
Children—Robert Boulard
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Good morning boys and girls and everybody that's here. It's nice to be at a Sunday school, isn't it?
Does anyone have a a little song that they want to sing? A lot of the children's hymns are on the at towards the rear of this little hymn sheet, yes.
Oh, happy day, that fixed my choice. I remember singing that when I was a little boy and I didn't really know everything that it meant, but means that there's a choice that you have to make and there's a happy choice to be made. The life of a Christian is a happy, happy life. You might have difficulty and you might have some sad times, but it's a very, very happy life to live for the Lord Jesus. OK, let's sing #5.
Umm, humiliating. Umm, it's a different honey, I don't know anything what I mean, do you know blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
What are you doing tomorrow? Blah blah blah. My big problem.
Nearby in the house.
New York Camera.
10-4, 348687368.
9539893986 Uh, can you hear me?
Virginia Dr. Salon, My name is tomorrow, Wednesday.
Alright, so I would like to thank you so much.
For the.
End of the day, I'm here to have anything. We're having a period of a while. My friend's laughing about landing.
Alright, somebody else with a him.
Yes #8 we'll, we'll get maybe a boy next time.
Shall we gather at His coming? Is there anybody going to be left sitting in their seat if the Lord Jesus comes within the next couple of minutes? Would there be any boy or girl sitting there left all alone and mommy and daddy are gone to heaven? I hope not. It's right now that we have to ask the Lord Jesus to wash our sins away, isn't it? We can't wait. So if you haven't asked the Lord Jesus to wash your sins away.
Do it now while you're sitting right there and while we're singing this hymn, OK?
108 dollars, it's not a lot of money now, but it's not blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I don't know anything.
What are you doing that's good day tomorrow?
I don't really do the heart.
May thyroid and.
10-4 AM. 10-4 AM.
OK, another one.
OK, right at the end there.
1St and 3rd verses of #41.
The man who wrote this hymn #41 I believe he died when he was 84. And this is one of the hymns that he wrote. And they sang it at his grave. And as they were burying that man, there was a little child a couple of rows over and they were burying the child, the little boy or little girl. I can't remember what, what it was, but you know, boys and girls, I sometimes like to walk through the graveyard at Hammer Bay and I look at some of the headstones and some of them the boys or girls were.
Two days old.
Some of them were two years old, some 12 years old. And so we all have to be ready to meet the Lord Jesus. We all have to be ready to meet God. And if you're not saved yet, if you've never asked the Lord Jesus to wash your sins away, won't you do it this morning because it might be too late 5 minutes from now? Do it right now. Ask the Lord Jesus to wash your sins away. Tell him that you're a naughty Sinner, that you've sinned against him and you want to have your sins forgiven.
All right #41 first and third.
OK, one more, Jonathan, you had one.
OK, how about we sing, uh, number the number four, the first verse and the 2nd?
Plus the chorus.
72440, 4048.
All right, let's just bow our heads and ask the Lord. I brought something with me this morning, not to entertain you, but as a little bit of an object lesson. I brought something with me in a little bag here.
And I'm going to go and put it on the table.
And I'd like for somebody to identify what I've got in this little container.
Is there any boy or girl wants to come up and look in this container and tell me what's in here?
How about you? You come up here and tell us what you think is in here.
Ashes. Yeah, that's right. That's ashes in there. OK, You can go and sit down.
I wanted to bring this in because the Word of God talks to us about ashes and how how much do you value ashes? You think that's good stuff in there?
OK, Do you think you think you'd like to have that bowl of ashes? No.
Very good. No, I wouldn't like to have that ashes either. Doesn't look very good, does it?
Doesn't look very good. Well, I want to read you a verse in the Bible, in Isaiah, in the book of Isaiah chapter 44, and it speaks about ashes there.
In a very, very interesting way. Now God's words are never wasted and you can read the entire Word of God and God speaks about the Lord Jesus and about having our sins forgiven throughout the entire word of God. And so we can get something for our souls, enjoyment and for instruction in Isaiah, if you have a Bible, you turn to Isaiah chapter 44.
And verse 20.
