Seven Nows

Gospel—Roland Ruga
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Start our gospel meeting this evening by saying the second Him and the hymn sheet reading the third verse. Come for night is gathering quickly or the world's fast leading day. If you linger till the darkness you will surely miss your way and still waiting sadly waiting till the day of course has run with his patients on abating.
Jesus lingers for you. Come #2.
To our friends.
When you're guilty of all the people, thou landing thy will get.
Yeah, umm.
For your day 1F star.
Somewhere was done, and the Word by God never.
In the late winter with rainstorms in town.
100 pounds and no rain when they fall off the landlord.
And returning to that father.
All day.
Nsnoise. Turn around.
Convey to me I am sorry about the third. Well, I'm on the phone.
Please wait for the world that's lately.
You have to hire him. You Well so far. There's your life.
I guess it will be done now.
Our Lord, and then cry, and thou mind why our holy sound?
Or bow our heads and close our eyes, we'll look to the.
Well, I've been very much impressed recently with the fact that.
As we sang together.
In verse three, there night is gathering quickly, or this world's fast fleeting day. About a week ago I was speaking with a brother in our assembly about the coming of the Lord.
And we were just wondering out loud together.
Where do we measure the day of grace from? Do we measure it from the Lord's birth into this world just about exactly 2000 years ago? Or do we measure it from his death? And we were both mentioning how that we hoped and prayed that perhaps God by His grace would measure it from when the Lord Jesus came into the world as a little baby there and Theftland's Manger. Because if that were the case, it's your brother who I was speaking to.
He would, and I'll do probability be alive and remain, uh, until the coming of the Lord.
You know, we don't know the day nor the hour, do we? We really have no idea. We have a perhaps a vague outline. Uh, we feel that umm 2000 years are about expired. The gospel has been going out and umm and all due probability as their brother Hey Ho said several years ago.
And address that our home assembly, he says. You know, uh, as he looked over the audience, those of us were a little younger than he. He said no due probability. You are the generation which will not fall asleep but will be alive and remain until the coming of the Lord. Well, that's an exciting prospect for so many of us. But I wonder as I look around the room tonight, I don't believe I see any strangers in off the street.
And I just wonder who here they're not. A stranger off the street is perhaps a stranger to the grace of God, which bringeth salvation. It hath appeared to all men.
Umm. And so I'm impressed with the brevity of the gospel.
The brevity of time that we have to turn.
To God's beloved son for salvation. And so if my local president will bear with me, I'd like to turn to seven passages that I've spoken on in our home assembly before. I'd like to speak on again, because it's very much on my heart. I know that, uh, several of the brethren that prayed tonight the prayer for the gospel, they mentioned how that this could very well be the last gospel meeting that we're going to attend down here.
From this Earth. And so we want to wake you up.
We wonder why you might yet be drifting along unsaved. But by the grace of God, we'd like to point you once again to the Savior of sinners tonight. Turn with me, please.
To the first passage in Ecclesiastes 12.
So look around the room. I see many our brother May, he mentioned earlier today. Many children.
So we'll start with the children.
And we're going to notice a little 3 letter word in every passage that we turn to tonight, and that three letter word is NOW.
The Lord in His grace has given my dear wife and I5 children, and there are times in our family life that we have to say quite affirmatively, Come here now.
You know, I think our children have grown to understand what that word means.
There is a desired response.
From you.
As God speaks from his precious word tonight, he's going to say 7 times over that word now.
He wants us to pay attention.
So the first thing there in Ecclesiastes 12 and verse one.
We'll read together, it says, Remember now, there it is. Remember now thy creator, in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh when thou shalt say I have no pleasure in them. Remember now thy creator.
We have been created in the image and likeness of God.
And therefore, because we are, as it says there in Act 17, the offspring of God.
Brings in a solemn fact that we are responsible to the Creator.
And here the Spirit of God has recorded for us. Remember now Thy Creator, whether you're three or four or seven or nine or however old you are.
The Lord says now is the time to think about the fact that you have a Creator with whom you have to do, whereas it says there in Hebrews chapter 4, verse 12, to whom we must give an account.
As in Romans 14 verse 12, everyone of us shall give account of himself to God.
