It was well past time for breakfast, and so we were very thankful to see a little restaurant by the side of the road. We had traveled thousands of miles, and felt very far from home, but no matter how far we may be from our earthly hoine, we are never far from Jesus and from our heavenly home. Before we entered the little restaurant, we looked around us at the wonderful mountain scenery. It was our first trip through the mountains, and we were thrilled with their beauty.
I think the man who owned the restaurant must have seen us looking up at the mountains, for when we sat down he started to talk about them. Of course he saw them every day, and I guess they didn’t look quite as woerful to him as they did to us. But this is what he said, “I often look out at these mountains, and I wonder where they came from. I’m quite sure they must have been there a long time!”
Now I wonder what boy or girl could answer that man’s question. Where did mountains and lakes come from? The answer is most surely that they came from the hand of God. Yes, God made them all, and when we look at what His hand has made, whether it is a mountain, a river, a little bird, or butterfly, we can surely see the wisdom and the power of God. And so I told the restaurant owner that I was sure God had made the mountains. He didn’t seem to like my answer for he had nothing more to say.
And where can we look to see God’s love? We must look at the cross of Calvary. There we see that God loved poor unworthy sinners, and gave His dear Son, the Lord Jesus to die for them. Perhaps you enjoy God’s sunshine and the beauties that He has put before us; but have you ever looked to Calvary, and thanked Him for sending His Son, the Lord Jesus, to die for you?
ML 01/31/1954