
Children—Bernie Roossinck
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Well, I'm not sure what uh, clock we're going by so it feels like it's time to start. So let's start. Good morning everybody. My name is Bernie I'm from Grant, MI and I'm pleased to be here this morning. Umm, I don't see very many kids in here yet, but uh, I, I imagine there'll be some more coming. So don't be afraid to come up here in, in the front.
And I think I know almost everybody up here except for you. What's your name? Becca. Hi, Becca. I'm Bernie. How are you?
And Allison and Julia, what's your name? Hi, Emma. How are you?
And Nolan. And Michaela.
All right, well we're going to sing off our hymn sheets from last night and umm, you can pick any song in here you like. And just so your kids know, the back ones, the Backpage is more of the kids songs, but I like all the songs in here, so you can choose whatever you want and we'll sing it together. So let's have somebody.
That can start for us. OK, Julia.
16 OK.
I forgot to tell you that you have to start your own too.
Is that not a good idea? OK.
All right, let's say #16.
Oh so ever hear us shout shout the sun?
The joyfulness wherever man is found, whosoever.
Will may come, whosoever will, whosoever will.
An approximation over Bell and hill There's a loving father calls the wonderful little so ever will may come.
Whosoever comes not delayed. Now the door is open. Enter while you may.
Jesus is the truth will only living way.
Whosoever will make.
Whosoever will, whosoever will send the proclamation over every hill. Here's the loving Father, also wonderful.
All right. Thank you, Julia. OK, let's have another choice here.
Do you have one that you can give us now?
Alright, no one. What's your 5th?
Hi, this is Michaela.
The donkey song. OK, I think we probably know that well enough. Are you ready?
You know, when I was a kid, I sang this song once and I said I once was a wild little donkey. And you know what? That was true, too. But I was embarrassed about it. All right, you ready? No one. There once was a wild little donkey. Hey, I stupid. I do. What's really.
And Jesus was thinking about him, he said, go and bring him to me. And when they had brought him to Jesus.
As quickly as ever they could.
Restless matter while the monkey was quiet, obedient than God.
When Jesus was riding upon him, he went just the way that he shone, a quiet submissive. We don't give, made so by the blessing of God.
And Jesus is able to make you.
Whatever he wants you to be.
He loves you and wants to forgive you and make you both happy and free.
Alright, OK, let's have another one.
All right, 4044, OK.
Into a tent where a gypsy boy lay. I remember when I was a kid, uh, I think Tom Reno was in here, uh.
But I was telling you my dad had those old reel to reel tapes and uh, we had one of Albert Hejo.
Telling the story about this song and he said it was actually a covered wagon, so he made everybody sing into a van because it was a caravan.
So your parents that have your kids listen to meetings when you're traveling or whatever, it sticks a little bit. I remember that from being a kid into a van. But we'll sing it as it is here. And So what a gypsy boy lay dying alone at the close of the day.
Years of salvation we carry, said he.
Nobody ever stole it to me.
Do it again. Tell it again.
Salvation story repertoire can say of the children of men. Nobody ever has told me before.
It is so lovely. A poor little boy.
Said unto me, like a good tidings of joy.
May I not perish. My hand will be hold nobody ever. The story I told.
Tell it again. Tell it again.
Salvation story, reaping or endorse.
No one can say of the children of men. Nobody ever. I stole baby ****.
Bending, wake up, the last word zone is brown, just as he entered the valley of God.
What said this sun is so ever, said he?
And I am sure that he said come for me.
Tell it again. Tell it again.
Salvation story, Repeat or.
Alone tell them, can say all the children of men nobody ever has stolen before.
Umm, very good.
I would say we could have one from a boy, but we already did and it's the only boy up here. So girls.
Number six, OK.
God and mercy sent his son. It's a very lovely gospel hymn. God and mercy sent his Son to a world by sin and done. Jesus Christ was crucified. Those four sinners is the sun.
All that glory.
Of the Great Shining.
In the Savior's face.
Darling sinners from above.
God is light and God is.
Sitting down no more shall reign.
The great shining in the Savior's face.
From above.
God is light and God is love.
All it will his name live.
Never lasting life received.
Lord of all is Jesus now.
Every day to him must.
Fall over, glory of the grace shining in.
A savior's face.