Well, as he looked down tonight upon this little company, I wonder what he sees. You know, I see all kinds of.
Happy, smiling children. Everything looks pretty good on the outside.
But the Bible says man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart. He looks right through what might be just a false, pleasant exterior, and he looks at your heart, and he knows whether or not your heart has been washed.
Clean and the precious blood of Christ.
And so tonight we desire you.
While yet young.
You know, seems like.
I had the opportunity to come to vessel meetings when I was at, I believe, some sort of a.
YWCA up on a hill where there was a a pool and empty. Uh.
Underground pool there that we used to go down and play in, and perhaps that was only five or six. I don't remember exactly how old it was, but it just seems like yesterday and uh, here we are perhaps 25 years later.
We're that much closer to the end of the day of God's grace and kindness towards poor, lost, fallen mankind. Time is going by so quickly, you know, when we're young, we think life is long, and I don't have to worry about these things until later. I'll put it off. And Satan, the enemy of our souls, he comes along.
Occasions like this and he whispers in your ear and he says.
Some more convenient time, like that poor man there in Acts 26 was it Felix?
Said. When I have a convenient season, I will call for the well. What is more convenient than this Gospel meeting here tonight?
So why the 1St 1995, seven 16 In the evening there's no better time than for you to wake up to the fact that you are a Sinner, and that you have sinned against your maker, a holy God, and with him Sin can have nothing to do, it tells us in Psalm 5, verse 4. Thou art not a God that hath pleasure and wickedness. Neither shall evil dwell with thee.
It tells us in the Old Testament. I believe it's in Havoc Cook one verse 13.
It says, Thou art a pure eyes than to behold evil, and can't not look on iniquity.
God can have nothing to do with sin.
Sin will never enter His Holy Presence, and so if you are here tonight with.
An unclean, a dirty heart.
You need to pray, dear boy or girl. You know who you are, the Lord knows who you are, and He's working right now in your soul.
And he says, why don't you come to me?
The Bible says, Lord Jesus himself says look unto me, be saved all the ends of the earth from God. There's none else. Isaiah 45, verse 22.
Look unto the Lord tonight, pray.
Thus no prayer as it's been called. Psalm 51 verse seven. Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. Oh, there's no simpler prayer than that. But that prayer can get you into the holy heavenly court of glory.
That's where we want you here, center friend, tonight to be. We don't want one seat to be occupied here tonight if God should decide in His sovereign love and grace that the day of grace is over.
Door, like the door in the Ark, was shut.
Noah and his family were safe inside and the judgment fell. Well, it was too late. I'm sure we all know the story of Noah and New York. I'm sure my own soul, the Bible doesn't tell us. But I am sure that when the waters came down from heaven and the floods were loose from underneath and that arc began to be lifted up above the earth, that there were many who came.
Let us in.
But it was too late because God had shut the door.
Says Revelation. Behold, I have set before thee an open door. The door to heaven tonight is open. Jesus himself said, I am the door by me. If any man enter in, he shall be saved. Oh, won't you come to Jesus tonight while you're young, tender, before your heart gets a little older and a little harder and it becomes much harder.
To turn to this blessed One. And we're going to seek by the grace of God tonight to exalt as the only Savior of sinners.
Remember now, like Creator in the days of the youth.
Let's turn over time, gliding swiftly by, a few pages to Isaiah chapter one.
And we'll read that little word again.
Well Known Gospel verse 18.
Says come now.
And let us reason together, saith the Lord, Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow, though they be red like Crimson, they shall be as well.
The Lord himself.
From heaven itself.
Wants to reason with you tonight.
You know man by nature.
Become a reasoning being, and often I was just reading the other day.
A little bit where?
The scientists had found a recent fossil that they figured this must be it. We finally found the missing link.
Well, mankind reasoning.
But you know the Lord, He says in this same book in Isaiah 55, somewhere around verses 9 and 10, He says, my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways. My way, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my thoughts and your thoughts and my ways than your ways.
So tonight we want God's thoughts. We don't want our thoughts because they'll only lead us in circles. And unfortunately, if left to our own way, as it says in Proverbs 1412, the Spirit of God repeats it again in 1625 and says there's a way which Seamus writes unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. That's where your reasoning will ultimately land you.
