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Address—H. Short
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It's a spiritual song, wilderness song, #12 in the back. What though the accusers are.
A veil that I have done.
I know them well in thousands more.
Jehovah find it non.
Verse 3 before.
They set their fierce array to fight and force me from the ground.
A long life, narrow way, very early in my life as a believer.
I began to learn the painful truth of this little song.
That was great enemy of our souls lies right within our breath and.
How the enemy loves to discourage us by our failures, by our faults, by our sins.
Thy means of that effectually turn us aside from the path of God's calling with someone. Start #12 please.
I've been bothered. We thank thee for the grace that has brought for us and for the grave that has the argument.
We thank you for our Lord Jesus Christ.
We ask now Thy blessing on Thy word that our hearts might be attached.
In love to him.
We pray our Father for the blessing of the dear Saints here and for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray. Amen.
I would like to start first with a verse in Romans, the book of Romans, chapter 8.
It's part of verse 33.
Who shall lay anything?
To the charge of God's elect.
If I have a.
A great remorse.
And regret in my life as a believer.
I would think one of the greatest of them all.
Is the willingness of my lips my heart?
To speak of the failures of my brethren to others.
It's often been a cause of sorrow in my heart because I.
Believe today.
And I spoke more.
In the years of my Lord.
Of all my brethren.
More good would have been done on their behalf.
Now I like to look in the Book of Revelation to introduce what's on my heart. Roman Romans 8 really does, but.
I wanted to look at a man who had no heart for God's people. I want to look at three passages where he's mentioned in the New Testament.
And what I would call their chronological order, their moral chronological order, His last mentioned is the first one I want to read about in Revelation chapter 2.
And in the assembly to Pergamus I might say that this assembly.
Comes in where there have been departure and there have been recovery through persecution and then Pergamus comes out of this purging of Smyrna.
And these words are said to Pergamus in verse 14. I have a few things against the because thou hast there, them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balak to cast a stumbling block before the children of Israel.
And the end of the verse to commit fornication.
This goes on then into the next assembly, Thyatira, and we see that last oneness of the Church marked by adultery.
And unfaithfulness to God. Well, I want to draw from this.
The doctrine of Balaam was introduced very early into the assembly and was never will see judged.
And basically, it was a doctrine that encouraged the Saints of God.
To mix.
With the world and to commit.
Adultery and fornication.
We see here it applied to Balaam, applied to the assembly, as he is in the other two passages too. Now the next time he is mentioned, I can use this opposite words morally, chronologically, as in Second Peter chapter 2. I might say it's been precious to me to see First Peter was built on the revelation of Christ to Peter in Matthew 16.
And second, Peter built upon the Lord's mount of Transfiguration in chapter 17. And the following judgments on Israel's condition because they weren't suited to enter into that Kingdom, that could have been introduced to them because they were corrupted, and so the mountain was removed.
But in the second chapter of Second Peter, he speaks about those who were bad in their ways in verse 14, having eyes full of adultery.
That cannot cease from sin. Beguiling unstable souls and heart, they have exercised with covetous practices, cursed children.
Which have forsaken the right way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam, the son of Bozor, who loved their wages of unrighteousness.
In this chapter we see there was a people who professed Christ and they were they by that profession escaped the pollutions which were in the world through lost.
Much like our children occurred to me in the reading yesterday that it might not be just.
Exactly. Totally accurate to think of our children as born under the power of the Kingdom of darkness if born into Christian families.
I know essentially that's true.
But our children born, your children here, born into Christian families.
You've escaped a lot that the speaker didn't escape.
You should thank God for that.
But in our chapter there were those who escaped these things through the knowledge of our Lord Jesus. They weren't real in their soul, and they were ensnared again through this practice of balaam and ensnared as a dog returning to its vomit or swine to its wall.
But Balaam's effect on the Assembly of God has a worse consequences even than that, and so his last mention in the Book of Jude.
I say last because Revelation gives his beginning his effectual beginning.
His followers teaching his doctrines that never did get judged in the Church of God. And I want to say this, you know, characteristically, I suppose the Church has passed through the era when it was sought to be stopped by persecution.
And it couldn't stop it.
But the heir of Balaam has been more effectual.
Than persecution. And dear Saints of God, it's a real thing in your life and mine today.
They said our brethren in persecution should pray, pray for us, Our brethren in poverty should pray for us.
