August 11: The Royal Invitation

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 4
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AT 11:28{This is the royal invitation. For it is given by the King of kings. We are so familiar with the words that we fail to realize them. May the Holy Spirit open our ear that we may hear the voice of our King in them, and that they may reach our souls with imperative power. Then "they shall know in that day that I am He that doth speak." Think of the day when the Great White Throne is set, and when the Son of man shall come in His glory;... and know that it is "this same Jesus" who now says to you, "Come unto Me!”
Is it for me to listen to Thy beloved voice
And hear its sweetest music bid even me rejoice?
Is it for me, Thy welcome. Thy gracious "Enter in"?
For me, Thy "Come, ye blessed!" for me, so full of sin?