“WHAT is the matter with you, Clara?” asked a middle-aged woman of her little girl one morning.
“I do not feel very well this morning, mother; I don’t know what it is, but I don’t think I can go to school.”
The mother began to feel anxious about her little girl, and sent for a doctor; but when the doctor came poor Clara was very ill. He saw at once what it was, and after having given her some medicine he went away, shaking his head. Before six o’clock that evening little Clara had passed from this world into eternity. About four years before she was in my class at the Sunday school; but, although she was very attentive, she did not love Jesus, and I never heard that she gave her heart to Him.
Dear reader, let me entreat you to decide for Christ while you are in health and strength; do not wait for a more convenient season, for you may be called away quite as suddenly as little Clara. Are you ready to stand before God? Oh, do not trifle with your soul! Remember that you must spend eternity somewhere, in heaven or in hell! Oh, make your choice now! “He that believeth on the Son of God hath everlasting life.” J. B.