In the place which God originally designed only for Satan and his angels.
Well, the Lord says, come now and let us reason together. He has some things he wants to say to you tonight.
And what does he address here, though your sins be scarlet?
We're sinners by nature and by practice.
The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 7 verse 20 there is not a just man upon the earth that doeth good and sinneth not.
So I don't care how good you may think you are. I don't care if you are perhaps 10 years of age here tonight and have come to Sunday school every Lord's Day morning like we're gonna do tomorrow morning. For the last 10 straight years Dad and Momma faithfully brought you. I don't care if you've come to the Gospel meeting Every Lord's saving.
The question remains, what about your sins? That's what the Lord wants to speak to you about tonight.
It's very possible to come to a place like this.
And to walk out. Lord willing, if God in his grace extends the hour till 8:00 PM, we'll walk out. And it's very possible to walk out the same way you came in.
Still a Sinner.
Still yes, your ears shut.
To the voice of the Lord.
We wonder what is it going to take for you tonight? Send our friend to wake up.
Dinner. That's how it says. Guilty too, before thy God.
Do you realize that you may be lost, headed in the wrong direction without God, without hope, all the while sitting?
In a meeting like this tonight.
Under the sound of the word of God, for whatever reason passing yourself off.
As one.
Who professes to know and love the Savior?
And so again.
The same holy God with whom we have to do, He looks down, and he knows who is clean and who is unclean here tonight. And he says, you know I have the remedy for your problem. Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.
Though they be red like Crimson, they shall be as well. You can walk out of this room tonight.
Without clean slate.
Your name can be entered forever in the Lamb's Book of life in Heaven.
Your destiny will be that same blessed place where He is enthroned as the Lord of glory.
And you'll have in your heart a new song which God Himself will give you. Even praise back to Him for what He has done for you and forgiving your great debt, washing you clean.
And furthermore, send her friend. If you come to Jesus tonight, you will cause rejoicing in heaven itself.
Because the same Blessed One we're seeking to proclaim Himself said likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over 1 Sinner that repenteth just one. Maybe you think you're very small and insignificant in your seat. I don't know if we have perhaps several 100 people here tonight and you think, but God he can't be too overly concerned about me.
I'm young. I'm just one of many here tonight. Now he looks down and he is very concerned about you. Any reasons with you? And he says I wanna make your black heart clean. I wanna make it white. I wanna give you a white robe of righteousness.
So that you too can walk with my beloved Son in a coming day, there in that heavenly sea where no sin shall ever come. Well, come now, now, Come now.
Let's turn over to the next one.
Back in Job, the book of Job.
Before Psalms.
Chapter 22.
In verse 21.
Till 2221, says Acquaint. Now there it is.
Thyself with him, and be at peace thereby.
Good shall come unto thee.
It's very important tonight.
For you to get to know this Blessed One.
You know, the world has a saying. It's not what you know, it's who you know. And.
There couldn't be a better application to the gospel of Christ here tonight.
Do you know the Son of God? I didn't ask it. Do you know about him? I didn't ask. Can you perhaps quote some scripture verses?
Have you, by the sovereign grace of God, read this book to a point where you know the author, where you can say blessed is assurance, Jesus is mine.
Can you say that tonight?
Oh, he'd like to make you his.
And he wonders why you continue to pay no attention, to turn a deaf ear, he says. Oh, earth, earth, hear the word of the Lord. Wake up, pay attention.
Your soul hangs in the balances tonight, and if you're lost, it tells us in Daniel Four, I believe, verse 13.
Thou art weighed in the balances and found wanting. You're coming up short tonight, and you're in trouble.
Do you realize that you say no, I'm safe and secure. I'm sitting between my father and mother and all is well and we're going to go to the motel tonight and we're going to go to the hospitality room, then we're going to go to bed and so on, Friend, if you are here tonight.
And your seat lost.
And you know it and the Lord knows it. You're in deep trouble.
Because the Bible says in Job 36 verse 18, because there is wrath, beware lest he take thee away with his stroke, then a great ransom cannot deliver thee.
I've known people. I'm sure many of my older brethren here tonight have known people who have been brought.
To similar meetings like this one.
