"Killed with Kindness"

A released prisoner of war, after three and a half years in a German camp, writes of their reception in Holland: “When I got over the border I could have wept aloud for sheer joy and thankfulness, and when the general called for three cheers for his Majesty he just saved the whole of us from breaking down. Dirty, unkempt, and ragged, dressed just in the same filthy clothes in which we left Germany, we were marched up to the gorgeous reception-rooms, and waited upon by ladies who did all they could to show us a hearty welcome. It was simply past all description to feel like we did that first night, with a bed to sleep in after three and a half years on the floor, and to be free and unguarded went to one’s head like spirits. Oh, how thankful I am to God for having brought me through all my great trials and that cruel time of suffering!”