Colossians 1

Colossians 1
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Blossom Chapter One starting verse 10.
They might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God, strengthens with almighty according to his glorious power unto all patience and long-suffering, with joyfulness, doing thanks unto the Father which has made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in life, who have delivered us from the power of darkness.
And has translated us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, in whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins. Who is the image of the invisible God, the first born of every creature. For by Him we're all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be drones or dominions or principalities or powers.
All things were created by him and for him.
And years before all things, and by him all things consist. And he is the head of the body of the Church, who is the beginning, the first born from the dead. And in all things he might have the preeminence.
Forth please the Father, that in him should all fullness dwell, and having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all the things unto himself.
By him I say, whether they be things in earth or things in heaven. And you who that were sometimes alienated in enemies, in your mind by wicked work. Yet now hath he reconciled in the body of his flesh through death, to present you only, and unblameable and unreprovable in his sight, if he continue in the page, grounded and settled.
Be not moved away from the hopes of the gospel which you have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven, where all thy fall, and made a minister, who now rejoice in my suffering for you, and fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh, for his body's sake, which is the Church.
Whereof I am made a minister.
According to the dispensation of God, which is given to me for you to fulfill the word of God, even the mystery which has been hit for ages and from generations, but now it may manifest to his things to whom God would make known. What is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory?
Whom we preach warning every man teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus, where unto I also labor, striving according to his working, which worketh in me mightily.
What I thought should be pointed out again that there is an improvement in Mr. Darby's rendering in verse 10.
Has already indicated the end to true knowledge of cross, but he also says growing by the true knowledge of God. In other words, if we do not lay hold of the true knowledge of God, it stunts us in our growth.
And sometimes.
I don't listen to many of these radio programs that are on the radio, but sometimes you hear these men pray almighty God.
God is the Almighty God, but that's how he was known to Abraham as the conjecture, and he made himself known in a fuller way. And if you do not lay hold of the true knowledge of God, it stands us in our growth. That's not the only way how we can be started in our spiritual growth. In Hebrews chapter five we have that they were slow of hearing. They were clinging to the types and shadows.
To Jewish Christians and that started them in their growth. They were to be dealt with like vape and so if we in any way get involved.
Is what is taking place in the Christian profession, where they have introduced Judaistic principle into the Christian profession that also if we adhere to that will stunt us in our growth. Also in First Corinthians we have Saber not grown the way we could have because of worldliness. I've just mentioned these things, but here it is, especially what Paul Stratton said.
You're growing.
By the true knowledge of God, get ahold of how God has revealed Himself and his Son and the relationship into which he has been brought as a result of it. And that is what is essential if we want to grow normally as Christians.
I believe the ninth verse precedes the 10th.
For this 'cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that he might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, that you might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing.
We have three walk worthy in the word of God, one in Ephesians 4 and there's one here, and there's one in Thessalonians. And one is to walk worthy of the calling in Ephesians, Here's worthy of the Lord.
And in Thessalonians, worthy of God. But there's a walk connected here, isn't there?
And the reason he prayed is for them, that they might walk worthy of the Lord, and that's the Lord Jesus he's Speaking of here. And so as Christians, God wants us to walk worthy of Our Calling. That's true. And he wants us to walk worthy of the Lord. If we walk in an unruly and an unchristian like manner, we're dishonouring the name of the Lord. And so this, this exhortation is that we might walk worthy. And how do we do that?
Well, we're learning some of it this afternoon. We have the word of God in our hands.
In two Timothy chapter 2.
Where the foundation of God is announced as being firm and unshakable.
It says, Let everyone at name of the name of the Lord depart from iniquity. So this is what walking worthy of the Lord is to separate not which is defining and from all uncleanness, as it says in in second.
Corinthians 71.
Having these promises, having purified yourself.
Of all pollution, of pollution, of flesh and spirit, sanctuary, perfect holiness in the fear of the Lord. So this is walking in fullness and separation from the evil, as it says in Peters epistle that we should have.
I made my I may not be right, Peter. He said that we are to exchange from every form of evil, and John teaches us to keep ourselves pure. So these are the ways in which we walk worthy of the Lord.
Claudia Albert EW gave us beautiful an example of walking birthdays and he referred to the Crown Prince of England being on a cruise on the ocean and when they crossed the equator they would hit some celebrations going on. They were dressed foolishly and act foolishly.
Our friends when along with them.
Was there with a camera on, snapped a picture that appeared in England on the front page of the newspapers and he was called.
Buckingham Palace and he was rebuilt, he said. That kind of a behavior might be OK for anybody else, but for the Crown Prince of England, he made a point. You know, we have to consider that we are in a dignified, elevated position.
And conduct ourselves accordingly and questions that we don't break this honor. The conference brought this honor of under royal house. We were playing this honor upon a blessed Lord by conducting ourselves in an unworthy manner. Not only do we do harm to ourselves.
We praying his honor upon the name of the Lord, and success unto all faiths, That does mean to all people, please go on to who all men speak well through the Lord. Jesus said unto all pleasing means as to every point connected with the will of God.
So the tendency is that Christians stress some aspect of the will of God, and they neglect the rest. We ought to be exercised to please in all things. That very term Christian points us to an example of those who didn't walk worthy of Christ, worthy of the Lord. There was an Antioch early in the Church's history.
The believers didn't take that name. It was given to them. They noticed that they were like Christ. Well, that's good. That's what we should be. What were they of him?
Eric Smith tells him how one time when he's on a ship going to himself going to Australia.
He was on that ship with a rescue there and and then he said the young man, he was drunk here. He was wobbling around on the deck and never thought much about it. Well, that was a shame for the royal to the royal household, shame to the royal family.
