In a circle of bright, rosy-checked boys and girls gathered on the shore at a service held for children, was a little girl named Rosie. She was with her parents from the north spending a week’s holiday. In Rosie’s home, the name of Jesus was seldom, if ever heard, and I fear she was never told of her need of a Saviour, or of Jesus who came to save the lost. Sitting in that happy circle, she heard of Jesus, who loves the children, and longs to save them in early days, and as they sang,
“Jesus loves me, He who died;
Heaven’s gate to open wide,
He will wash away my sin;
Let His little ones come in.”
Rosie trusted Jesus as her own Saviour. She went to her home, a saved little girl, and there, among companions and playmates, she loved to tell how Jesus saved her.
ML 05/14/1944