Do we realize the solemn truth of that this book of Jude? Others have said James gives us the cradle and Jude, the grave of Christianity as a profession in what brought it down to death, double death.
This doctrine of Balaam is found here, Jude. It says in verse 11. Woe unto them where they have gone.
After the heir of Balaam.
Then it goes down in verse 12. These are spots in your feast of love, you know.
The most devastating things happening in the Assembly of God in North America today in Europe.
Where it has chiefly been developed, I'm Speaking of it as a professional lampstand for God.
The most devastating thing?
Is done under the guise of love.
We're warned.
From time to time at home.
Of our school systems.
Teaching tolerance.
Oh, they add a lot of good things to disguise the real purpose of these teachings. You know, tolerance is a good thing in a good place.
But they're teaching.
And we are endangered of embracing it ourselves. These came in to love. Feast under the banner of love and they tell you if you love, you won't.
Speak bad of these things, these morally corrupting things.
And it's having a devastating effect on us loved ones.
And that's where they came in. In the love feast, In the name of love. But it says.
But trees whose fruit withereth without fruit twice dead, That's an advancement on being born dead in trespasses and sins. Christ quickens those who can quicken those who are dead in trespasses and sins, but he cannot quicken those who are twice dead.
Twice dead means they have given up the profession of Christianity. They are apostates.
And that condition is what God will judge the church for after the rapture of his true believers out of this profession. Now I'd like to go back to the book of numbers and take up this man.
And see how he wrought, and see what it is below the saying to God that will preserve us from being taken in.
By this doctrine, this thing that will turn us aside in our.
Down here and keep us from walking in this path that is, for the glory of our God and back in Numbers, Chapter 20, I first wanted to draw a few observations here.
So these things are not original with myself, but they are fresh in my heart. This afternoon and we see in chapter 20 it says this and I should say this, you know it, but this is Israel at the end of their wilderness journey and I believe that's where we are beloved and and that's why I think we need to pay attention to this man, Balaam.
Because he is the instrument that Satan raised up against God's people to he couldn't stop them. For 40 years he had tried to exasperate, you might say, God against them, to destroy them in the wilderness, and he couldn't succeed. And this is what we would call a last ditch stand. He raises up this diviner. He raises up this man bent on keeping the children of Israel.
From the blessing that God hath for them. And it's a last day effort. And that's why Balaam, that's why you and I face this. This is the worst enemy the children of Israel faced in the wilderness. This man Balaam. And we see he was successful not in his initial purposes of stopping God from blessing his people, but he was successful in getting them corrupted.
And so it says that Miriam died and I enjoyed this, that dear young woman who came out of Egypt. And we're going to see that's a significant factor here to preserve us. It's what's stimulated the hatred against the children of Israel. Nobody hated them in Egypt. Nobody was afraid of them in Egypt. Nobody cared if they were servants and bond slaves in Egypt, but once they felt that delivering power of God.
Bringing them out of Egypt. They were opposed. They were opposed on one hand and on the other. But when they came out of Egypt, this lovely lady, she led them in songs and dances and here she dies. Well, has there been a time in your life, loved one, That your relationship with Christ was happier than it is today? Shouldn't be.
Oh, I don't know if I'm using the right word. Happier.
Because I know that some of the most godly men you will ever read of Indiana, the word of God.
We're like their master, the Lord Jesus, men of sorrow and the acquainted with grief. But you know what I mean is this afternoon your relationship is vibrant with Christ, as that day you first believe well Miriam had died. Moses secures his death in this chapter. He speaks ill advisedly, and he takes Aaron's rod and smites the rock. And he in anger he says to them, notice this.
It says he took in chapter 20 and verse 9 Moses took the rod Aaron's rod from before the Lord.
That's where Aaron's rod had been placed before the Lord, and he smote it. And here's a wonderful lesson to learn, brethren, he says, And Moses and Aaron, a verse 10 gathered the congregation together unto them. And here he says, Hear now ye rebels, oh.
You ever thought like that? But here's what we want to learn. Must we fetch you water out of this rock? Beloved, the testimony that you and I are identified with is not sustained by you and me. You know, it was a painful thing for me to learn that it wasn't going to depend upon me to preserve anything in this world.
That was God's.
Yeah, there was a time when I thought I had to preserve the assembly and it nearly cost me my life.
