if one of you can correct me afterwards. So finally he relented.
And somebody told him this off color joke and he said, men, I live in the presence of God.
Last joke that they ever told him, they asked him the next day, why did you like the Christmas party? He said. Man, I would have had a better time at a good Christian field.
And you know, I've been to funerals where I could say that.
You know, it's sad when you lose a loved one, but you know when when somebody that is ushered into the presence of the Lord Jesus, you know what? You're going to see him again. They're waiting for that resurrection day and it's such a joy.
To yes, said, but such a joy to think of that loved oneness. You know, I think of my own dad's passing.
Sad. Absolutely. Joyful. Yes, Cindy.
So you can have more fun at a good Christian funeral than a worldly Christmas party.
I'm not saying that all Christmas parties are that way, but the point I want to make you as young people is this. Don't allow those outside influences that is normal for everybody else to become who you are and shut your mouth to the gospel.
This is. I didn't have this one written down but it pops in my mind.
One time when I was a kid, I got a hunting knife.
I think that's probably 4th or 5th grade and there's leaves in here.
Faye, Pauline and Mary from our assembly, older ladies took us into a place called Wild Copond in New Command and we went in there trout fishing and had this knife. So proud of that knife. I loved it.
Yeah, I always idolize Faye Hyland's father because he was a man of the woods and he could go in there with three nails and a hatchet and come out with a palace. And I thought, man, it'd be great to be Gerald Byrne.
Greg, your dad is instrumental in leading that man to the Lord Jesus, and I thrilled when I heard that he got saved.
Glad that I'll spend eternity with general burden. But anyway, I had this knife. So we're sitting in the gospel Pennant. My dad's preaching the gospel, and I didn't do this intentionally, but this is what happened. I kept taking that knife out of its sheath and holding it up and moving it around.
Afterwards my mom said to me son.
He took that knife and cut the ears off of every kid in this tent to the gospel.
Because I wasn't sincerely. I was basically playing around when my dad was trying to pour the gospel into these kids. It wasn't my intent, but that's what happened. Be careful.
To adorn the doctrine just in something as simple as sitting respectfully and meeting is adorning the doctrine not because we have rules, but because we want to honor the Lord Jesus and give him the full focus. It's all about Him, young people.
This is written on the board down in the kitchen. Romans 12/1. I beseech you, therefore.
Brethren, by the mercies of God, that it presents your bodies of living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
Young people.
Find ways to serve.
Don't sit around.
Wasting your life.
Find ways to serve.
It might be something kids as simple as.
Washing the forks at the meeting room for vacuuming the floor. Picking up the invoice.
And as you do that, the Lord will give you more and more to do for him, and it honors Him, and He has worked for each one of us to do.
And it adorns the doctrine to serve.
Serve God, serve the Lord Jesus, serve your brethren, serve your family. Mandy, you serve your wife.
I hope that you do. This can be very practical.
I'll just give you an example.
Serving your wife. I hope this doesn't embarrass my wife. I'm in now.
I mentioned before that I wish them a skinnier and not.
And part of being this chubby means I snort too much.
And my wife sometimes would be out on the couch.
Then do something about it.
Serving your wife? Just a practical example. I went and got a breathing machine. The snoring is gone.
I hate that stupid machine.
The cord gets all wrapped around your head.
But you know what? I do sleep better so. But this is the side. This is very practical.
Serve your wife, serve your husband, serve your brothers and sisters. The Lord is calling you. It adores the doctrine. It puts a lovely.
Attractiveness to the gospel of the grace of God.
This next part about service.
Touches me deeply.
One of the things that I've been doing during Covic is writing out the word of God.
And they wrote this out a couple of weeks ago and Mark chapter one.
Mark 117 Now this is the scene. Here is the Lord Jesus is walking along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, and here he sees Simon and Andrew and he says to them in 17 Come be after me, and I will make you fishers of men and.
Straightway, they forsook their Nets and followed him.
Can I ask, this is mainly to myself, but I want to speak to you men. Are we willing to put our Nets down and follow the Lord? How important is my job over the Lords things?
The very searching question to me.
The horses.
Ready. Follow me. Oh, I'm busy. I got obligations, man.
It searches my soul.
Forsake the Nets and follow it in me immediately.
Young people.
You get a call to do that.
To work, do it, do it.
Do it.
All right, we're never going to get through my whole list here. Let's talk about trust and prayer March chapter one again. It says about the Lord Jesus a great while before dawn.
He arose and went into a solitary place and tree.
Absolute dependence upon his father. Young people develop a habit of getting into the Lord's presence. Took me a long time in my life to learn to pray properly. I thought for many years you had to have this formal structure and go through a certain order. And there is. It is good to go through a certain order. You know, it's not all about me.
Our prayers simply Lord, it's me. Here's my 10 top needs of the day. Thanks. Have a good day.
That's not praying. So it is important to have structure. What I'm saying is get into the presence of the Lord and just talk to Him, commune with him. Sometimes I don't even use words. I just maybe I'm just sitting there.
In my heart, speaking with the Savior, sometimes it's through a hymn, a lot of times it's talking out loud and you're driving down the highway.
Is talk to him, learn to pray and to trust we have in Proverbs chapter 3 is a well known verse. It's probably written on every graduation card that's ever been handed out in this room probably and all by ways acknowledge him and he shall direct bypass trust in the Lord with all thine heart. Proverbs 3.
It's important.
Do you trust the Lord?
