EACH day as it enters, remember 'tis true,
That God in His word is now speaking to you,
And saying that "all things" are working for good
To them who are called as the chosen of God.
There may be a trial that's hard to endure,
And many a hardship and grief to be sure,
And oft you may wonder how such it can be,
That "all things are working for good" unto thee.
But here is your comfort, God knows it is best;
He knows too the needs-be for bringing the test;
The need for rough places as well as for smooth,
For all that befalls you is ordered in love.
Though trials are many, the word is from God,
That "all things" together shall work for your
Ere long all the sorrows of life will be past,
And we shall have entered the glory at last;
And then we shall see how that "all things" have
For good unto those who have trusted in Him.