No, Moses. This is what cost Moses his life, he said. Must we? He never had fetched water out of the rock. God gave it in sovereign grace, and he would have given us here in sovereign grace. And he does give it here in sovereign grace, in spite of the failure of this dear man of God.
But this secured the death of Moses in the wilderness.
And not only that, later on in the chapter it says.
In verse 26 strip Aaron.
Of his garments.
Aaron shall be gathered into his people, and shall die there. Verse 29. And Aaron was dead. What a picture at the end of the wilderness journey, Miriam, that singing prophetess in Moses, a king.
Securing his death, Aaron the priest dying things growing weaker and weaker and weaker, and in this condition.
The enemy marshals this band, Balaam, to stop Israel from the blessing of God.
And so we go on. Let's go down into chapter.
And see these three times that he made this effort.
To curse the people of God. To condemn the people of God to secure.
Or to stop them from the blessing of God. He tries it in three different ways, three different scenes, and in chapter 22 it says the children of Israel such forward and pitched in the plains of Moab.
On this side, joined by Jericho and Balik, the son of Zip or Saw saw all that Israel had done. And Moab was so afraid. Moab, you know he was the son of Lot.
He represents to us below the fruit of a believer who is living for this present life, and they couldn't stand seeing a people who wanted to enter into what answers to the heavenly portion. And that's what the enemy is doing to us today. He's trying to make an earthly Christianity, and if he succeeds in this, all that has ended up is a corrupted.
Adulterous system that has committed fornication with the world. And so this effort was to keep Israel and a figure from becoming a heavenly people, to get them all killed in the wilderness. And this man, Moab, he was of that family.
Were fleshly people who vexed their righteous souls where there was faith with the vain conversation of the wicked, and who opposed the heavenly calling of God to Abraham, and so they are relatives too, but it says.
Down in verse 5.
And that and behold, there is a people come out of Egypt.
You see that as long as they were in Egypt, they wouldn't have opposed them. You separate from the world and that's when you become as the off scouring of the earth. You can go on in fellowship with the world, but you can't go on with fellowship with God and the world at the same time. And these people coming out of Egypt being saved out of Egypt was a distress to these fleshly relatives.
Come now, he says in verse six. Therefore I pray thee, curse me this people.
And so we find down in verse 11.
And there is a people come out of Egypt, curse me them. Well, God had an answer to this request of Balaam that prompted by Balik, God said unto Balaam, Thou shall not go with them. Thou shalt not curse the people, for they will be blessed now they are blessed and beloved things of God we are blessed. And what is going to help us to overcome?
This deadly influence of Balaam in our lives, which would associate us with the world, which would corrupt our lives.
With the world and cause us to commit this adultery. With the world, it's realizing that we are blessed by Christ with spiritual blessings in the heavenly places. But there is a great effort waged here to stop these people, and I want to look at it through.
Three times.
In chapter 23 we find.
These words, it says, verse seven. He took up this parable and said, Balak, the king of Moab, hath brought me from Aram out of the mountains of the east, saying, Come, Cursby, Jacob, come defy Israel, How shall I curse whom God hath not cursed? How shall I defy whom the Lord hath not defied?
Then here's this first time from the top of the rocks I see him. From the hills I behold him. Though the people shall dwell alone, they shall not be reckoned among the nations. Here he is seeing this whole people from this top of this mountain. And he says these people are going to dwell alone. What does he mean? They're going to be beloved as separated people to God.
God is going to be their God.
And you know.
That is intolerable. You can talk about the love of God.
You can talk about most any subject, but talk yes, you can even talk about separation.
But if your feet walk in the path of separation, you're going to suffer persecution. And that, sad to say, often by fleshly minded Christians, because your walk will bother their conscience.
I would be careful.
Ill advisedly about souls, men and women of God who seek to walk in separation. This people is going to dwell alone.
Who verse 10 Who can count the dust of Jacob? The number of the 4th part and number the 4th part of Israel? Oh, he says, let me die the death of the righteous and let my last end be like his. Think of it. Balaam says this he sees the blessing of God for Israel.
You know this people that God, Moses had said your stiff necked people from the beginning, he told them in Deuteronomy.
He said you're a stiff necked people and you haven't obeyed from the beginning. And Balaam, in this revelation of God to him, he says, oh, that I could die the death of the righteous. You know we we like that you can't. As others have said, you can't die the death of the righteous without living the life of the righteous. We like the fruits.
