All Things Work Together for Good to Them That Love God

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DURING a terrific gale, which swept over the coasts of Kent and Sussex last New Year’s Day, an infirm and aged woman, by being precipitated down a flight of steps, met with a serious accident, and for some time her life appeared to be in imminent danger.
After a time, however, she quite recovered, and the Lord’s dealing with His suffering child proved to be mercy indeed. She had been converted for many years, but she had always been full of doubts and fears, and had never known what it was to have peace or joy in the Lord. But at the very moment of her fall she felt her soul to be in the hands of the Lord, and realized in a way she never had done before her utter spiritual helplessness and dependence upon Him. She seemed to heat Him saying, “Fear not, for I am with thee,” and from that moment till now her peace has never had the least interruption. She is full of joy and thanksgiving to Him who “has done all things well,” and who once again has discomfited and baffled the enemy—yes, once more “out of the eater has come forth meat, and out of the strong has come forth sweetness.” This feeble one has been made more than conqueror through Him that loved her.
J. H. S.