EV 3:20{It all hinges upon Jesus coming into the heart as His own house—altogether His own. If there are some rooms of which we do not give up the key—some little sitting-room which we would like to keep as a little mental retreat, with a view from the window, which we do not quite want to give up— some lodger whom we would rather not send away just yet—some little dark closet which we have no resolution to open and set to rights—of course the King has not full possession; it is not all and really His own; and the very misgiving about it proves that He has therefore not yet come again in peace. It is no use expecting perfect peace, while He has a secret controversy with us about any withholding of what is His own by purchase. Only throw open all the doors, and the King of glory shall come in, and then there will be no craving for other guests. He will fill this house with glory, and there will be no place left for gloom.
We cannot doubt our finding the very Key indeed,
When Jesus fills up every void. responds to every need,
When all the secrets of our hearts before Him are revealed.
And all the mystery of life, alone with Him, unsealed.