Of righteousness. But we don't like the travail and the perseverance and the inconvenience of living a righteous life in this world. It's what cost Lot. It's it's why these Moabites existed. Because Lot was a righteous man, but he didn't want to live the life of the righteous.
And in a way, he didn't die the life of a righteous man. He died fathering.
Lifetime enemies of God's chosen people.
Well, we'll see. Balaam didn't die this death that he desired because he didn't live the life that required in order for him to die, to do it. And he blesses him. He blesses all Israel from this first vantage point.
Say I want to go on.
And we find another point.
Balak says, Come and verse 13. Come, I pray thee with me, and to another place from whence thou mayest see them. You know the enemy doesn't leave us. Go, beloved brethren, you may overcome at one point in your life, but he's not going to stop there. He's going to come, and he'll say, let's look at Henry in another way.
Let's tempt them from another point of view. And here I think it especially brings us as gathered Saints before our souls. For he says, I pray thee, come into another place from whence thou mayest see them. Thou shalt not see but the utmost part of them, and shall not see them all.
And cursed me them from sins. I want to talk about this.
Balik knew that if Balaam could be successful.
In cursing this remnant, just a part of Israel, not all of them now, just a part of them, He would have succeeded.
In the devastation of all Israel it was a remnant according to faith, you might say. Now, beloved brethren, that's how I look at the gathered things.
I don't look at us as a group of brethren.
Another division of, as we say, the Brethren. I don't hold us to be a division.
My life has been formed and governed.
By my view of you.
And in a certain way, I look at you.
As existing, whether I'm with you or not.
By that, if I leave this company, that won't change God's thoughts about this company.
I believe, and I'm going to separate myself from you.
In for illustration that I believe you are a company of God's people, that the Spirit of God in his sovereign grace has gathered together to the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and I only believe, I believe there is only one such company on earth.
I could be wrong that we are the company.
I could be wrong.
You say that's pride, I say no. It's the most humbling thing that I can think of.
Look at.
Us. We are answer to everything Moses heart was grieved about.
We haven't responded to God's grace in our lives, and still here he has a company gathered to the Lord's name.
And I believe that if he could exterminate, if there were only two Saints in the whole world gathered, truly gathered by the spirit of God to the Lord's name, Balaam would make an effort to separate them and destroy the testimony of God. And so here, he's looking at a little remnant now, he said. Don't look at them all, just take out if we can just take the extremity of them.
And get them turned aside. We will be successful. And so he says.
Brought him into the field of Zopim on the top of Pisgah and built 7 altars, and goes through his religious ceremonies. And then we find this testimony down in verse 20. Behold, I have received commandment to bless and he hath blessed and I cannot reverse it. Didn't that he didn't want to, but he couldn't reverse it. And then he said.
He hath not beheld iniquity in Jacob, neither hath he seen perverseness in Israel. Is this the same people beloved that Moses called a stiff, necked, rebellious people that hadn't followed the Lord since he had taken them up?
Yeah, but it's seeing them in our language in Christ.
It's looking at God's people as his God's workmanship.
Not their response or not their response to that workmanship, but God's side of things. And we need to do that. Beloved, if we looked at one another as God's workmanship, wouldn't that watch our tongues a little bit? Wouldn't it cause us a little fear, a little trembling, to speak ill advisedly or to speak evilly of one another?
God saw no perverseness in this people. And then it goes on something astounding to me. He didn't behold iniquity, and they noticed that expression again in verse 22. God brought them out of Egypt. He hath, as it were, the strength of Unicorn. This is in connection loved ones with the remnant aspect of things with the.
Extremity that they were looking at.
Look at it. Do we look like we have the strength of a Unicorn?
No, I'll have little strings. But it's God's strength, beloved. And if God doesn't preserve us.
You know, as I said earlier, Moses saw he would fetch water. No, you and I are not going to fetch water to sustain the people of God. If God doesn't sustain us as an assembly gathered to the Lord's name, we're not going to be sustained. And so he says to them.
God has brought them out of Egypt. Surely there is no enchantment against Jacob, neither is there any divination against Israel.
According to this time shall it be said of Jacob. Now notice this, I misread this all of my life, and of Israel. Notice that expression of this time it shall be said of Jacob and of Israel.
What hath God wrought?
Isn't saying that of God.