Uh, wing savers.
From above.
God is light and God.
Is love Praise the Lord welcome again.
Hear suffered once will reign.
Every time.
Jesus Christ is Lord alone.
Oh, like more ray of the grace shining in the Savior's face.
Telling service from above.
God is life and God is love.
I'm really glad you gave that one out, and we'll probably talk a little more about this one in a little bit. Umm, hey girls, we met last night, but I can't remember which one is which.
What's your name?
Elise and Paige, right? We met at the swimming pool, didn't we?
OK, we're gonna say one more song with one of your girls. Like to pick it?
#4 All right.
Christ is the Savior of sinners.
Christ is the Savior of sinners. Christ as the Savior for me. How long I was sinned and sinned darkness.
Now, by His grace, I am free.
Of sinners.
Sinner of sinners like me.
Shame is one for my ransom.
Lest as the savior for me.
Now I can say I am pardoned, happy and justified free, saved by my blessed reading.
This is the savior for me.
Say, girl, sinners, Savior of sinners like me.
Just as I was erasing me, seeking from judgment to play, now there is no condemnation.
Whistle, the Savior for me.
Savior of sinners, Savior of sinners like me, shutting us, but for my ransom, this is the Savior for me.
Oh, will the love of the sun changing. What's with all boys sing so free? How shall I tell him his praise is?
This the savior for me.
Savior of sinners said you're up, Sinners like me shutting this one for my ransom. This is the Savior for me.
All right, well, let's put our hymn seats aside for now.
And, uh, now we're going to bow our heads and ask for the Lord's help.
Alright, now I think I have the right verse.
Umm, it says five word verse I think.
Anybody recognize this? Does that look right? Is that the one you got at your meeting last week?
You know, one time, uh, at our meeting, uh, I think before Saint Louis Conference last year, we gave out the wrong one. And so I was a week off of everybody else. But anyway, OK, who would like to, who has memorized this verse?
All right, would you like to start for us? How bravery are you feeling? You want to stay into this mic?
Go ahead.
OK, how about you know what, why don't we just skip 1St and we'll just go right to the second?
Would you like to be second?
OK, I'll say it first and then you. How's that? OK, the verse is Galatians 513 by love. Serve one another. Is that the one that you learned? OK, here we go. I love to have one another. Galatians 513. Very good. Good job.
Alright, Sage, do you wanna try it? OK, here we go.
Why lobster one another? Galatians 513.
OK, Michaela, are you feeling brave today?
Annette, you want to say it with me? Here we go. Ready. I love.
Serve one another, Serve one another.
OK, no one you wanna try it too? No.
I love.
Sir, one another.
Alright, Julia, Are you ready? Here we go.
Silos serve one another. Relations 513.
I love serve one another. Galatians 513.
Buy love. Serve one another. Galatians 513. OK, Alright. You wanna do it too? Yes. My love. Sermon Another. Can they change 513 Very good. Good job.
I love serve one another. Galatians 513.
I think we got everybody's. Did they miss any kids?
Again, this uh, Ryan staying back there.
OK, alright, now, good job my love, Serve one another. You know what the adversary reminds me of? A a time when the Lord Jesus was, uh, with his disciples and it was just before he was going to go to the cross and, uh.
You could say he had a lot on his mind and on his heart, and you know what happened in that room.
Did you guys hear? All right, you know what happened in the room? They got into an argument about who was going to be the greatest.
And, uh, the Lord said something very nice, He said I am among you. I see that service.
And that is the heart of the Savior. I am among you. I see the service. And He served us in ever so many ways, but mostly He went to the cross, and He did the ultimate sacrifice.
So that we could be saved and have our sins washed away.
But that's not what we're going to talk about today. And what kind of this. But I have a different story on my heart. Umm, I want to tell you something that happened to me this week. And I don't know if I hope I'm not over the heads of some. I think I will be over the heads of some of you little kids, but some of the older ones won't be. How many of you know what a password is?
How about it? Do you have to have a password for anything?
Yeah, you have to enter a password to get in, right? Yeah. How about it, Allison? Passwords. You have to have passwords for stuff. Yeah, well, I have a lot of passwords and it's kind of frustrating because none of them are the same and they all expire at different rates. And so I created a.
Spreadsheet of passwords.