Does everybody have it there?
All right, let's read that first.
He feedeth on ashes.
A deceived heart hath turned him aside.
Well now, what do you think the Word of God is talking about?
How often have you eaten ashes? Anybody here ever put their hands in the stove and taking a handful of ashes and.
Eating it, I don't see any hands up.
Well, I'll tell you a little story. When I was a little boy.
There was a stove in a room that my mom and dad put us in and there were two doors to the room. There would be a door over here and maybe one in the corner and the only thing in that room was a stove to keep it warm and a bunch of toys.
And I had a twin brother. His name is Norm.
And we used to watch, one of us would watch at one doorway for Dad, and then one of us would take a turn playing in the ashes in the stove when the when the fire was out.
That's what we would do. So I would play in the ashes for a while and then he'd say it was his turn. And so he'd go and play in the ashes. And Dad would never catch it and never spank us if he didn't see us doing it. He wanted us to know what we were getting spanked for. So if we weren't right there, you didn't catch us with our hands in the stove, We wouldn't get a spanking and we knew enough to not get caught. Well, the Word of God here tells us that He feedeth on ashes.
Now, I don't know if I ever ate ashes, but I look pretty messy after. I have a few pictures, black and white pictures, they're not color, but I look pretty messy after having played in the ashes. But boys and girls, there's people in the world, even Christians, that are feeding on ashes. And the word of God speaks very plainly about this world, and that's under judgment. And God looks at this entire world as having been judged as.
Yeah, I'd use a little thing that Mister, I believe Harry Hale used to say. He says prophecy is history.
It was written ahead of time, but prophecy is history. Anything that's prophecy in the Word of God, God looks at is that already having been accomplished already. So he looks at all this scene and he can see ashes. He can see that it's being judged and ashes burned up. Well, I want to ask you a question.
Did you get a present Birthday present this year? What did you get? Barbie roller skate. A Barbie doll. Barbie roller skates. Oh, Barbie roller skates. That's pretty good. How long do you think you're gonna have those Barbie roller skates?
Maybe for a couple of years, and then you'll outgrow them. Sooner or later they're going to get burned.
They're going to get burned.
You know, I thought about that. Ashes.
Boys and girls, I was in a hotel last night and I saw a couple of boys feeding on ashes.
In the lobby, they were watching television.
And what this world has is ashes. That's all they have. Everything that they have is going to be burned up. Can you tell me some, uh, do you have any idea what some other ashes might be? Television is ashes. It's all under God's judgment. It's going to be gone very soon. It's, but people are just eating it like this. See, I brought a spoon. Anybody here like a, a spoonful of ashes?
Would you like a spoon? You think you might eat that?
Well, you know, that's why God speaks about this world's music.
How many of you had rock music on your radio this morning?
You're feeding on the ashes of this world.
How many of you went out and polished the car a little bit before you got into it this morning? You're polishing the ashes.
How many of you were thinking about the education of this world? How many of you were distracted this morning about some of the things that you have in your home?
Were you feeding on ashes? Well, you know, when I see a television in my hotel room, I look at that and I say.
There I can feed on ashes.
And maybe the friends of this world, you have some friends that belong to the Lord Jesus.
Do you? Do you have a friend that belongs to the Lord Jesus? What's his name?
You have Caleb, a friend that belongs to the Lord Jesus. Well, you can feed on Christ together.
Well, boys and girls, that's what this world has. The books of this world, the music of this world, the television of this world, the possessions of this world are all ashes. Don't be feeding on ashes.
Well we have in verse 22 of Isaiah chapter 44, it says I have blotted out as a thick cloud thy transgressions and as a cloud thy sins return unto me, for I have redeemed thee. And so the Lord Jesus laid down his life. He bore the judgment for our sins on the cross in his own body on the tree, if we'll accept him as Savior. I want to talk a little bit about how we get ashes, but before we do here.
Let's turn to Proverbs chapter 23 and Justice. Read a couple of verses there and we'll find out what happens if you eat ashes.
Proverbs, chapter 23.
And verse six. And we'll find out what happens if you eat ashes.
