Thou Gavest Them Me

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
I have had deep delight in the thought of the Father giving us to the Son; to Him who was the object of His eternal delight and love, and to be associated with Him in this, being such a priori in the divine thought and counsels. The Son has done all that was needed to place us there righteously, though according to infinite love and grace, but in doing it He has done all that perfectly glorified the Father, and that too as God Himself (John 17); and then, He associates us with Himself "My Father, and your Father... My God and your God." And He tells us that even the world shall know that we are loved as He is; and this secured, in that, while this love is in us by the indwelling of the Holy Ghost, Christ Himself is in us; the power of life and nature and capacity to enjoy it; and proving His love by His suffering, as passing knowledge. What a place to be put in, and what love to know! Our special relationship as presented to Himself is another thing.
J. N. D.