That's two pages long.
And I thought I'm going to save it in a place that I can access on my phone.
In a program called drop box so that I can open it up and Scroll down through my 2 pages and find the right password. Well I had to renew the software on my phone and it made me answer the password for Dropbox.
Which was in drop box but I couldn't remember the password to open the program that had the password inside that's I electronically locked myself out.
And that was a problem.
And it still is a problem. I'll have to figure out how to get those back on Monday.
Is that the one? I thought it was that I used it enough times where it said now you're administratively locked out. Game over. Basically, you know, passwords, uh, uh, we're gonna talk about it, uh, a famous password in the book of judges here in a minute. But, uh, you know, there are other passwords, uh, historically, uh.
Umm, can you guys think of a You ever had somebody block your way and say what's the password?
Allison, have you ever had that? OK, what do you say?
There's probably a lot of things you could say, right? Julia? How about you? Anybody ever say you can't go by until you give me the password?
What's a common password?
Password is some people use the word password for the password. When I was a kid, we always said open Sesame, which was uh, I think a story about Alabama and the 40 thieves, uh.
It has nothing to do with scripture. You know, uh, our government has had had a password to launch nuclear missiles and somebody thought it'd be good to have a password. You know what they chose? It was really complicated. 8 zeros in a row, that's it.
You can figure that out pretty easily.
That's probably not the case anymore.
You know, passwords I want to turn to judges.
Chapter 12.
And we're going to read a little a few verses here about two groups of, uh, Israelites.
2 tribes.
Are fractions of tribes and uh, they got into a problem.
One of the groups was called the Gileadites, and the other group was the Ephraimites. You know, if you're from the United States, you probably have heard about the Civil War, right? And this country went to war and began killing each other.
Over various things and it was not a good time. A lot of people were killed.
Umm, this story is kind of like that.
Umm, I'm just going to read a couple of verses here. So Judges 12.
Uh, verse four then Jeff the gather together all the men of Gilead and fought with Ephraim.
And the men of Gilead smote Ethereum because they said ye Gileadites are fugitives of Ephraim among the Ephraimites and among the monocytes.
Stop right there. This is, uh, it's a sad thing that way back in history and we don't have time to trace this out.
Probably Mr. So could give us all the numbers on it. Way back before there was a division in the families, Ephraim and Manasseh were the two sons of Joseph. And somehow there got to be this problem. And they went. There were issues here, and we're not going to get into how this developed, but these two groups went to war against each other.
Verse 5 The Gileadites took the passages of Jordan.
Before the Ephraimites, and it was so that when those Ephraimites which escaped said, let me go over across the river.
That the men of Gilead said into them, Are thou and E for you, mate.
In other words, are you one of my enemies?
And if he said nay, then they sent it to him. I'm paraphrasing here now. OK, say shibboleth. It's a test.
And he say sybilis, for he could not frame to pronounce it right.
Then they took him and slew him at the passages of Jordan, and there fell at that time of the Ephraim heights 42,000 Well, so here's what was happening.
These two groups went to war and the Gileadites were beating the Ephraimites. And so the Ephraimites, you might say, they scattered into the wilderness. And if you know anything about geography of, uh, the Jordan Valley, it's a deep valley and it's high sided. And, uh, so these Ephraimites perhaps were, uh, hiding out in the rocks and the caves and.
They were defeated, they were beaten and the river Jordan is, uh, not a very Deep River. And so the Gileadites, they, they went to the places called the Fords, which means the river was shallow enough for say at least for you to wade through without going over your head. So you get to a nice narrow spot. It's like, boy, you know, I'm really tired of hanging around in the hiding in the rocks. Uh, I want to go home.
So you come out to this?
Police rig across the river and somebody would say hey.
Hold it. Stop right there. You know, as a kid, we used to do this, uh, you know, Newfoundland, where I grew up is kind of woodsy and, uh, forested. And my brothers and I and the neighbor kids, uh, man, we had forts and we had armies, passwords and all who goes there and.
There was my friend Bob Murphy. He wanted the title of Brigadier General and none of us had any clue what that meant.
But we all thought it sounded pretty cool, so Bob was Brigadier Bob.
But anyway, we played games like this. We didn't actually kill each other though. Umm.