It says there in Proverbs chapter 23 and verse six, Eat thou not the bread of him that hath an evil eye.
Neither desire thou his dainty meat, for as he thinketh in his heart, so is he. Eat and drink, saith he to thee, but his heart is not with thee. The morsel which thou hast eaten shalt thou vomit up and lose thy sweet words.
Now what happens if you eat ashes? Someone wanna tell me? Hey, somebody over here, can you tell me what happens if you eat ashes?
Do you know?
That's right. You get sick and then can you, can you keep it in your stomach? Can you keep ashes in your stomach? No, you can't. Can you? You'll vomit that ashes. You'll vomit that ashes. I guarantee you that you, if you ate some of that ashes, you'd be real sick. We'd have to take you home. We might have to take you to the doctor to get you fixed up.
But you know, boys and girls, there's people all over the world today, even in this city.
That are eating and feeding on the ashes of this world and God's word is very, very clear here.
In chapter 23, if you go and eat the ashes of this world with the friends of this world.
You can't keep what you eat.
You'll vomit it up.
It's not for eternity, it's for time. And it says there that his heart is not with thee.
Boys and girls, this world wants to spoil you, doesn't want you to live for the Lord Jesus. And whatever they give you, they only have what is for time, not for eternity. And if you feed on it, you don't get any sustenance at all for your soul. No sustenance, no nourishment that ashes there, any nourishment. If I had burned some food, all of the nourishment would be gone. It's gone. There's just ashes there.
So if you eat ashes, how many vitamins do you think there are in ashes?
Not much. So the Spirit of God tells us in the word of God that you're going to vomit that up. It has no nourishment, no nourishment at all. And the man of the world, his heart is not for you at all, but the Lord Jesus, his heart is for you. The Lord Jesus loves you. He has affection in his heart for you. He values you. You know that verse that we read in in Isaiah, It says there that umm.
He feedeth on ashes. A deceived heart hath turned him aside. So boys and girls, maybe young people, one time or another, perhaps you accepted the Lord Jesus as your Savior. Perhaps you did when you were younger, and perhaps you fed on Christ for a while. Perhaps you enjoyed the things of the Lord Jesus for a while. But now, as you got older, you got distracted and your heart is deceived. Your affections are no longer.
Centered on Christ your Savior.
Today is a day to turn to the Lord to confess your sin, confess that you've been feeding on ashes, and turn to the Lord Jesus and ask him to be restored, and he'll restore you in your soul. If you look at that 23rd Psalm, it says He restoreth my soul. He'll do it for His glory, for his honor.
Well, let's turn to another verse of Scripture. Let's turn to Numbers chapter 19. We'll just read a couple of verses there. One of the first five books of the Bible, Numbers 19.
While you're turning to that portion of scripture, let me tell you a little story. I asked a question not too long ago.
I can't remember where I asked the question, but uh, I'll ask you the question and you can answer it yourself.
If your house was burning.
And you had only 5 minutes, maybe 2 minutes to go into that house and go and get something out of that house. You had to go get one thing. And the fireman said you've got time to go and get one thing out of that house. What would you get?
The Bible. You would get your Bible. That's nice. That's nice. I would. I would probably get my Bible too, because I have a lot of notes in it and it would take a little time to get all those notes back. I like. I like my Bible. I get that Bible. What would you get? Would you get something or would you? Yeah. What would you get? You get your Bible. Any boys here would get their Jack knife.
That's hidden under their pillow or whatever.
Anybody. What would you get?
You get your Bible too. I guess we'd have a lot of burning houses with no Bibles in them. Very good. Well, I tell you something. I asked the question and I had some young people in the room and I got all kinds of different answers.
Not one of them said that they'd get their Bible.
And then they asked me what I might get out of the house if my house was burning.
And you know the our brother Mayhew said yesterday he read those verses in Exodus where Pharaoh said leave your children. He said leave your children. You go and worship in the wilderness, but leave your children. You know what my answer was? I would get my children out of my house.
That was burning.
I would get my children. Maybe grandpa would go and get you too. He'd make sure that you were out of the house well.
The Lord Jesus is going to come, and he's going to get.
