I wonder how many of you children have been to the beach in the summer time,—if you have not been to a beach along the oceanside, maybe it was one by some lake shore. What fun the boys and girls do have at such places wading, bathing, and swimming! Did you ever try jumping the waves as they come rolling toward you?
We surely ought to feel what tiny, weak creatures we are, when we see all the mighty works of God about us; just look at the heavens above you, the miles upon miles of land around you, and the great bodies of water which divide continents—do these things not show us God’s power?
Yes, and the love of God is shown, toe, by permitting the lost as well as the saved to enjoy all these beautiful things—how unworthy any of us are of them!
How we should love the Lord for all His goodness; these are gifts we can have only as long as we live down here, but God’s greatest gift to us is His Son, Jesus Christ. It is Jesus alone Who can make us happy for both time and eternity. All these other gifts will fail to bring comfort or peace unless we know Him.
ML 05/14/1944