So this Ephraim might come down out of where he was hiding and he would get to that spot and maybe Bruce would stand up and say, oh, halt right there. Are you an Ephraimite?
No, no, no, I'm not. Is that OK? Say this word, Shibboleth.
Now they had a different dialect and those men of Ephraim, they couldn't pronounce it right.
And those Gillies, I actually knew that. So this is how we're going to figure out this guy's really whose side he's on, right?
So he would try to say it.
Shibboleth, but he couldn't get the SH 70. Bruce would say you're one of them.
And that person would be captured and killed now.
Uh, this is a little bit of a rabbit trail, you know, and I was a kid, uh, I had a cleft lip and pallet and I couldn't pronounce things very well at all and I had to go to.
Uh, speech therapist to learn to pronounce some of the sounds.
And, uh, I hope Shannon this is OK if I tell this, umm, when our daughter Shannon was born, she had a cleft palate too and she had trouble with some sounds. So if I went fishing, which Scott and I used to do, Shannon would say dad is going ******** ********.
Or she would ask for her winning soup. Remember that, Shannon.
And sometimes, you know, kids.
When we're learning to talk, it's hard to pronounce things. But you know, David, you're talking about reading the names. I'm really bad at that, too.
Umm, but it's good to learn to pronounce those names.
Umm, you know, Moses told God when he was by the burning Bush. I can't talk, Uh.
I can't, uh, get the right words. And the Lord told them. Do you know Moses, who made your mouth? I made it, and I'll put my words in it. And so you can't.
It's OK if you can't pronounce some of these words right. God knows your heart. But now back to our story.
You know these men that couldn't pronounce this password right? They gave them away on who they were.
It reminds me of guys remember when the Lord Jesus was on trial?
And Peter had said to the Lord, though all men for safety, yet will not die.
And the Lord said Peter.
Before the cot grows three times.
You will have the pros. You will have denied me three times.
And Peter said, no, no. Well, the Lord gets hauled in before the authorities and there's a little maiden there. And she says that, Peter, I can tell that you're one of his followers because you talk like it. And because the Galileans had an accent, right? And I grew up in a place where they were dialects. Umm.
I don't know if I should try this on you or not. This is how a Newfoundlander would talk.
How are you all getting on this morning?
Understand what I just said, Doug? Yep, Beautiful day today, right?
And Newfoundlanders have an accent like that. And they were. I grew up in Newfoundland. There were people in Newfoundland that I couldn't understand.
There is a man named, uh, Ephraim Harvey and actually his wife Sabrina was, is at my mom's house right now visiting. And Ephraim was such a heavy accent at Newfoundlander. I said no idea what he just said.
So Peter's accent, he had a dialect too, and that made in that survey through there in the judgment hall, she said. You're one of his followers. I can tell by the way you talk.
There's another time in umm, Acts chapter 4 when it says when the apostles were uh.
Call before the Council.
And it says when they heard the words they were using and knew that they were not educated, people said they took knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus and the way they talked showed out who they belong to.
Now I want to ask you kids this Who do you belong to?
The Lord Jesus. I belong to the Lord Jesus too. I'm so glad that you could say that.
I belong to the Lord Jesus and.
You know, let's say.
Somebody would would challenge you page. I'll use you. It says, are you a Christian?
Who do you belong to? Sometimes that can be scary, can't it?
But how nice and good it is to be able to say I belong to the Lord Jesus. He's my Savior.
And that is a, uh, a password if you will.
That can save you from a lot of trouble in your life.
You know, well, let's turn it over to, uh, Acts chapter 4 and we'll read a couple of verses here.
Alright, X4. Umm.
Yeah, let's read verse 12. Neither is there salvation in any other. There is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. You know, kids, I want to encourage you to take the name of the Lord Jesus and make it yours. Put it on. Make the Lord Jesus your Savior, as Bob was talking about in the gospel meeting last night.
The Lord Jesus loves you.
He died for you. He came into this world to save you. You know, we were singing and number six earlier, uh, God in mercy sent his son.
It's going to read verse three again here. All who in his name believe everlasting life, receive Lord of all is Jesus now.
Every knee to him must bow.
And to be able to confess with your mouth the word Jesus. Somebody challenges you, Julia.
Who do you belong to? The Lord Jesus?