Well, we're seeing as those who are, we're children of the King, are we not?
Says we were to walk in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.
We are He, the Lord Jesus Christ is made unto us Wisdom.
And we get spiritual understanding from the Epistles because the Holy Spirit.
Having come, the Lord Jesus, according to his promise, sending him on the day of Pentecost, has guided us into all truth according to the word of the Lord Jesus Christ. When he, the Spirit of Truth, has come, he'll guide you into all truth. And that's what we have in these epistles. That's what we have in this epistle, is the spiritual work of God in US and for us and through us, in order that we can be.
A heavenly people in the earth to which we have been sent by the Lord Jesus Christ. But having been sent there, we are not of this world. You are not in the world. Even as I am not a world, they are not of the world, the Lord prayed in the 70s of God. So we are here as spiritual individuals. Our blessing is spiritual and a spiritual realm. And so we are to walk in that character, holding forth a word of life in the mission of crooked and a perverse mission.
There are two things that characterize the believer who walks worthy of the Lord.
And that we have them in our verse. One is fruit bearing and the other is growth. And those are two things that are to be characteristic of the believer. My brother was talking about the stunting of spiritual growth. Why is it so often I don't grow in my soul? It's because I know the truth. Maybe I come to a meeting like this and I hear the word minister and I go back with it having no effect on my heart and on my walk and brethren, if we come to these meetings or any meetings in the assembly for ministry of the word and the word just goes in, in an intellectual way. And that's as far as it gets.
Then brethren is not going to have the intended purpose and blessings that God has for us. But if we let the truth get down into our souls, and it affects our walk, and we seek by grace, and it's only by grace, if we seek by grace to walk worthy of this one of the of the Lord, the one who has called us, and so on, then if there's going to be fruit bearing in our life, fruit for God's glory, and there's going to be spiritual growth. Now what is proof?
At times, I think some of the younger ones feel that bearing fruit for God is only something that the older ones can do or a select class. But fruit bearing really brethren in its simplest form is the manifestation of Christ in our lives. When you go to Galatians and you read the different things that characterize the fruit of the Spirit, love, peace, joy, long-suffering, gentleness, meekness, tempers, so on, those things are really things that characterize the Lord Jesus Christ. Trace them out.
In the life of the Lord Jesus Christ, and you see them exemplified in a beautiful way. And he's left us an example that we should follow in his footsteps and in the measuring which we walk in his company and seek to walk worthy of him. Then there's going to be that manifestation of Christ in our lives, and that's what it is, because it brings glory to God. There's no glory to God when when there's an attraction to self or self is put forward.
That doesn't glorify God. That doesn't glorify Christ. But when the person is hidden and Christ is seen in their life, then that's real fruit. Well, these things ought to characterize this, brethren. May we indeed seek to walk worthy of that blessed one.
What is the measure, brother? Heights of unto all pleasing?
Well, I believe, but I thought a date and that you had been connected with verse 9. You know the whole will of God and.
Unto all of these things, let me give you an example. And some people are exercised, and they only are concerned about the gospel.
And well, is that all the will of God for us? No, not to be unto all three things. Other people put a lot of emphasize emphasis on outward appearance. Well, outward appearance is taught in the word of God, but to make that the object is wrong.
And so.
I'm just sitting there as an example that we ought to be exercise.
To plead the laws in every part of the will of God and we have to confess to.
We all fall short.
They need to be exercised that we, in a fuller way, practice what the world is in goodness gives us to see, and how thankful we can be that we have given us to understand things that perhaps other Christians don't understand. But let's be careful.
The truth of the Church, the body of Christ, is not all the truth among the United States. We heard a lot about that, and I'm thankful for it. But what about?
Word of God that has to do with the Kingdom, the parables about the Kingdom. There are so many practical lessons for us who are not only part of the Church but also in the Kingdom. Treat those parables and you will find that there are many things there that speak to our conscience and also exercise.
These parables in Matthew and other gospels.
Very helpful to help us to understand all the will of God.
For us, and we should be exercising to please him in everything, not just concentrate around aspects of the truth will get unbalanced.
When you speak of the Kingdom, a lot of people, a lot of Saints, think, well, that's something that's to do only with this earth. Well, we're going to be part of the Kingdom. We may not be here on earth, but we're going to be part of that Kingdom. And so we shouldn't think of the Kingdom just as a as a realm here on earth. Because in Ephesians 110 it says all things both in heaven and in earth, but in the Kingdom now.
Oh, absolutely.
Take, for instance, the spirit of forgiveness. Should that be characterized by the following of the Lord Jesus. Now what about laboring for him in the vineyard? That is not so much reaching out in the gospel as it is usually to use. No, that is laboring for him, that he benefits, you might say, from our laborers. Then we are also to spread the gospel.
Find us with the wedding speech. And then what about the 10 virgins that we should be looking for the Lord Jesus to come this those are terrible, connected with the Kingdom of heaven in which we are now. Yes, we are also going to be in the Kingdom to come, and he might have a more prominent or less prominent part, depending on our faithfulness. Now you know there is going to be a different indication.
Not in heaven, you know. In heaven, we all will be there, and it's not going to be a place of exportation or one over the other, because we're all going to be there because of the workflow of Jesus, you know, and nobody has any.
But indicating some of the overtaking cities and some of our less depending on our faith on the soap, I emphasize this to show that we need to reach these parts of the word of God and let them have a practical effect in our lives.
We're told in first John 2.
That he that invited in him ought himself also to walk, even as he walked.
The thing that is true now is true in him and in US.
The life that we possess is the life of the Lord Jesus Christ and resurrection.