And have been brought and have been brought over and over again and perhaps have hardened their heart for whatever reason. And there came a day when they were cut off. And you know what? There's no salvation for them now. We only have one opportunity and there's only one way to be saved. And we're going to try and point you that way.
Turn to Christ for salvation before it is forever too late.
A quaint now thyself with him and be at peace. If you're sitting here tonight unsaved for whatever reason, known only to you and God, you're not at peace. The Bible says that there is no peace, Seth, my God.
To for wicked.
The wicked are those who continue on in their sins, living a life irregardless of the holy righteous claims of God upon their souls. That's something else we should talk about tonight, the fact that God himself has said, behold, All Souls are mine. Your soul doesn't even belong to you, it belongs to the God who gave it.
And it goes on to say in that same chapter, Ezekiel 18.
The soul that sinneth it shall die. There's not a one of us in this room tonight who's not experiencing in the body physical death.
We're all getting older. We talked about that already. These bodies are decaying quickly, breaking down. But we're talking here tonight, more importantly, preeminently, about the fact that the soul that sinneth it will die, will die, and if it continues on.
In that way it will experience the second death and from that.
There will be no recovery.
And so we beseech you, we implore you tonight, as ambassadors for Christ, be reconciled to God. Don't leave this room the way you came in tonight. Send her friend be made right before it is too late yet to know him now.
Now before it is too late.
Uh, quaint. Now thyself with him and be at peace.
Well, we'll turn over now.
To the New Testament, towards the back.
In Hebrews.
Chapter 9.
I will break into the middle of verse 26.
And it says but now there it is.
Once in the end of the world, or as it should read into the age.
Hath he appeared.
To put away thin by the sacrifice of himself.
And someone has well said whenever you see a ****.
In the Word of God.
And there's something about God thereafter. It's always a blessing to mankind. And isn't that true here? Now it says. But now, once in the end of the age hath He appeared? Who's that speaking about? I think perhaps the youngest one here could tell me that it is God's beloved Son. He appeared, and we quoted part of that verse earlier in Titus chapter 2.
I often enjoy it in connection with his birth into this world. The grace of God, that bringeth salvation, hath appeared to all men.
All men.
That all men everywhere might be saved, it says. In another place he appeared, he appeared and he appeared. Send her friend for one purpose.
That purpose was.
To deal with the question of your sins. Now, I realize there are other purposes too, connection with the glorification of God, but right now we're concerned about you. God is concerned about your soul tonight, and he was so concerned that they tell us it's almost exact somewhere in the year four or five BC. So if you add four or five years to 1995.
Almost exactly 2000 years.
The grace of God and the person of his beloved Son appeared there in Bethlehem's Manger.
That long last, I hope.
For 4000 long years God had looked down from heaven seeking for some kind of response from man.
Some sort of fruitfulness, thankfulness, holiness, and consistency with his holy nature.
He planted Israel as we have there in Isaiah 5, the nation verse four. He did all these wonderful things to his vine, and it didn't bring forth the kind of fruit he was looking for. It brought forth wild grapes.
Crepes as they saw fit to bring them forth, a righteousness which did not begin to measure up to the holy, righteous standard of God. And so.
God had to, as it were, set man aside.
As it says there in uh First Corinthians 15 verse 47 I think it is. It says the first man is of the earth earthy the 2nd man is the Lord from heaven he came.
God, shame, God manifest in the flesh, justified in the spirit this blessed baby laying there was.
God become a man. Oh, think of such condescending love as that.
What has that done to your soul? Have you considered the fact that your Creator loves you enough to come into this world the same way that you came? It tells us that he bypassed angels. He humbled himself. He took upon himself. The form of a servant was made in the likeness of men.
God became a man, the man Christ Jesus.
Who gave himself a ransom for us all?
Oh, how can you turn away tonight from such love as that?
He hath appeared to put away sin.
By the sacrifice of himself and the Lord Jesus speaking prophetically.
It said there in Psalm 88. I think it's verse 13.
Says I am afflicted and ready to die from my youth up from the time he was just a little boy.
He was ready to die.
That was his purpose, coming into this world. You know, I work with people every day who don't wanna talk anything about that, although the fact remains so. It's each fleeting moment.