Everything out of this world that he has affection for in his heart, that he values dearly, He's going to get everything that he wants out of this room, out of this world. Everything that he has value for. What's he going to get? What's he going to take out of this world? Do you know?
Christians. That's right. He's going to get some Christians. Everyone who has their sins forgiven, who has asked the Lord Jesus to wash their sins away, he's going to take them out of this world.
Every Christian.
He's going to leave the ashes.
He's not going to take any ashes with him at all, but boys and girls as you are younger and young people as you are younger, maybe some older ones here.
Maybe you're putting a lot of value in the ashes.
Well, let's read this verse, these couple of verses in Numbers chapter 19.
It says there in verse 2.
Of Numbers, chapter 19. This is the ordinance of the law which the Lord hath commanded, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, that they bring thee a red heifer without spot, wherein is no blemish, and upon which never came yoke.
And then we'll read verse nine, it says.
A man and a man that is clean shall gather up the ashes of the heifer and lay them up without the camp in a clean place.
And then a little further on it says.
That the inverse 17.
Numbers 19, and verse 17. For an unclean person they shall take of the ashes of the burnt heifer of purification for sin. And running water shall be put thereto in a vessel. And a clean person shall take hyssop, and dip it in the water, and sprinkle it upon the tent, and upon all the vessels, and upon the persons that were there, and upon him that touched the bone.
Or one slain, or one dead, or a grave a clean person shall sprinkle upon the unclean on the third day. So, boys and girls.
God offers. God requires a sacrifice for sin. What happened to the red heifer when it was burned?
Do you know? No. Do you know what happened to the red heifer when it was burned?
It turned to ashes. That's right, it turned to ashes.
How many times do you think you can burn a sacrifice?
How many times do you think you could burn the sacrifice?
Can you tell us? That's right, once. Once you can burn the sacrifice and then once there's ashes. I have a little charcoal in this bowl here that would it's not thoroughly burned.
But God does things thoroughly, and the sacrifice can be only offered once, and ashes is evidence that the sacrifice has been burned.
Not evidence that the sacrifice has been accepted, but evidence that the sacrifice has been offered and thoroughly burned. Well, what was going to happen with the ashes of that heifer that we just read about? The animal a heifer is umm.
Some farmer might be able to properly identify a heifer, but I believe it's a a female.
Cow or calf? This was to be a red heifer, a very special heifer, and it was to be clean heifer, without blemish, without spot, no fault at all in this heifer.
And what was going to happen to the ashes of this heifer? Do you remember? We just read it. Do you know what was going to happen to the heifers ashes?
Anybody tell me how long this roll? How about I read it again and then you'll remember. OK, everybody listen.
A man that is clean shall gather up the ashes of the of the heifer and lay them up without the camp in a clean place. And then a little later on it says that a clean person shall take hyssop and dip it in the water. The water had in, if you look at verse 17, was mixed. There was ashes put into some running water and put into a vessel, and then he was going to take hyssop and dip it in the water and sprinkle it upon.
The tent and upon anybody that was unclean was going to get sprinkled with that water and ashes. How would you like it if I took this ashes and I put some water in here and I put some hiccups, weeds, you know, not very good looking stuff. I saw some once. I think maybe Brother Neil, if he was in Egypt, might have seen some hyssop growing over there and some others that have been there. But how would you like it if I took some some of this ashes and I put it in some water?
And then I took the some weeds and I just kind of shook it over your head. Well, that would be evidence that the sacrifice was offered.
And that the sacrifice was burned and it was required in the law. God required that of Israel. But if you turn to Hebrews Chapter 9, we'll look there and see that it's a type of the Lord Jesus Christ. It's a type of our Savior.
And we'll look at verse 13.
Hebrews Chapter 9 and verse 13.
For the blood of bulls and of goats, and the ashes of an heifer, sprinkling the unclean sanctifier to the purifying of the flesh, how much more shall the blood of Christ?
How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered him without himself, without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?
Boys and girls.