And so walking as he walked, he could say that I do always that which pleases him that sent me please my father. So walking to all pleasing is to walk as he walked.
And so when we have a perfect model after which to pattern our behavior.
We see in him, as has been suggested by the aspects of the fruit of the Spirit.
The perfect expression of every desirable human trait, so that we see in him everything that man ought to be to God, and we see in him everything that God is to man. So when we walk pleasing, we do those things that please him. And there is such consistency in the walk of the Lord Jesus Christ, that when he was asked in the age of John, who art thou, he could say all of together that which I have said unto you.
So the whole package of divine life in Him and in US, resurrection life in Him and in US.
Is summed up in his simple statement that is true in him and in us. Those walk as he walked in The scene is walk. Oh please.
We're thinking how it into Peter we get elected according to the more knowledge of God the Father.
Sanctification or set apart of the Spirit unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ. Now we're set apart unto the obedience of Christ as well as the blood of Christ. We're set apart unto by the Spirit unto obedience of Jesus. That is a measure of our obedience.
What the Lord Jesus was down here? That's that's the measure.
Our sanctification, our obedience.
That's to obey is he obey?
He never obeyed out of compulsion, never obeyed with the will that was different from that of his father. It was his delight. It was his meat and drink to do the will of him that said it. That's what sustained him here, wasn't it? It wasn't anything that that.
He didn't want to do, was his delight. Oh, I come to do thy will. Oh God.
And that was his past. How many times we may obey but with Well, I'll do it, but I don't like it. He never obeyed that way. It's just the life to do whatever the Father's children do.
Even Christ please, not itself. It says in Romans, and I think when you come to the 12Th of Hebrews, the joy, when it says do for the joy that was set before him, I suggest that that joy there was the joy of returning to the Father, having done the Father's will in full. Nothing was left undone of what the Father had given him to do, both in His pathway and in the work of redemption. It was all completed. He could say, I have glorified beyond the earth. I have finished the work which thou gave us me to do. And brethren, this is the pattern that's set before us, and I believe this is what is taken up in this expression in our verse.
I'd like to give a story that perhaps even the little children can get ahold of.
S2 Obedience.
Chuck was saying not just because we have to. A mother was going shopping and she had a teenage daughter. And she told the teenage daughter, while I'm gone, I want you to do this and this and that, and then when I come back, we will do this and that. And when the mother comes back to her, George, she finds the daughter has been obedient. She had done the thing that the mother told her to do.
But then, to her amazement, she found the daughter had also done the things that the mother said we will do together. So the mother said, why did you do that? Or the daughter said, I thought it would make you happy.
I think that's a beautiful story, isn't it? Why did she do that? She loved her mother. She didn't just want to be just plain obedient and do what she was told to do. And even children can learn to do that in the home. And if we learn to do that as children in the home, in our relationship with our natural parents.
It will help us to do that in our spiritual relationship and do it because we love the one whom we're serving and for whom we're doing it. Love is the strongest motive.
Yes, it is important to be obedient, and sometimes we might have to do something that we don't really enjoy to do, but we still do it because he wants us to do it. But if we do it because we want to bring joy to his heart, that's the most pure motive that anybody could have.
I suppose the three men that broke through the Philistines and threw water for David for doing that.
They weren't given a command, they weren't told to do it, but they did it through local days.
And the Lord Jesus gives us a command in John.
And this is my commandment that you love one another. That's a command. But when he instituted the memorial for himself, he never gives a command. He says. This dude.
Just an expression of desire. And then in Peter's First Peter Chapter 2, it says leaving us an example that we should follow in extent.
Let me give to this thing.
The 11Th verse goes on, says strengthen.
With all night.
According to his glorious power.
And that sounds real good, doesn't it?
That benefits unto all patients and long-suffering that don't sound good, but with joyfulness well he.
Vincent the father sent the Son to be the savior of the world, and he delighted to do the Father's will. So it says who for the joy that was set before him, and I agree with that. That joy was to get back to his father's house with the work all done but endured to grow.
Jesus went to glory by way of the cross.
And he wanted to do it.
We can't enter into the fullness of that.
Love unto death.
Pleasing the Father and getting such people's wish.
If he had avoided the cross, he would have failed to obey the Father in the most important aspect of his obedience. That was to put our sin to work, to glorify God as to the question of sin, and to open the floodgates of Islam and blessings to us. Who would fail, could fail his obedience. Was hurting never was his obedience more perfect?
Than when he was enduring the rest of a holy God against sin.
And he cried, My God, my God, life, and thou forsaken me ever. Was his obedience more perfect. Never was he more the delight of God upon me than that. But that could be expressed during those three hours.
Because I lay down my life. That's it. That's the verse.
That's Paul. Suggest here that we too might be called upon to suffer and to bear things, and we need patience. We need to long suffer and do it with joyfulness. That is the path for the Christian today. These are suffering days, and he's giving us strength.
For that part of the Christian life, the glory is going to come.
But at the present time, we have to be patient and we have to suffer long and be joyful in having to suffer. Like the disciples, you know, when they were persecuted in the early days of the Church, they rejoiced. They considered it an honor to suffer for the Lord Jesus. So here it seems like Paul brings that in, and that is all connected.
With walking worthy. What you're saying, Chuck, is that the Lord that goes on or began back in eternity was enough. We had that before and.
Back in eternity, and then before, and that's exactly what he said in John, that our brother pulled it. This authority have received, I along with the Father. These councils were all settled within the council of God, and eternity passed and carried out in time in the sun, becoming man and doing the will of the Father, and that authority received when he was along with the Father.
