One Saturday about two years ago I attended a meeting of some Christians where many had gathered together for fellowship and ministry of the word. Between the afternoon and evening meeting supper was provided. Among those who were serving refreshments I noticed a lady whose bright happy face quite attracted my notice. Catching my eye she came up to me and said, “I should greatly like to shake hands with you, for I have never seen you since the night I was saved.”
Shaking hands with her cordially, I replied, “And when were you converted?”
“It is so long ago that I can scarcely fix the date, but do you remember preaching the gospel in the kitchen of a farmhouse at A—— more than 25 years ago?”
“Yes, I remember perfectly, and the date also. Were you in the meeting?”
“Yes, I was then a girl of 17, living nearby. I was invited to the meeting, I went, and God spoke to me through your lips that night. I was turned to the Lord. It changed my whole life, and I have been happy in Him ever since.”
At the time I did not know of anyone who was converted at that meeting, though the farmer’s two girls became very interested and found Jesus a night or two after at another meeting. It was a great joy, therefore, to meet this child of the gospel after so many years, and so our joy in meeting was very mutual.