Mat, the Palomino, has been redeemed—for $500.
He is owned by Mrs. Boyd, a lady who lives near Toronto, Canada. She has ridden him for 17 years and intends to keep him as long as she can. But there was one chapter in Mat’s life that wasn’t all that happy to either his owner or himself. Last year circumstances were such that Mrs. Boyd had to “board out” her beloved pet to a farmer. He verbally agreed to feed and look after him while his family would ride him by way of reimbursement.
However, early this year Mrs. Boyd was surprised to learn that Mat had been sold to a horse dealer for $150. The dealer in turn had resold Mat to someone else and no one knew where he lived. The matter might have ended there had not the Toronto Globe and Mail carried the story, and a lady visiting in the area saw Mat’s picture in the paper. She recognized him as the horse her husband had purchased from the dealer for their family. She immediately got in touch with a delighted Mrs. Boyd who came at once and redeemed her pet for $500. Now both Mat and his redeemer are happy again.
There was only One who could redeem-only One who had the right to redeem. Unlike all others who were sinful men, He was holy, undefiled, “separate from sinners.” Furthermore, He alone could pay the infinite cost of our redemption, for He was the Son of God-the rich One “who for our sakes became poor that we through His poverty might be rich” 2 Corinthians 8:99For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich. (2 Corinthians 8:9).
He loved us—and O how great was His love—for He gave up His life and shed His precious blood to pay the price of our redemption.