Let me read you these, Let me read you some verses that.
That we know in this land there is a love.
So the Hebrews 10 and verse 32, but called to remembrance the former days in which, after you were illuminated, he endured a great fight for quick shift.
Partly while she were made at gazing stuff, both by reproaches.
And afflictions, and partly whilst he became companions of them that were so used, for he had compassion in my bonds, and took joyfully.
The spoiling of your goods, knowing in yourselves that you have in heaven.
Whatever and an enduring.
Have not played, therefore you're confident.
Which had great recompense open wars, for ye have need of patience, and after ye have done the will of God.
He might receive the promise.
I always feel rather.
Difficult to talk about as strangers and pilgrims here, we hardly know what that means. We don't know what it means. We are.
Probably in one sense the most pity to be pity Christians on the face of the earth, because we don't know what it is to have hardships to behave in the despised and afraid that all of a sudden those doors were burst open. And will they'll come in and all haul us away.
To prison somewhere, to be put to death. Because we're Christian. We don't know what that is. Thankfully, we don't. But we did something.
And not knowing it, we missed something.
One thing from Joseph Brother who was in the dungeon.
And he told the Butler the meaning of his dream.
And he said to him, Think on me.
One that should be well with the.
Well, he had a spot. He had a hope that maybe his prisoner might, might, might soon be over. But he had to wait a few more years. So long the trial went on. There was 2 long years in that dungeon. Yes, it wasn't gone tonight.
And then he went from the dungeon right next to the throne of Pharaoh.
And so it does take long-suffering and endurance to go on. I agree with Chuck, we don't suffer physically in this land for our testimony. But there are real difficulties in the path of faith. It is the path of endurance. I say that because if you notice that Mister Darby's translation in our verse, as is often the case he translates the word patients here endurance are sometimes said the Christian race is not the 100 yard dash they.
Athlete goes out to run a race and he puts everything he has into the Sprint because it's just for a moment and then it's going to be over. But when the athlete goes out to run the marathon, he's taught to pace himself and to endure. And just because one miles behind him doesn't mean there isn't another mile ahead. Now, brethren, I suggest we're on the last lap now. The Lord is about to come. We're almost there. But isn't it a pathway of endurance?
And it's interesting that this is the same word as you get in Hebrews 12, where it tells us to run with endurance the race that is set before it. And then he sets the perfect example. Here's one who endures, who endures more than the Lord, who was more long-suffering in his pathway than the Lord Jesus, as he was rebuffed and reproached and rebuked, and then physically abused and nailed to a cross at the end of it all. So there was no one who sat down. A greater example than the Lord, but brethren.
We need to see Grace to run with endurance.
And to, in a practical way, exhibit this patience that's endurance and this long-suffering. But it's with joy, as we've been saying, and only the Christians can suffer with joy, the man of the world can be happy when things go well. They get that promotion. At work, young people get their exams, a good mark on their exams. Things are going well in the family circle. The Christie unbeliever can have a sense of happiness when everything goes well.
But just introduce something adverse into his circumstances. His joy depends on his circumstances. But we have a joy, it says Your joy. No man taketh from you. And there's a beautiful example in First Peter One where you have the Saints of God, persecuted, driven from their homes, referred to as fiery trials. They they were suffering things. I've never been called on to suffer in the past of faith.
But it says, whom not having seen ye love, though now ye see him not yet rejoiced it, believing, he rejoiced with joy, unspeakable and full of glory, you say, How can that be? They had Christ, they might have lost everything. Their circumstances might be very bad outwardly. But, brethren, our joy in the circumstances, the endurance and long-suffering of the pathway, will be in the measure in which we are enjoying Christ in our soul. And if you're enjoying Christ in your soul.
You can be put in the most adverse circumstances and nothing can touch your joy.
That's exactly what this level verse says, isn't it?
Strengthened with all might according to his glorious power. Unto all patience and long-suffering with I'd like to I'd like to add a comment to what heights was saying.
I want to correct that translation.
Strengthens with all might according to new translation.
Through the mind of his glory.
Unto all patience and long-suffering, with joyfulness or the power of his glory.
He's entered into another world.
He was here. Walk through the scene and perfection. The only man that never failed, always obey, always glorified the Father. He could say the Father is not left me alone, for I do always those things that please him. None of us can say that, not even close. And we say that. But everything he said was 100% the truth.
And he said, I do always those things that please think of what that meant to the father.
As he goes down here and saw that perfect light, Mr. Bellis puts it this way. There was there once was down here an object that would commend the place, but now his God, Jesus, is with the Father, and that's what we have here. The might of his glory were associated with that new world, that new creation of which he's the head.
And we belong to that.
And we've been so.
What's the word I want to show?
Under the influence of the worldly system that surrounds us, that brainwashed what the word I wanted. We've been so brainwashed we thought, really understand what Christianity is all about.
Walking worthy of the Lord is not according to our power. And here's power. I think that is a real encouragement that God has asked us to do something.
Brethren, it is possible to do it. Let's not say it's just too hard. I can't do it. He gives the power. Notice that in verse 11 strengthened with all.
Mighty power, What a tremendous power is unleashed. It's not the power of this world. It's not getting involved in politics of this world and power and earthly realm. But it is operating in his glorious power. I I'd like to go back to Ephesians, just to show in two places.
Where the apostles Paul prayed and speak to this power. There's nothing to equal this power, rather and it's operating towards us and in us. Notice chapter one of these people and one of the things the apostle prayed that their eyes would be open to verse 19. What is the exceeding?
Greatness of His power Notice to us word, who believe according to the working of His mighty power, which he wrought in Christ. He raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in heavenly places, far above all principality and power, and mighty dominion, and every name that is named not only in this world, but in also that would be done.
