“COME unto Me," no longer stay away,
The Saviour's voice is calling you today:
His heart of love is waiting to receive
The weary one who will on Him believe.
"Come unto Me," yea, come in all your need,
'Tis unto such He'll prove a Friend indeed;
Not one who comes will e'er be turned away,
He bids thee come, and come this very day.
"Come unto Me," your heart will be at peace,
Your sins be gone, He'll bid your sorrows cease,
He's waiting now, with arms extended wide—
It was for you He suffered, bled and died.
"Come unto Me," will you His call refuse?
Will you His love and mercy still abuse?
The door is open wide, O enter now,
Before Him as a guilty sinner bow.
"Come unto Me," He's calling once again,
And will that call to you be all in vain?
Decide your fate, remember you must be
In heaven or hell for all eternity.