Looking at Jacob and Israel and seeing what they were as the workmanship of God, and they're saying what? Ask God. It's what sustains and helps keep me in the path that I was called to some 45 years ago.
Maybe not intelligently, but when I look in my brethren's face, I look at you as what God hath brought. What hath God brought them have to say, what has he done, Brethren, What? What a work of grace that you and I are here this afternoon.
Does it? Would this make Jacob proud? Would this make Israel proud?
No, it's what God has brought. It's what God had wrought in their life. Shouldn't we look at our brethren in this way? Can't you see something in in the worst of us that is the fruit of the working of the Spirit of God in our lives? What hath God wrought? And it's spoken of Jacob and of Israel. Well, there's yet another place.
Then it says of this remnant aspect, Behold, the people shall rise up as a great lion.
Lift up himself as a young lion. He shall not lie down until he eat of the prey and drink of the blood of the slain. And Balak said on to Balaam neither cursed him at all, nor blessed them all. He says, I'm sorry. I I'm sorry I started this procedure. Nothing but good has come out of my effort to get them cursed. If God be for us, beloved, who can be against us, and beloved, God is for us.
By his matchless grace, well, he's not going to give up yet. And so Balak says in verse 27 unto Balaam, Come, I pray thee, I will bring thee unto another place, he said. Surely there must be some Ave. of approach to this people, that we will be able to keep them from the blessing of God. We started with all the people. You might say the day of Pentecost everything was beautiful.
And they said, oh, we have no sense to work with this. We can't do it here. Come down to a remnant that has returned to the Lord's name of the gathering center. And well, it's weaker and it's feebler and but if we can succeed here, we will be successful in ending Israel's blessing before God. We couldn't do it there. And he said, well.
There's one more place we can try. There's one more place we can try. And beloved Saints of God, I believe the next look we get at Israel.
And if ever to curse this people and hinder their entering into their blessing from God is in this last aspect of looking at this people and he says.
Let's go to another place in chapter 24. And when Balaam saw that it pleased the Lord to bless Israel, he went not as other times to seek for enchantment, but he set his face.
Toward the wilderness. Let's look not from the up here at God's vantage point, but let's come down to where Moses is now, and let's look at them in the wilderness. And let's not take all of Israel. Let's not just confine ourselves to an extreme, the extremity of them, but it says. Balaam lifted up his eyes and saw Israel abiding in his tents, according.
To their tribes that is there they were now, and he's going to take them up by families, the 12Th families in Israel. You're going to see if my family now he can succeed in stopping the blessing of God toward his people. And I want to talk about this.
It's long been on my heart.
That the condition the assembly is in today.
Relates directly.
To the condition of our families.
How he has succeeded in devastating our families. Why?
The family is almost.
It's been almost extinguished.
The quiet solitude of family life.
What does the word mean?
What is a family?
Those of a kind?
But it's a family of God or my family or your family.
We've almost lost.
The ability to function as families.
Among the gathered Saints.
We don't know how to move as a family entity.
In a certain way, don't take me wrong, but as a self-sufficient entity like the local assembly in God's thoughts, it should have been able to take care of itself locally. That doesn't mean it didn't have communion with other assemblies, but it should have been self administrating.
But we don't see.
To have been able to grasp that concept for our families, I.
I noticed that very early in my Christian life and it came bearing down quite heavily on my soul as I became a father of children. The effort to take the children out of the family and make some other entity out of them.
The efforts to take the husband and the wife away from the to each other.
Who are not speaking about divorce but we've got a society that you know I.
I made my living for probably 18 years, carpet cleaning, mostly in wealthy homes.
That I seldom saw a family unity. It isn't just amongst the poor people this devastation has taken place.
Can he curse them in their tents separated?
By tribes.
And it says, The spirit of God came upon him, and he took up this parable, and said, Balaam, the son of beer, hath said, And the man whose eyes are open hath said, He hath said, which heard the words of God, which saw the visions of the Almighty falling into a trance. But having his eyes open, how goodly are thy 10?
O Jacob, and thy Tabernacle, O.
Couldn't do it, beloved. And I want to encourage your younger fathers and mothers.
We who are older failed badly in our families.
Consequently, the assembly has suffered dreadfully.
My concern.
Isn't simply for your family?
You know, I had a very close loved one.
She was never gathered to our Lord's name. She is a niece.
I spent a lot of time with her last few years.
Christian girl.
I don't know if she married a Christian or not.