So that power works towards us now. It's not earthly power, it's not physical power. It's the power of God in resurrection. Then in the third chapter, Paul is again praying another. He mentions this power again.
Verse 20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above.
All that we ask for thing according to the power that worketh not two here, but in us. So that power works towards us, and it works in us. So let's never say if God asks us to do something, it's just not possible to do it. No, in His power it is possible to.
Watch in obedience.
To the Lord Jesus, let me give you some information.
That some of you might not know. Bill Cross and I were privileged a year ago in November to be in Utah and had a conference with veterans of Bhutan in India. Why in India they couldn't have a conference in Bhutan. Christianity outlawed.
Conference later on this year but it has to always be in India as they want to have it where they come with their children. We were the first so-called brother that were permitted to enter to town and we couldn't enter and tell them we'd come there to visit Christian friends. They wouldn't have given us a visa but pray for Lord all religious other than Hinduism and Buddhism.
And why Hinduism and Buddhism? They're related religions to 1 spring out of the other and so our brother.
They really tested. Let's pray that the government doesn't find out about that because that would be bringing real persecution for them. They mean secretly in all we need their prayers. I'm just going to say that.
We need their prayer. I suppose what you related to us is proof that not found. That's it.
The display of that power is not manifested outwardly. Oftentimes as Christians we realize that the Lord Jesus is in heaven. He's in control, and that's what gives us strength, knowing he's there. Like the early disciples, I I like the examples in the act of how they were strengthened in opposition and they divide certain threatening and they were in prison.
The Lord allowed them to be put in the prison. That doesn't mean he wasn't in power, no. That's why the patients and the long-suffering is needed, because we know it's in the coming day when he's going to outwardly display that part. But in the meantime, we're in on a secret here. We know he's on on high, we know he loves his church, and he cares for us. And even these persecutions are only allowed up to the point to eat these fits.
For a reason. And so that's what gives us strength to go on, even though outward evidence don't manifest that the Lords on our side we go on bearing it up, knowing that when the Lord comes it will be outwardly shown in the proper way.
The great secret to have that confidence in the Lord. He's on your side. And like he said when he went up, when he gave the Great Commission, it says all power is given me heaven and the nerve. Go ye. Therefore that was a great strengthening thing for those early disciples. He's still the same today, even though we don't have the babies out or persecution. There is opposition out there.
And our young people know it. You feel it when you go to school and it's hard.
And that's where you need that strength. I want to read in John 15, verse 18, Connection of Public Fame. If the world hates you, he knows that it hated me before it came with you. If you were of the world, the world would love his own. But because you're not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world takes you.
Remember the word that I said unto you. The servant is not treated in his Lord. If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they have kept my saying, they will keep yourself so, All these things will they do unto you, for my name's taste.
Because they know not him that sent me if I have not come and spoken into them.
They had not had sinned, but now they have no quote for my sin. For their sin he that hateth me he did my father also, I have not done a Muslim work which none other men did and had not had sinned, but now have they both seen and hated both me and my father.
Searching verses spoken by him who is the truth.
And if you would take a survey in the United States of America, tell me, what is Christianity? Tell me who is it you? Wouldn't you? I don't think you get a correct answer according to scripture. I doubt that you would, because we've been so brainwashed into believing that what is a false Christianity is a real thing and it's not the real thing.
When they come to the word of God and find out what Christianity is According to him.
We learn that our citizenship is in heaven.
We learn that our head is in heaven. We learn that we are destined for glory, to be united in glory soon with the Lord Jesus Christ, our risen head, as we are now united to Him by the Holy Spirit to form His body here on earth.
And that which gives us endurance, that which gives us power to endure whatever difficulties might come by. The way is to know that the end is for us is the glory. If the way is rugged, if the man opposition becomes such that it takes us away entirely and takes our life out, the end is the glory and the knowledge of the glory of Christ.
And our going there is that what enables us to endure whatever circumstance comes down here.
Peter puts it this way.
But the God of all grace who hath called us unto his eternal glory. Now look what he says about glory, eternal glory by Christ Jesus. What's the next word after he have suffered a while? These these things we're talking about temptations are keen we.
We just don't want to get into them and we don't want to feed them this country. But regard to who's feeling them, it's only a what? What's a little welcome in relationship to eternity? Nothing. It's interesting, brother Buchanan, in that connection with Moses, because when it sums up the life of Moses in the wilderness in Hebrews 11, it says he endured house as being him who is invisible. You know, you read the life of Moses.
We sometimes say Moses lost his patience with the people of God. And I say just once it was once too many.
But when you think of what he suffered not, and it was from his own brother.
The congregation of Israel would speak of stoning and the elders of Israel would speak against them. Both brother and sister rose up in rebellion against him, but he endured as seeing him who is invisible. And if we don't have an eye to the future, if we don't have glory before us, we're not going to exhibit the proper character of Christians and what Christianity is. Why are people Christians out lobbying for the betterment of this world?
Why are they equating financial success with spiritual success and all these kinds of things? I'm speaking very plainly, but this is what they're doing. Why? Because they don't have the glory before them. They're not looking to the end of the of the story. But there's something else, and it's in the next expression in our chapter, in the next verse, giving thanks unto the Father. How are we going to go on in the trials and difficulties of life and endure and be have long-suffering?
Well, again, the Lord Jesus is the perfect example. Because you remember in Luke 10, where it was a very difficult time in the life of the Lord Jesus, he looked around on the cities he come to bless. He had to pronounce judgment on them because they had rejected him. He felt it. But it says that same hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, you say, how could he do such a thing at a time like that? Well, the key is in the very next statement.