The heifer that was offered, the lambs that were offered in the Old Testament, they all turned to ashes. They were thoroughly burned. You know, if you remember in Exodus chapter 12, the land that was offered there in a lamb for a household. What was to be done with the leftover lamb if you had a lamb at your house and you only ate a little bit of that lamb?
You couldn't eat the whole thing. What were you to do with the rest of the lamb? Does anybody know?
Yes, what were you to do with the rest of the lamb on the door?
No, that was the blood. The blood was to be applied to the door. You were to apply the blood to the doorpost and the lentil, and then you were to eat the lamb roast with fire.
Not sodden at all. Yes. What? What do you think you did with the rest of the lamb?
Burn it. That's right, You burned it. Burned it. And so you know what was left was ashes.
Well, I want to tell you about the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus on the cross.
All of those sacrifices were burned in the Old Testament, and what the result was was a pile of ashes. I'm not sure. I never burned a lamb. I don't know how much ashes.
But I don't think any of us would like a room full of ashes or even a little bowl full of ashes. But the Lord Jesus, it says that he bore our sins in his own body on the tree.
And he exhausted the judgment of God upon the tree, and in the Old Testament, all those lambs and heifers and so on.
They were. They turned to ashes. The judgment consumed the sacrifice. But the Lord Jesus, when He was on the cross, consumed the judgment. There was no ashes. When the Lord Jesus was on the cross of Calvary, there was no ashes. He consumed the judgment of God against sin.
Now we were talking about how many times you could burn something.
You can only burn it once. I think you said that down there, didn't you? You can only burn something once. And I like to think that that's one of God's favorite numbers, the number one. How many saviors did he send into the world to save sinners?
One right now, how many times do you have to ask the Lord Jesus to wash your sins away? Do you know?
Once, right? How many times?
Are you going to die if you if the Lord Jesus tarries, how many times would you die?
One, unless you die in your sins, then it says there's a second death.
A second death if you die in your sins.
How many times will the Lord Jesus come for us? How many times is he going to shout and come for us?
Do you know?
10 isn't that nice?
God does things once, and He does them perfectly. How many times did Christ offer himself on the cross?
Once he did Once. How many times did he rise from the dead?
Once. Once he rose from the dead. Once he offered himself a sacrifice to God. Once he consumed the judgment of God against sin perfectly. Once.
And we're going to see a risen Savior, arisen, glorified Savior.
Well, I want to read one other place where it's mentioned Ashes. That's very instructive to us. It's in first. Uh, pardon me second, Peter.
If you turn to Second Peter, the Epistle of Second Peter, chapter 2.
We'll find a verse there. But while you're looking for that place, second Peter chapter 2, I'll tell you another little story.
I love old cars. Anybody here like old cars?
Yeah, I like old cars. You know what they're going to turn into? They're going to turn into ashes very soon. There's not going to be anything left of them. But I was driving by with Mr. Steika this morning and I saw some old cars, 1940 Ford coupe. I saw a few other cars too, and I could identify them because I know them. Boys and girls, there'll be lots of things that you see with your eyes that you want in this world or that you think you would like, but before you reach out and get them.
Remember that everything that you can see with your eyes will turn to ashes and a deceived heart goes after the ashes and feeds on the ashes. I saw recently a nice 1957 Chevy black 2 door post coupe. It needed a little bit of work.
Not a lot, but it needed a little bit of work. And I thought to myself, well, the price was right, but it needed a lot of work or a little bit of work and umm, I could either spend my time reading some books that Mister Hale gave me, or I could fix that Chevy.
And I thought long and hard about it.
And I'll tell you, I didn't get the Chevy because I thought of that big pile of ashes soon to come. And if I spent my time fixing that car and polishing it, and it occupied my thought, occupied my mind, occupied, took money.
Money that I might use for the Lord.
Then I thought to myself, it might be a real waste of time.
Boys and girls, young people, there's lots of things in this world that will deceive your heart and steal your heart's affections, God says in Proverbs chapter 23. He says there, My son, give me thine heart, don't trade me.
You know, sometimes we do that, don't we? We say, God, if you give me this, I'll serve you faithfully for a long time. God doesn't say I'll trade you, I'll give you a 1957 Chevy and then you can serve me faithfully after it's fixed up. We read about the field houses, didn't we yesterday?