They draw that much closer to death. As the hymn writer said, death and judgment draw of nigh.
To the arms of Jesus fly, be in time well.
Christ came, and from the time He came, he was ready to die, to offer himself as a sacrifice. That tells us in Ephesians 5 verse two and offering to God for a sweet smiling favor and an offering on your behalf.
As the final, the ultimate sin offering. That's why John the Baptist could say, behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. Have you Sinner, friend, dear boy, or girl? Have you beheld the Son of God?
Has he taken away your sins? He came.
And he offered himself on your behalf. The Bible says you in his own self bear our sins in his own body on the tree, oh that blessed body which was prepared for him.
As it says in this same book of Hebrews, the next chapter, Sacrifice and offering that was not but our body has thou.
Prepared me and burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin. Dallas had no pleasure then, said I. Lo, I come in the volume of the book, it is written of me to do thy will, O God. He came to do the will of God his Father, and in doing that will he.
Live a life of perfect, holy, sinless perfection.
But I speak reverently.
It was not enough.
For God.
For he had declared.
An eternity pass.
That his son must become sin.
For uh, for you.
For I.
And so he would go.
There, the Holy Spotless Lamb of God, he would spread his arms wide.
And there on a cross of wood.
Be found, as it says, in the Psalm 118 with chords to the horns of the altar.
And then God having a loud, filthy, wicked hands to have their way for three hours with his beloved Son, He would, as it were, closed the dark, the scene and darkness. And there in those three hours of darkness, the wrath of God would go over his holy soul.
But previous to that God, his God laid upon his brow your sins, The sins that you are committing right now, perhaps in your state as you continue to reject his offer of love and salvation, he bore those sins committed on July 1St, 1995 there.
70 some years ago perhaps?
In his own body on the tree, he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself. Well, as I said, his arms were stretched wide in love.
And tonight, from heaven itself, those same blessed arms are still bearing.
In his hands and in his feet, and inside the marks with which he was wounded. In the House of his friends, he has those same marks, and his arms are still stretched open wide tonight.
At the door of heaven.
And he is yet imploringly, beseechingly calling to you center friend, and saying, Come unto me, all ye that labor, and are heavy laden the burden of sin, I forgive he rest.
He wants to take that burden away.
Burdens are lifted at Calvary, we sometimes think. Have you looked to that blessed one?
Hanging as a sacrifice and an offering for sin, Have you confessed him as my Lord, my God, my Savior?
Well, now is the time to do so.
Let's turn over.
To Acts chapter 17 quickly for the next one.
Act 17, verse 30.
And the times of his ignorance.
God winked at but now there it is now.
Commanded all men everywhere to repent.
In Binghamton, NY.
The American Civic Association on Front St. God Commands you to Repent.
In light of what we said, that God has provided a lamb for a burnt offering, God, I speak reverently, has done everything He could do to win your lost soul back to himself.
And now he woos you tonight with his love, he desires to point you to his beloved son, hanging there in the cross of Calvary. And looking to that one, he now says, repent.
And so all men everywhere.
Maybe we should talk a little bit about that.
And I enjoy a definition of repentance I read some years ago, a little track by Mr. Macintosh, she says. Repentance is a discovery and Hardy confession of my utter ruin and guilt.
So finding out that my whole life has been a lie and that I myself am a liar.
But that's the fight as a suitable definition tonight for repentance, what it means to repent. Others have defined it simply as taking sides with God against yourself. But you know he wants to do it with you tonight.
He wants.
To show you your lost condition and then.
He wants you to have his thoughts.
About that lost condition, he wants you to acknowledge it to him, as David said in that same Psalm 51 against thee and the only have I done this evil.
And have sinned in thy sight. All sin is against God. We sin against one another, but ultimately all sin is against God. And so he commands you to repent and he says do it now. Now tonight, a simple transaction, your boy or girl perhaps looking up at the clock and wishing that the next 9 minutes would go by quickly.
So you can go outside and play or get an apple downstairs.
God says repent.
Turn from your evil way and turn towards his beloved son. Really, that's another definition. To turn away from what's wrong and to turn towards what's right towards God? Well.
The times of this ignorance God winked at.
