What do you mean by being converted?
To be converted is to be turned, or turned about, or turned back again. What I mean by the question is, Have you turned to God? In his unconverted days a sinner has his back upon God and goes his own way on the downward road to destruction. The gospel is preached to show him his condition and his danger, to call him to judge himself, to repent, and to turn to God, for the door of repentance and salvation is open to all.
Does everyone need to be converted?
Yes! the words of the Lord Jesus are as clear as can be on that point. He has said, "Except ye be converted and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." Matt. 18:33And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 18:3). The people to whom He spoke were religious. But it is not enough to be outwardly religious, or professed learners at Christ's feet. We must be inwardly renewed. As the Lord said to Nicodemus, "Ye must be born again." Being born again is the renewal which leads to the return to God. The term, Conversion, covers both the renewal and the return.
Where does conversion take place?
Is conversion always brought about in the same way?
No! God in His goodness uses various means. We read of Lydia (who heard the gospel at the riverside prayer meeting), that the Lord opened her heart and so she received the message. In the same chapter we find an earthquake took place before the prison jailer was awakened as to his peril. The one was as quiet as a sunrise, the other was as noisy as a thunder-storm; but both were real.
Do you believe in sudden conversion?
Indeed I do. Could anything be more sudden than the conversion of Saul of Tarsus? One minute, in his hatred of Christ, he was riding in hot haste to seize the Christians of Damascus so that they might be cast into prison, and the next minute he was crying, "Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?" The one-time opposer becomes the champion for the truth he had tried to destroy.
Is there any other sudden conversion in Scripture?
Yes! the thief on the cross is a very clear case. He left prison to be crucified. He reviled Christ when hanging by His side. Then suddenly he condemns himself as a sinner and proclaims the sinlessness of Christ and is blessed there and then, taken to be with Christ in Paradise that day.
When is the time for conversion?
Now is the time. And only now is yours in which to be converted. If you miss the tide today, you may be on the rocks of everlasting woe. Why should you delay? Do you not see your danger? Do you not know your need? Then now, just as you are, turn to God, own your sin, believe on His beloved Son, who is waiting to receive you and fill you with joy and peace in believing.