America and the Roman Empire: The Editor's Column

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There has been much speculation among prophetic teachers about the future of the United States. Some (among them Mr. Wm. Kelly) have stated that they saw no place in prophecy for such a power. Others have thought that inasmuch as the United States was peopled by the peoples of Western Europe it would, by blood ties, be bound to the Revived Roman Empire. The whole of the Western Hemisphere will probably be allied to the future Roman beast, for it is but a reflection of that part of Europe. Its people are either of the Teutonic or Latin races and originally came from Europe; they came from the British Isles, France, Spain, Holland, Portugal, Italy, Belgium, and parts of Central Europe. There is every reason to believe that the parent countries and their prolific and powerful offspring will be united in the common cause of containing Russia. The languages of the parent countries are also spoken throughout the hemisphere—Spanish, French, Portuguese, and English—and even in the United States the Latin language is used in many ways and appears on its money and public buildings. Their laws are based on Roman law. Religion also forms another kink, for all of South and Central America and Mexico are predominantly Catholic, also a large section of Canada; and in the United States the Roman Catholic Church boasts of 25 million members. Thus the ties between Southern and Western Europe and the Americas are manifold.
There is another consideration that would point to the inclusion of the United States in a future bloc of Western powers aligned against the Soviet Bear, which is potentially the greatest power on earth. When one considers the growing might and purpose of the U. S. S. R., it is easily seen that it will require a very great array of Western might to retain a balance of power, and yet when the Roman Empire is formed men will behold its vast resources and great military might, and say, "Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?" Rev. 13:44And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? (Revelation 13:4). Now it is evident that an array of strength greater than Russia's will be possible only through the natural, manufacturing, and other resources of the American continents aligned with Western Europe.
Now since the last war, there is another indication of the United States being involved in the future Roman Empire. Today they still have armies, navies, and bases in both Southern Europe and Northern Africa; they actually have interests and certain controls in the sphere of the old Roman Empire. In a sense they have come out of the war an actual power in the territory of the future "beast." These indications are further borne out by the recent testimony before the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee, where the statement was made that "any act of war in the Mediterranean or Middle East would have definite significance for us... The free transit of commerce and trade through the Mediterranean is a vital part of our national security."
Coming events are casting their shadows. Russia's growing power, greed, and unscrupulous methods are forcing the formation of a western bloc of nations; this will sooner or later lead to the formation of a ten-nation confederacy with headquarters at Rome, which will have close ties with the Vatican—the woman who will sit upon the scarlet-colored beast (Rev. 17). These nations are already courting the favor of the Vatican for the purpose of establishing something that will have control over the hearts of men to neutralize the growing threat of communism at home. The Vatican likewise knows that communism in power would be her death-knell.
But there is a solemn reflection in all this that these nations long known as "Christian Nations"—this is only nominal, however—shall soon become a part of the most wicked and diabolical power the world has ever seen. Soon the Lord will call His Church home to be with Himself; then what is left of Christendom will become apostate, and the revived Roman Empire will be energized by Satan himself. Oh, can it he that such terrible apostasy is so close at hand! Surely "it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, and the day is at hand." Rom. 13:11, 1211And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. 12The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light. (Romans 13:11‑12).