What a great place of refuse. What a great confession to make. You know there are a couple of verses I really love in Romans 10/1 of them is If thou shalt confess with thy mouth.
The Lord Jesus.
And believe in thine heart that God hath raised in from the dead. Thou shalt be saved.
There's another one in Romans 10 I like too, whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord.
Shall be saved.
So somebody comes to you, Rachel, who do you belong to? I belong to the Lord Jesus Christ. He's my savior. You can call upon the name of the Lord and be saved from your sins, but you can call upon the name of the Lord, kids, and be saved from lots of other problems in your life. There's a verse in Proverbs that we have on our kitchen wall.
It's uh, Proverbs 1810 and it says.
The name of the Lord is a strong tower.
The righteous runeth into it and is safe.
You know, I want safety in my life. There's a lot of things that happen in life that.
Concern us or we puzzle about what to do or how to handle things in your life. And as you kids get older, you'll be faced up with different things that you have to choose what to do. And I want to tell you if you belong to the Lord Jesus, the name of the Lord is a strong tower. The righteous runeth into it and is safe and there's protection there so.
May I ask another question?
Yes, uh, I, I, I don't, I hope I'm not taking too many liberties here because I don't think this is the way it's going to be, but I'll ask the question if you were standing.
At heaven's door right now.
And the question was asked to you, on what basis should we let you in here?
What answer would you give that question?
I know I'm putting you on the spot.
On what basis should God allow you into heaven?
Believe that Jesus Christ died in the cross for your sins. Yes, you know the name of the Lord.
Is what? And the blood of Christ is what?
Allows God to bring you into blessing spiritually. Now I know that God is not going to be quizzing us at the door, but I want to impress upon you kids.
It is the blood of Christ and the name of Christ and who he is and what He has done that opens up eternal heavenly blessing for you and for me. And so.
I hope that in thinking about this little story and judges about.
Being challenged.
And who you belong to we can take to our own lives today. Say, who do you belong to? I belong to Jesus.
He's my savior. He shed his blood for me. He died on the cross for me. You know, in a in a few minutes, we're going to have the remembrance of the Lord and.
Spend time thinking about and worshiping and praising the Lord for what He has done for us. Umm.
I enjoy the song and our little hymn book. Umm, Thy precious name is always show. Our only passport, Lord.
And so somebody challenge you, Des Moines, what do you belong to? I press. His name is all we show.
Our only passport Lord. So kids, love the Lord Jesus. Given your life. He died to save you. He set his blood on the cross for you. He loves you.
Belong to him. So that's really what I had before me.
Umm, maybe we could sing one more and then we'll be done, all right? Who would like to choose? So yes #40.
Alright, Jesus loves me.
Jesus loves me, this I know for the Bible tells me so. Little ones to him may long they are awake, but he is strong.
Just Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, yes, I'm still.
The Bible tells me so.
Jesus loves me.
Here you die. Heavens get up everyone.
They will wash away my sins. What a little child come in.
Yes, she is a slow snake.
Yes, yes, I love me.
Loves me.
Just Jesus lost me. The Bible tells me so.
Jesus loves me, loves me still when I'm very awake, and I'll promise shining.
Home and by it will wash me where I lie. Yes, Jesus loves me.
Just Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me.
The Bible tells me so.
Jesus loves me. He will stay close beside me all the way. If I trust him, joy die. He will Take Me Home. I'm.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me. The Bible tells me so.
You know, there's another verse to this that we used to sing.
Maybe we could try this. It says I love Jesus. Does he know? Have I ever told him so?
Jesus loves to hear me say that I love him every day.
We sing that together, all right?
I love Jesus to say no.
Have I ever told him so? Jesus loves to hear me say.
That I love him every day.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
The Bible tells me so.
You never regret giving your life to the Lord Jesus.
And to be able to say the word Jesus is mine.
And I'm his, I belong to Jesus. And tell people about it too. You know, it's a big encouragement to others and to your own faith to tell somebody I belong to Jesus.
You say that with your mouth. It brings a a security with it that is so helpful. Don't be afraid to tell your friends or your mom or your dad or grandpa or grandma.
Grandpa, I belong to Jesus. That's who I belong to. OK, we're out of time. Let's close your eyes and thank the Lord.