But he's not winking tonight, Senator friend, I assure you.
The day of God's grace is about over, and we're gonna read a little bit about that our next passage in Second Corinthians well known verse.
Turn with me Second Corinthians chapter 6.
Probably the youngest here could quote it as well.
1St 2:00.
The middle of the verse.
Behold, now is the accepted time. Behold, now is the day of salvation, and so he repeats it twice over.
For your respectful consideration here tonight, now.
Is the accepted time. There's no better time than now for you to be saved. Satan would come along and say, well, perhaps tomorrow night the Gospel will again be proclaimed in this room. Wait till then, or perhaps and he can whisper so many excuses in your ear.
Than her friend as to why he doesn't want you to get saved tonight, but by the grace of God we're seeking.
As the enemy comes in like a flood tonight to lift up a standard against him.
The standard of the Word of God.
And he said now is the day of salvation. Tomorrow may be too late. You have no lease on life. Life is short at best recently.
Some of us in the assembly, where I come from, experience this in a very real way.
A young life with a lot of promise, you might say. A long life, you might say, yet to be lived, cut off in an instant.
Never to be lived out again in this life.
Now, by the grace of God, I knew that person.
Very well.
And I can assure you, as we heard at the funeral of my sister 3 1/2 months ago.
That she came to her mother one night, perhaps a night like tonight.
And she said, Mommy, you know I'd like to go to heaven.
But mommy on the center.
Will you pray with me?
She made that transaction.
And so I can tell you that I have peace in my soul, that I'll see my sister again, the words of the Lord Jesus himself, who said, because I've said these things, he was speaking about his death. Death is a very sad thing, he says. Sorrow has filled your heart, But oh thank God for the ****. I will see you again and your heart shall rejoice.
I'll see that young lady again. Perhaps tonight.
Perhaps many years from now, I don't know. But I have the assurance of the word of God that I'll see my sister again. But I don't know about you. As I look around, I haven't the foggiest notion about you, and so we seek to point you to Christ tonight.
Look to this blasted 1.
The Bible says the name of the Lord is a strong tower.
The righteous runs into it and is safe. Have you come to him for salvation?
Now is the time to do it. Don't put it off. Don't listen.
To the West springs of the deceiver of the souls of men tonight.
Well, I'd like to look quickly one further back.
In Roman.
We sang, I believe we saw earlier a meeting this afternoon.
Once we stood in condemnation.
Waiting us the standard zoom.
But here in the first verse of Romans 8.
The final verse and then our gospel meeting be dismissed.
So there is therefore now is that little word again now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus.
Safe in Christ, the poet said. The weakest child stands in all God's favor.
Does the favor of God shine upon you tonight? Can you claim this first as your own? There is no now. No condemnation, no judgment.
We quoted that first earlier.
That there is Wrath about the Fall.
Be aware there is Wrath.
Fought by the grace of God, he has provided A refuge from coming wrath as he provided for his people of all those six cities whereby the accidental manslaughter could flee.
And the revenge of Blood could have nothing to do with that man, so long as he was safe inside of the walls of that city. Have you sent a friend? Fled to Christ for salvation?
For refuge from the coming.
There is no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus. I want to tell you tonight it's a wonderful thing to know that death and judgment are behind grace and glory are before all is well, even in the face of death, physical death in this life, we can come to the Lord Jesus.
Knowing him as the one who's conquered death and brought life, our brother quoted that verse. Second Timothy one verse 10 and immortality, the light through the gospel blessed wondrous news Jesus is risen.
Oh, it's a wonderful thing.
To know in your soul you have peace with God through his beloved Son.
Jesus is mine. Can you say that tonight?
Or the wrath of God.
Yet abiding upon you, it says in John 336, He that believeth on the Son hath for lasting life, He that believeth not the Son shall not see life. But the wrath of God abideth upon him Oh tonight now while you may come to Christ, make peace with God.
Through his beloved Son.
And you too. We'll be safe when the judgment comes. Let's think quickly in closing #10.
Reading the course oh come now to Jesus, that dear loving Savior receive him this moment.
And peace shall be thine just the first and the last verses of #10.
There is a thing you're on highlight in the Glory Beyoncé.