Be Careful for Nothing

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 5
God gives us peace in Himself which is beyond our understanding
We are in relationship with God; He is our refuge in all things, and events do not disturb Him. He knows everything and He knows it beforehand. Events shake neither His throne nor His heart; they always accomplish His purposes. But to us He is love; we are, through grace, the objects of His tender care.
He listens to us and bows down His ear to hear us. In all things, therefore, instead of worrying and weighing everything in our own hearts, we ought to present our requests to God in prayer, with supplication and with a heart that makes itself known. We are human beings with knowledge of the heart of God and we know that He loves us perfectly, so that even while making our petition to Him, we can already give thanks, because we are sure of the answer of His grace, whatever it may be. It is our requests that we are to present to Him. Nor is it a cold commandment to find out His will and then come before Him; we are to go to Him with our requests. It does not say that you will have what you ask, but that God's peace will keep your hearts.
We trust Him, and His peace, the peace of God
Himself, shall keep our hearts. It does not say that our hearts shall keep the peace of God, but having cast our burden on Him whose peace nothing can disturb, His peace keeps our hearts.
We cast our trouble before Him who takes charge of everything and knows all beforehand. The constant peace of the God of love quiets our hearts. He imparts to us the peace which is in Himself, and which is above all understanding (or at least keeps our hearts by it), even as He Himself is above all the circumstances that can disturb us, and above the poor human heart that is troubled by them.
O, what grace! Even our anxieties are a means of our being filled with this marvelous peace, if we know how to bring them to God. How true He is. "Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you." 1 Peter 5:77Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. (1 Peter 5:7).
Young Christian