Are you trying to do things in the arm of the flesh and in your own power and strength? Learn to trust and adorns the doctrine.
Attitude Study. Hebrews 12.
You know, we really could spend a week on Hebrews 12 alone. Right now we're just going to read verse 15, looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God, lest any root of bitterness bringing up trouble you and thereby many be defiled. You know, young people, it's easy to get bitter. It's easy to be critical.
And all that's really going to happen is you're going to turn into someone that nobody wants to be around.
That root of bitterness creeps in. I'm angry with Tim Ruga. He did me wrong.
And if I get the chance, I'm going to burn and that root begins to go down.
And it blows into bigger and bigger things. Pretty soon my whole character is consumed by I'm angry.
I was done wrong. I'm bitter about it. Don't do that.
Did that route out get rid of it? Now, I know we still have the old nature, and some of us were talking earlier about this a little bit. But you know, young people, when there's something in your life like this, this root of bitterness, don't cultivate it. Dig it out and get rid of it.
Is if you don't, you may be able to control it in your youth.
Maybe give people the impression that your life is all together and down inside your stomach. If somebody walks in the meeting room and go, oh, it's that guy.
And you wouldn't say that publicly. You know what happens when you get old.
And you don't have the energy of youth anymore. That bitterness comes out.
Might not be bitterness, it could be any other attitude problem.
Deal with it at the root. Get it out. When you're young moms and dads, you see that tendency in a child. Work on that with them. Get it out. If you don't come so hard to get it out, it gets you the end of your life and you lose your capacity.
It starts to flow out like sewage.
If you go visit an old folks home today, you find people that have an undealt with rooted bitterness and it's evident that does not adorn the doctrine.
All right, we're never going to cover all these. I'm just looking for.
So let's talk about dependence and abiding in the mind. John 15.
Down chapter 15.
Verse five Hide the vine, year the branches. He that abideth in me, and I in him the same bringeth forth much fruit.
Or without me can do nothing.
Young people.
Learn to be dependent on the Lord Jesus. Learn that he is the source of all blessing in your life. You picture, you know, I asked about the gardeners before you have this plant there. We'll use a Grapevine as the Lord Jesus was using. And spring comes and that SAP starts to get sucked up those roots and up the up that vine it goes and it gets to those little tender.
And they start to push out and the flowers are there and it starts to run along down the trellis wire. Pretty soon there's all this grapes growing.
All that blessing and goodness comes from the vine, It's the Lord Jesus. Don't try to live your life in your own power. Live it abiding in the mind. Be dependent on Him. He has your good and your blessing at heart and you're not going to get anywhere in your own power. It says here we can do nothing without Him.
It's important and if you try in your life, you won't be adoring the doctrine. You'll be striving day after day to get ahead. Man, I wish I had a boat like Brians or I wish I had a long tractor like David or whatever and is.
Constantly struggling now.
Be dependent on the Lord for what she needs. Take it from Him. Abide in the blind. Be dependent.
So it's in.
1St Corinthians 4 and I got this from you Josh toward the other night when Timmy were taking over the water buckets for me. It's required in a steward that a man be found faithful.
And he was a good job, but much more young people in your lives, faithfulness to God.
We are stewards for God, we're ambassadors for Christ and.
To profess to be a believer and then not to be faithful and the things of the Lord perhaps living one way Sunday and Wednesday in a completely different way Saturday night. It's not being faithful, us being deceitful and dishonest. It will end in massive problems.
It's required to be faithful.
I got a whole bunch more written down here. We're going to end with Be thankful.
One time.
There was a kid Newfoundland. There's like a meal called boiled dinner, which involves salt pork, cabbage, turnips, carrots and potatoes all boiled into one mash. And I thought it tasted terrible so.
Still votes.
And we had that supper one night and I suggested to my mother that if she wanted a happy unified meal time, we wouldn't be having this anymore.
Well, I ate the boiled dinner on the basement steps and then when that was done, I had to paint the text that said be thankful. She hung it out on the kitchen wall for a lot of years. The young people in your whole Christian life, be thankful.
You know, it adorns the doctrine. It's who wants to be a Christian when the only people they know are angry, surly, bitter, unthankful, complaining about the roads, the sidewalk, the garbage man, the snowplow guys? No, be thankful.
You know, think about.
Our brethren in Afghanistan tonight and what they're facing, look what we have here. Air conditioned room, freedom, all kinds of food, fellowship, Zero worry about somebody charging the door in and swooping off with their young women to turn them into sex slaves. We have so much here and they have so little and yet here we are complaining.
Oh, what's so hot?
Yeah, it's a bit worse. Be thankful that adorns the doctor. I hope I'm being. I don't want to be funny about it. I don't want to be real. This is real stuff.
And there's a whole long list of other things and man were already passed, so I hope I whet your appetite for this.
Adorn the doctrine, young people, and learn to love the Lord Jesus.
With your whole soul, spirit and body. It's worth it. We love you. We want the very best for you. The Lord Jesus wants the very best for you. Give them your life. Give them your heart. Let's pray.
Blessed God and Father, thank you so much.
The tremendous bossing that you've given us, thank you for the Lord Jesus, your beloved Son, that Good Shepherd, the Man of Sorrows.
That obedient servant.
Lord Jesus love you.
Help us to live in a way that or brings honor and glory to Thee.
Lord Jesus, our God and Father, there are so many different needs in this room, I can't possibly know where to begin. I just ask that you would bless and keep and guide each one until that day when we're taken home. Thank you and we love you. Amen.