Would you like to visit a poor woman with me, one who has been in bed for years and years? People may think she cannot do anything, but see, the dear invalid has a group of children around her bed, who come regularly for her stories and her ready sympathy with their troubles.
Today she is telling them the story of the Lord’s temptation in the wilderness, and emphasizing most earnestly how our blessed Lord used the Word of God, saying “It is written,” in His reply to each temptation. Of course, the Lord Jesus had no sinful nature within, as we have, but He overcame by the Word.
“But what do we do,” asks a young girl, “when Satan will not go away?”
See the kind woman smile. She has known many a battle, too.
“Keep hurling the texts at him, dearie, never missing a stroke, till he leaves you. He cannot stand the Word of God. Some of David’s mighty men could hurl stones with both hands, and I suppose they knew where to get them, too. That’s what you’ll have to learn; get well versed in your Bibles, so that you may have the Word dwelng in your hearts. Then no fear but you’ll have plenty to give Satan when he attacks.”
True enough. Let us take the dear woman’s advice, and fill our hearts and minds with the Scriptures—for what good is a sling without a bag of stones?
ML 01/24/1954