EDITORIAL:What's Going to Happen Next?

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EYES are focused on the Middle East and people are wondering what will happen next. Who is the king of the north? Just where will he arise? These and many other questions are grave concerns of many today.
The Bible is the only book that can tell us the future. It was written by the Spirit of God and can only be rightly interpreted by that same Spirit of God.
A general thought of many is that doomsday is coming for this earth, and what the Spirit of God has written agrees well with this. Judgment is determined. "Now is the judgment of this world." John 12:3131Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out. (John 12:31). When the world rejected Christ, who came in grace to be a Savior, it sealed its doom.
Who will be the judge? John 5:2222For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son: (John 5:22) and 27 tell us: "For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son.... And hath given Him authority to execute judgment also, because He is the Son of man.”
In Dan. 11 we read of three kings; the first is the willful king abruptly announced in verse 36. This is the Antichrist, the false messiah. The second is the king of the south who at the time of the end pushes at the first king, the Antichrist. Then the third king is aroused, the king of the north who comes like a whirlwind. Two attacks on Jerusalem are the result.
What is generating much interest in Christian circles now is what can we expect from the horrible hatred and fighting particularly to the north and east of Israel at this time? We will say this: it will get worse.
The three kings mentioned will arise, but as Christians we do not expect to see or know who they are. After we-the Church, or the bride-are "caught up" it will not be long before these kings make their power and presence felt.
The Armageddon judgments of Rev. 16 and 19 then take place. While we as believers are expectantly waiting for our Lord and Savior (Deliverer) to come and snatch us from great danger, the tribulation, we should be interested in preparatory happenings in the Middle East. Two countries that we might well observe are Syria and Turkey. These are the countries to the north of Israel, and it is from this region that the king of the north will come. Egypt, the country from which the king of the south comes, is already in place and showing increasing signs of power. The turmoil of these past few years in the Persian Gulf area increases the importance of Turkey. This country is strategically situated with borders on Syria, Iran, and Iraq as well as countries in Europe. She has an army of 800,000. It may be that we will yet see a shift of power in the Middle East toward Syria and Turkey.
C. Buchanan