An Appeal for the Young

I have received the following letter. I have had requests for thousands of Testaments for the young, and I feel sure that great blessing will rest upon them if we prayerfully put the Book of God into their hands. This is the letter: ―
Sir, May 7th 1919.
I have a Standard 4. of sixty boys in the school. Out of these thirty only have a Bible or a Testament. The others have neither. It is great drawback to them during the Scripture lesson. Knowing of your gift of Testaments—having had a Testament sent me while on active service in France—I was wondering if you could see your wad clear to send on to me a few of your Testaments. The school is in a very poor neighborhood, and you would be supplying a great want by giving these boys something which they could take into their own home. —Yours sincerely, C. B.
I sent him a few Testaments. Thank God many are getting really interested in the work amongst the boys and girls. Look at our streets, and the need will meet you on every hand. In every town there should be a special effort made to reach the boys and girls now. A lady writes: ―
Dear Sir,
I heartily wish the effort for the children every success. I have pleasure in enclosing towards Testaments for children as proposed in “A Message from God,” May number, 1919.―Yours in sympathy, J. H.
When we think of the hard conditions of life for the children in many of our mining and industrial centers―the life of the homes, the life of the streets — it seems as if the cry of the children for our help is one that must be listened to.