She tried to establish a Christian home.
And it didn't work.
The enemy succeeded in destroying that home.
We have then come very close.
And I noticed.
Frequently she would speak to me, Uncle Henry.
I wanted a happy Christian home.
I heard this often.
And I realized one time in her talking to me, she said that again.
And Stephanie.
It just occurred to me.
That had never occurred to me as a father, that I wanted a happy Christian home.
That wasn't the purpose of my exercises.
The brother said to me once, years ago.
What is your strange religion?
I said my strange religion.
If I could deposit my five children in the Assembly of God.
For the glory of Christ.
Yes, I'm concerned for your family.
But I want you to deposit them in the Assembly of God for the glory of Christ.
So this last effort, this last ditch effort on the part of Balaam, was to get the tents of Jacob destroyed.
Beloved God is for us and it says.
How goodly are thy? 10 So Jacob, there are few things more joyful to my heart than to go into a home in order.
And to see the peacefulness of a family that still by the grace of God, could function as a family.
For the glory of Christ.
How goodly this is to God.
But it isn't simply for the blessing, as I say, of the family, it says.
As the valleys are, they spread forth.
Because Gardens by the Riverside.
As the trees have lined the loaves which the Lord hath planted.
And as cedar trees beside the rivers, what a fruitful picture then dispersed.
He shall pour the water out of his pockets.
And his seed shall be in many waters, and his king shall be higher than Agag, and his Kingdom shall be exalted. You see what happened when the family was blessed? It didn't stop there.
I like to think of the pouring out of the waters is what we have in the end of John's Gospel for in what is John 6 or where all of our.
Buildings shall flow. Rivers of living water. Beloved Saints of God, do we have a relationship with Christ that we've drank ourselves, and all of our bellies flow? Rivers of living waters? Oh, that's the way the testimony of Christ is taken to the world. They see us as a people who have drunk and are satisfied and have coming out of our inner being, refreshment for them.
As well.
But it's here, he might say, reversed.
He preserved this family element and it redeveloped, you might say.
Down into a Kingdom that is exalted.
And then it goes on to tell of its strength, and God wrought brought him forth out of Egypt. There's that expression again.
He has, as it were, the strength of a Unicorn. He shall eat up the nations.
His enemies, and shall break their bones and Pierce them through with his arrows.
He couched. He lay down as a lion, and as a great lion.
Whom shall stir him up? Blessed is he that blesseth thee.
And curse it is he that curseth thee, who shall lay anything to the charge of God elect.
Bilal Ad.
I think we're at the end of our pathway. I don't know.
Balaam is waging his efforts against us.
Against all the Church of God, against the remnant of it, and against your families.
But God is for us.
He is the one that gives the strength. The strength of a Unicorn is and Jacob's strength. It's God's strength on his behalf. Thou hast little string. It's called string. A lot of clothes.
With Joshua, I think it's Joshua chapter 13.
Chapter 13, verse 21, Middle of the verse Moses smoked with the Princess of Midian.
Which were Dukes of Zion dwelling in the country.
Balaam, also the son of Bjor the soothsayer. Did the children of Israel slay with the sword?
Among them that were slain by them well beloved.
If we're going to overcome this enemy, it's going to be by the word of God.
And not an intellectual approach to it.
But a submitting your spirit, soul and body.
To its control and its authority.
Then I believe Balaam can be slain in your life.
And you won't need to be corrupted by his influences and LED.
Into adultery from God. And I want to say this.
Of not to take away from what we had yesterday.
About the Almighty God.
But the Almighty God is our Father if.
We separate and come out from among them and be a separate people. That is who your father is, and you don't need to fear Balaam or Balak or Moab or the Amorites or any of them.
The Almighty God is your Father, and He wants to be.
Your father will be your father practically if you walk in separation.
If you come out of Egypt, a people.
For God dwelling alone, and it can be a very lonely path.
Beloved Saints, our God and Father, we ask thy blessings on thy word. Lord, we pray to bring it home.
In exercise to our hearts that we might know the reality of these principles that we've considered this afternoon, that they might be usable in our lives, that where we have failed in the past, our God and Father, we pray that we might be separated unto Him.
Without the camp bearing his reproach, we pray, Father, for the glory of our Lord Jesus and for the blessing of his dear people. We pray in his name. Amen.
Three years at 3:30 for the reason of work regression backward.