2.“To speak evil of no,” etc. 3:2.
3.“Obedient unto their own,”etc. 2:9.
5.“Eternal life,” Titus 1:2.
6.“That they which have,” etc. 3:8.
7.“A heretic after the first,” etc. 3:10.
Bible Questions for December.
Answers to be found in James.
1.Give the words following these, “What is your life”?
2.What is the friendship of the world?
3.What is it that availeth much?
4.What is pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father?
5.Write the verse containing the words “Unruly evil”, “Deadly poison.”
6.Write the verse containing the words “Be ye also patient.”
7.Finish the verse containing these words, “If any man offend not in word.”
ML 12/02/1906