Even so far, therefore so it seemed good in thy sight. Amen. Perfect submission to his Father's will gave a perfect joy and and delight, even at a difficult time. And you find it again when Peter speaks of it. He says, Who? When he was reviled, reviled not again. When he suffered, he threatened not. Why? How could he do it? He committed himself to him that judges righteously, he said, the Father's in control.
He knows all about it, and perfect submission to the Father's will and the Father's purpose and plan gave him a joy. It wasn't that he was callous to what was going on. He felt those things that he suffered very keenly. Could they reproach a broken my heart, an expression Speaking of the Lord. But he found a joy and a peace and a confidence in committing everything to the Father. And so as soon as he speaks of this in connection with our pathway here, then he says, giving thanks unto the Father.
Do we learn to do that in a practical way rather than giving thanks unto the Father? Let me also say.
When we suffer from the world, we more or less expect them. But when we had to suffer from our fellow Christians, that really hurt us, and the brother said to me years ago.
Moses choose.
To endure afflictions with the people of God, who were the ones that caused him the most affliction. You mentioned already. They were going to stone him the very people that he was serving.
Just a very painful thing.
That sometimes that is our portion that we have to suffer from those from whom we could expect something different. But maybe we can go on to these versions now before we do, just want to make a comment on what you were saying.
Moses asked. The Lord take away my life.
Jeremiah did the same today.
Likely to make sense, Jeremiah said. I wish I'd never before.
The Lord said what I sent thee, fathers, when I was hid, these things, the wife included, that they've given them today. And that brings us back to what Bob was reading in Ephesians One, and I think it's nice to refer to that already. He works again, that you might know what is the exceeding greatness of his power.
To us word who believe according to the working of his.
Mighty power which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead.
And set him in his own right hand, in heavenly places far above, and so on. That's the greatest effort God has ever done. And he did it. Jesus was dead. He died. Could God raise him from the dead? Did he? Oh, yes. There's a man alive. He was there in the last book in the Bible.
I am he that liveth and was dead.
And behold, I am alive forevermore, its eternal life this time. This is what we can trust in. And do we we also read in in John 15. I think it was now have they both seen, hated, seen and hated both me and my father, that testimony.
But who's the who's the member of the godhead that's here on Earth now? And how great is he?
Who's doing all the great rest of controlling the world today?
He's a genuine.
Than he that's in the world who's controlling.
Yeah, well, that's what gives us peace and comfort. God is still here in the first of his spirit, and you know that man can't catch that spirit putting out can't do anything about it. They don't know anything about it.
But he's here.
All blessed to know that nothing can touch a Christian apart from God, aligned the three men, and before Nebuchadnezzar could say we know that our God is able to deliver.
Or a feature we're not careful to answer?
Beautiful. Beautiful. We will not bow to your finger.
What a marvelous thing. They also said he will understand that God was able and it didn't make any difference what man did. And we can be the same if we will.
They also said he will deliver us out of their hands. They knew that he couldn't do anything.
Do not see a man. They can kill the body but after that yeah, but who power do they have? But we better fear him Who after that and cast him to hell. Lord Jesus says that in Matthew gospel, but how wonderful.
The Father. We should give thanks to him.
And here he changes. He has been speaking to them, that he might walk with me, but now he includes himself and all of us.
He had made us.
Fit to be particulars of the inheritance of the Saints in life. Yes, that is the work of God.
Had he not done it, could we make ourselves fit? Or we could do it, make ourselves fit for help by our sin? But the Father has made us fit to particulars of the inheritance of the Saints in life. Were the Old Testament saying partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in life?
How do you say Chuck and I think this Christian truth. I think so too. That makes it wonderful, isn't it? St. in the light?
The Saints in the light, That's where we are. We've been taking others out of the darkness.
And we're hidden your life.
It's unique also to Christianity to know and address God as our Father.
The youngest of the believers set forth in the second chapter of John.
Babes in Christ know God as Father.
And it's so necessary for us to enter into the intimacy of relationship that we have been brought to to know Him as our Father in resurrection. The Lord Jesus sent the message, I have sent it to my Father and Your Father, introducing us in new creation and to the same relationship that He sustained with the Father so completely.
Have we been brought into that relationship with such intimacy that twice in the Epistles, once in Romans 8 and once in Galatians 4, we are enjoying or spoken of as the dressing God in the same terms that the Lord Jesus Christ addressed him when he was in the garden?
ABBA, Father, the Spirit of God in US makes us able to enter to address our fault in the same terms of intimacy as when he was in that intensity.
Of suffering. Have a father, and that's our place and we need to realize that and to lay, hold up and enjoy it and employ.
He is John. Tell them as he is at this very moment, so are we in this world. I've heard that he's beyond justice, Doesn't even start to cover the picture as he is. He's basking at this very moment in the love of his father. So are we in this world? Can we think of that as the same love that God has for his son? He has for us, For you to tell us?
And John said that he is for weakness.
This very moment, and because the rest of that verse is, and because we are as he is, we have boldness in the day of judgment, and we also have power to endure whatever circumstances pass through we are called to pass through. When the Apostle Paul was so oppressed and opposed in Asia that he despaired even of living, what was his solution?
We did not trust in ourselves. We trusted in the God of resurrection. So the power of resurrection is ours to use in the difficult circumstances that the world imposes on us. Because we're Christ. I have. We had our confidence in Him who raises His death, and that's the end of us. If we pass into death, we're immediately with the Lord. If we're here when He comes, we rise to be with Him, and we'll all go up together.
But his end is to be with him and like him in the glory.