Give the Lord Jesus the first place in your life and don't feed on ashes. It's going to be taken away. Everything that you see with your eyes will be burned up. Well, let's let's just read second Peter chapter 2 and verse six it says.
There actually let's read verse five. He spared not the old world, but saved Noah the 8th person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly and turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes, condemned them with an overthrow, making them an example to those that should live ungodly, and delivered just lot vexed with the filthy conversation of the world of the wicked.
What did God turn Sodom and Gomorrah into?
Who can tell me what he turned those that those two cities into?
That's right, he turned those two cities into ashes.
Did you know that God is going to turn this entire world into ashes? He's going to burn it. Everything.
But he won't burn Christians. God never, never judges the righteous.
With the unrighteous never the principle of God, that he takes the righteous out of the scene of judgment first.
And then comes judgment.
After Sodom and Gomorrah were judged, they were burned. The smoke went up. Abraham saw the smoke.
Now those two cities were never built again. Never built again.
And this world will never be built again the way it was built after God judges it burns it all up.
Well, boys and girls, you're living in a scene that God has pronounced judgment upon. It will take place, its history written ahead of time.
And boys and girls, the Lord Jesus doesn't want you to be here.
When he judges this world, when he turns it into ashes, he doesn't want you to be here.
He doesn't want you to be here.
He wants you to have your sins forgiven. He wants you to. He wants you in heaven. Around the throne of God in glory will many children sing, children whose sins are all forgiven will heavenly anthems bring. The Lord Jesus made you, specially made you.
He specially made you. He knows your name. Your dad gave you a name. Your dad and mom. It's not a perfect name. The Lord Jesus will give you a name too.
He'll give you a perfect name. He'll give you a name that he loves and that reminds him especially of you, how many people just like you did God create?
1 Did he create anybody else like you?
He created one of you.
One of each one of us, that's all he's got and he wants to enjoy your company. But boys and girls, you're living in a scene of judgment. And it says in God's word that is appointed unto a man once to die, but after this, the judgment. And so the Lord Jesus asking you to come today and have your sins forgiven so that you won't live in this scene that's under judgment and will be turned into ashes that you won't feed.
On the ashes of this world, that you won't have a deceived heart. A deceived heart is tricked into thinking that the ashes is good stuff.
The ashes on this table is not good stuff.
And I asked you earlier whether anybody would like that ashes, would like to take a bite of that ashes. No, I had no takers.
But the ashes is of no value. It shows that the judgment has come, that it's being consumed, and what's left is of no value at all to anybody.
And God in his mercy and his grace, his love.
Judge the Lord Jesus on the cross, and those three dark hours he poured out his judgment against seeing a holy God, poured out his sin, His judgment against sin upon the Lord Jesus.
Well, that ashes.
Shows that judgment has come and gone. It will never be burned again.
And boys and girls, there's a Lord Jesus. The Lord Jesus is a Savior in heaven. He wants to wash your sins away.
He doesn't want you to have a tricked heart. He doesn't want you to be deceived in defeating on the ashes. He wants you to see clearly that there is judgment coming and that the only remedy for escaping the judgment is to go to someone who has borne the judgment.
For you.
The judgment of God against sin will never occur again.
Never occur again. For those that have faith in Christ, it's happened once.
Do you have a tricked heart? Do you have a deceived heart? I can't answer that for you.
I can't see and look into your heart this morning and say that you were feeding on the music ashes of this world, that you were feeding on the book ashes of this world, that you were feeding on the television ashes of this world. I can't do that. But God sees right into your heart and he sees whether your heart has been tricked and deceived into placing value on the ashes of this world.
Now I want to ask you to do something. We've talked about the Lord Jesus and how he's that perfect, perfect sacrifice for sin and was offered once, and I wanna ask you, I wanna plead with you.
The Lord Jesus, it's as if there's a burning house now.
The world, the fire is kindled. It's under judgment.