That's Christianity according to God as it's revealed in the epistles, not Christianity according to what is seen. That man is made it to be a tremendous difference, and we need what God has given us in these epistles to give us to realize we are fit. We are suitable for His holy presence because He has made us to be holy ourselves and without blame before Him in love. Not only suitable for His presence, but a capacity to respond to that Kingdom of love Brother was mentioning before we came and to this meeting what is to be understood by.
We are introduced in the Kingdom of the Son of Islam.
Well, it's simply that the believer on the Lord Jesus Christ now is introduced into that sphere characterized by the love that they that the Son and the Father enjoyed within the Godhead, and the love that has been manifested in the gift of His Son into which we have been brought. Those are the that's the Kingdom of the Son of His love, where He is supreme and the whole aura of surrounds us as believers.
As an atmosphere of love.
God is love.
28 Call it and he must be what he is. He'll be what he is.
There are two kingdoms that are in conflict, aren't they? And I think that is probably hard for us to grapple with. Seems like our struggle and this world so often is to accommodate ourselves down here, make our life comfortable in one way or another. But you never get away from the fact that these two kingdoms are in conflict.
Direct conflict.
We've been delivered from the power button. We've been translated into the Kingdom of his new son. Now we own a different authority. Now we recognize someone who was hated and rejected in this world. How can we ever expect anything but rejection from the world and the measure that we recognize his authority we get so important for us to?
Remember that these two things are in conflict.
We heard about the Apostle Paul who was the persecutor of those who were called Christians. He met the Jesus.
On in the glory and he was translated into a different Kingdom, and he no longer was the persecutor. He became the persecutor. And that will always be the case in this world, while the Lord Jesus is in rejection. Always.
He comes to my mind.
He rather expresses a beautiful thought.
Well, Speaking of the visa 12 in his frozen, knowing all that in that Buddhism lie and came to earth to make it known that he may share the joy in that beautiful Lord Jesus from all eternity enjoys that love and that fear and then he comes to earth so that he could introduce us into it and help us share.
That joy and enjoy it.
Now we don't have to wait till the glory to come. He wants us by the Spirit to enjoy that. Now we're already seated in Him in heavenly place, Ephesians, but we will soon be seated there with him. But we can already enjoy. The delight that we have is not going to improve when we get to glory. It's the same life we have already now. The relationship in which we have been brought is not going to change.
There will be a fuller enjoyment of it. We will know as we are known. But the relation ship is already ours now and we fought to buy faith, lay hold of these things. What a difference it makes.
To enjoy these things if the past. Or let me put it this way, if you're not in the enjoyment of these things and then are expected to walk in a path of separation.
The path will seem a heart test, but when we are in the enjoyment of these things, the path would be a path of joy and happiness. Because while we're going through this world, it is in opposition to us. We are in the enjoyment of the Father's love and that which we have in Christ.
You mentioned earlier, Brother Heinz, an illustration that her brother Albert Hazel gave us, and I was thinking of another illustration in connection with what you've just said because, as you say, the practical enjoyment of this truth in our souls.
It's what's going to have a practical effect on our walk. And I remember our brother Albert telling us that one time as a young man he sat in a meeting where his father was ministering and his father went on at some length as to the evils and the wrongness of pride and self esteem and and so on. And Albert listened to this and after the meeting was over he went to his father and he said now father if I didn't have some self respect and self esteem.
I wouldn't make sure my shoes were shined and my pie was straight and my hair was combed when I went out the door to work in the morning or came to meeting. He said, Father, how can you speak like this? And his father heard him out and then very wisely said to him, Albert, if you remember at all times that you are a son and heir of God and to whom you belong, it will take care of all those things without one ounce of pride or self esteem. And so we hear again a lot of in Christian circles today about self esteem and all this kind of things.
Let's be careful. If we could just get these things down into our soul, it would have an effect on our lives without one ounce of pride coming into it all. And if you just allow me to say this in connection with what was just said, we think of what it's going to be like when we get to the glory, and we're all going to be like Swift and like Christ. But brethren, think of God the Father viewing the company there in that day, and to see them all just like his Son, the one who was ever His delight from a past eternity.
And to have a house full of children like that?
Morally conformed to him completely, finally.
I know that person in John refers to the appearing in the manifestation, but think of it. God is going to look in front of the heart of the Father be when he sees us all there around his son with and like him. Oh, if we can, if we could just get a hold of that. I think if again it would make a practical difference in our life. Now like to make a comment to you might get into a discussion with young people at college.
Grade school, whatever it might be. And they might say to you, well, Muhammad.
Who founded the Islamic religion evenly in Jesus? How would you respond to that? You did you know even Jesus. But he's not the thing Jesus said we believe in. He's not. He gives him the same name, but he's not the one who believe it. How do you know what we believe in? How do you know him? Thank you in this book. That's how we know him.
Read it. Get acquainted with him. Become so acquainted with who he is and how He acted. You know, they say in the world, what would Jesus do? But that depends on me, what I think He would do. What did He do? Am I the correct question? Because He was. He was in every circumstance that you and I will be in. How did he act? Well, how do I find that out? Read the gospel. How do you find it out? Get acquainted with him, and then you'll be able to say.
To Jesus you're talking about.
Is not my geezer. He's not my savior. You don't know about what I know. I know the one that God has presented to me in his word. That's how you know the difference, how you can ward off error when they they'll they'll use the very terms we use. They use the word born again. They need something entirely different than the pictures means. And they'll talk about Jesus. They'll talk about God and all this. They have a different God, the false God, and they don't know that Jesus, that we know.
And they do not believe that God wants us to be his children.
They say God wants us to be his slave. That's his love for you. They don't know God the Father. But I was thinking too, as Jim was talking, that the Father will enjoy having us with him in the Father's house. What about the Lord Jesus? He will say, Behold, I and the children which thou hast given thee.
Rejoice over us with singing, Yes, what a joy that will be for his heart to see us there with himself, and to be with him, and like him and not only.
Just a few. All will be there, all the ready. May I read Ephesians 525.
The end of the verse.
Even as Christ also loves the Church and gave Himself for it, that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the watering water, the washing of water, by the words, that he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spots or wrinkles or any such thing, but that it should be fully and without bridge.
That's what we're waiting for.
And each and every child of God, I don't care whether they're Catholic or what they are. Doesn't make any difference if they know the Lord Jesus Christ and safety their part, that very scripture, that He might present it to himself a glorious.
We don't look very glorious today, and I don't think, thanks to God on earth have ever looked very glorious. But they're going through that's the way you're going to present the church to himself.
All those things could be right to the Lord Jesus. Glorious one and one without the spot, without wrinkles. So we like him won't be wonderful.
And you'll see the fruit of the travail of his soul, and be sent, and be satisfied.
Precious thing of it is, is that we've already.
Certainly were made me for as it says here which have made that they're not will make this but half may that need to be protected of the inheritance of the portion of the state in life and find it remarkable it doesn't say.
In love, because it is the Kingdom of the Son, of his love, but it's in light and the danger. Of course. He goes on to mention those being delivered from the power of the authority of darkness.
And that's where at least some of us were under in that Kingdom where the authority of darkness ruled the main in in his power. He delivered us out from that and made us students for the portion of the same shot of darkness, but in light.
And he's in.
Chapter 2 it says that.
In verse 15.
Having spoiled in something that he's going to do, having spoiled principalities and always maybe shows them openly triumphing over them in it. And when God raised him from the dead.
And Paula Darsen's lost his authority and the Lord could go in.
Kingdom and delivered souls, all of it, into and make them need to be.
Fit for the portion of the strength and life. And I just say this because for the Jim mentioned, if we had a realization in our souls, not even what we're going to be in the future but what we presently are.
We're going to be able to.
The son of this flaw is the one in whom we have redemption. It's a forgiveness of sin. Some people have strongly objected to Mr. Darby in his translation, leaving out through his blood in verse 14.
But it isn't in the original and in Ephesians you have it, and that I have explained. And it is good for us to understand that that in Ephesians you have the means by which we have redemption. In Colossians you have the one in whom we have the person is presented. That's why the blood is left out here. Later on the blood is mentioned.
Like for instance in verse 20, having made peace through the blood of His cross. And if you understand that that here the emphasis is on the person in whom we have redemption, not the means which we have in Ephesians. There the blood is mentioned properly and and then we find in the rest of these verses Now from her 16 on the one in whom we have redemption is presented.
And what a tremendous truth that is that it was not other than the one who is the head of all creation, the Creator that became the Redeemer, and he's got sons that became the Lamb of God and want to work.
He has accomplished how great that work must be, since it has been accomplished by such a wonderful and great person and no one else could have anywhere.
That's expressed this way in First Corinthians chapter one at the end. It might read the last two verses there, First Corinthians chapter one.
Verse 30 To be breathed of him, are ye?
In Christ Jesus.
Will God is made unto us.
These four things, and we've been talking about them. Wisdom.
Righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. It's in him. Why that? According as it is written, he that glorious. Let him glory in the Lord, that person who's done it.
I want to just make a comment on what was said.
The comment was it's not. It was it's not in the original. We don't have the original, we don't have the original writings at all.
We have manuscript copies of copies of copies of copies of copies, and it's the business of an editor to decide as he looks through this massive data what what's the original? And they don't all agree.
King James translators didn't invent that the manuscript that they used or the text that they used added in it.
Sounds love. I just say that so that we don't get the idea that there is an original. There wasn't original, but that's long gone. We don't know where it is. And what we have is copies of copies of copies of copies. And it's the business of an editor to decide what is the correct reading. And that's one of the reasons why some of the modern translations differ from the King James.
It's one of the main reasons why it's different, because they use a different Greek set than the King James.
Why? We need to be careful what's given to us, because if we aren't careful, maybe we'll let some things go too like that, and then our children won't know what the original was. I'm using as an example, but it's a witness to our failure in Christendom would be.
A brother Chuck's point is that in translating the translator.
Needs to be a spiritual man because sometimes discerning God's mind in the portion would determine what words he would use or if there was a discrepancy, whether he would leave it or not. And that's why often Mr. Gargi's translation he'll give you.
Other things, but it does.
As the golf course and I think it's good for us to weigh that.
Too, as we do drugs, A translator.
I agree. I agree with that perfect 100%. But he would be the last one to say or the first one to say that this translation or his, his production was perfect. He would never say that. And yet we we sometimes go that far.
As though it is. And I think we have to become, we have to be a little bit careful in the in criticizing the King James.
Sometimes it needs to be corrected and I think some of the corrections that were made. I think your argument is is valid.
And why in the Blood is not here in Colossians and it is in Ephesians, but don't appeal to the original manuscript because it we don't have it. I appreciate that explanation because I was under the impression that it wasn't in the original, but I appreciate that. But it's important to emphasize that Mister Darby's judgment, I believe in this case was obviously correct in leaving it out and the emphasis is on whom we have.
In whom we have it, not to me, but thing #331.
Brother, my sovereign love.
Has sought captive to sin, gone far from thee. The work that thine own son has wrought has brought us back in peace and freedom #331.
Father, I thought.
Is to save no more hearted.