And the house is about to collapse, and the Lord Jesus is very soon going to take anything that he wants out of that house. This world, he's going to take it out. He's going to come very quickly. He doesn't have much time. He's going to come in the twinkling of an eye, and he's going to take out of that house.
Just what he has value for, what he has affection for, what his heart loves.
Every boy and girl, man and woman who has accepted the Lord Jesus as Savior will be taken out of this world. The Lord Jesus will leave everything else.
Everything else.
Will he take you?
Will he take you to heaven? Will he take you out of the burning house?
I hope he takes you.
Boys and girls, if you've never asked the Lord Jesus to wash your sins away, will you do it right now? I've got till 1015 here.
I'll tell you how I asked the Lord Jesus to wash my sins away. I don't want to to make you think that I I like to tell stories about myself, but I like to tell this because boys and girls, it's not complicated to have your sins forgiven. You know that you're a Sinner. Are there any sinners in this room?
Everybody that's a Sinner put up your hand.
I'm a Sinner.
And that's what God wants you to do. He wants you to put up your hand and say I'm a Sinner.
I need to have my sins forgiven.
When I was a little boy, I used to live by a railroad track. I think that's a very nice way to live, by the way, right by a railway track and look at all the trains going by. But my daddy worked for the railway way out north of Lake Superior in a place called Franz, where the CPR crosses the ACR. Algoma Central Railway is a little spot on the map called Franz.
And there my daddy had a little Sunday school.
And he said he read these Sunday school papers to us.
We weren't in the meeting.
But we read these Sunday school papers and my daddy said to me one day as we were reading these stories, he said.
If you are still lost.
If you have never accepted the Lord Jesus as your savior, you're on your way to hell and you have to have your sins forgiven to be able to go to heaven. And there's only one person that you can go and ask to have your sins forgiven, and that's the Lord Jesus. Only one person. And so I heard that day and I said I'm on my way to hell.
God has pronounced judgment. I'm on my way to hell.
I want to have my sins forgiven. So I went and kneeled down on my top bunk. I, I, my twin brother slept on the bottom bunk and I slept on the top bunk and I knelt down on my knees on the top bunk and I said, Lord Jesus, I'm a Sinner. I'm on my way to hell. I want to go to heaven with mommy and daddy. Please wash my sins away.
That very moment, the Lord Jesus washed my sins away. That was in 1964.
And then, you know, we had Sunday school the next Lord's Day.
Some of you have heard this story. We had another Sunday School next Lord's Day, and my daddy read the Sunday school paper again. And he said if you have, if you're not saved, you don't have your sins forgiven, You have to go to the Lord Jesus and ask for your sins forgiven. And so I went and I knelt down on my top bunk again and I asked the Lord Jesus to wash my sins away again.
Well, I didn't know any better. Boys and girls, you only have to do it once. Well, the next Lord today my my dad had a Sunday school again and this time he added something to the end of the sentence. He said you only have to ask once.
And I was so thankful because I didn't think I'd like to do that all my life.
Every Lord's day, boys and girls, you have to ask the Lord Jesus to wash your sins away once. Do you have your sins forgiven? Oh, that's a nice thing. Oh, happy day, that fixed my choice. I remember that day in 1964.
It's not very complicated, is it?
When we're going to pray here very shortly, and I bow my head, and you bow your head, and we talk to the Lord Jesus, will you? If you're not saved, if you've never asked the Lord Jesus to wash your sins away, will you bow your head?
And ask the Lord Jesus, tell him, Lord Jesus, I'm a Sinner. I don't want to go to hell. I want to have my sins forgiven. Would you do that and ask the Lord Jesus to wash your sins away? And then I'd like you to tell your mommy and daddy or somebody else if you can. And then we can rejoice together. That's a very happy thing. And don't feed on ashes.
Put a bookmark if you have a tendency to read the books of this world, the music of this world, the television of this world, boys and girls, older ones.
Put a bookmark at Isaiah chapter 44. Don't feed on ashes. Your heart is tricked. If you feed on ashes. You think that it's good stuff? God says in Proverbs 23. You're gonna vomit it up.
You can't keep it, you're going to vomit that ashes up.
Well, let's just commend ourselves.