Behold All Things Are Become New

Hebrews 12:18 ; 2 Corinthians 5:14
Address—G.H. Hayhoe
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Like you to turn with me to the 12Th chapter of Hebrews. Hebrews chapter 12.
Verse 18.
We are not come unto the mount that might be touched, and a burned with fire, nor under blackness and darkness, and Tempest, and the sound of a trumpet in the voice of words, which voice they that heard entreated that the word should not be spoken to them anymore.
For they could not endure that which was commanded, and if so much as a beast touched the mountain.
It shall be stoned, or thrust through with the dark. And so terrible was the sight that Moses said, I exceedingly fear and quake. But ye are come unto the Mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, the General Assembly and Church of the first born, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and of the spirits of.
Made perfect, and to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaketh better things than that of Abel, See that you refuse not him that speaketh, or if they escape not, who refused him that spake on earth.
Much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven.
Whose voice then shook the earth, but now he hath promised, saying.
Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven. And this word yet once more signifies the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.
Wherefore we receiving a Kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear, for our God is a consuming fire. Shall we just turn to 2nd Corinthians chapter 5? Second Corinthians chapter 5?
And verse 14 For the love of Christ constraineth us.
Because we lost Judge that if one died for all, then we are all dead.
And He died for all that they which lived should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again. Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh? Yeah, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we Him no more. There. Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature.
All things are passed away. Behold all things.
Are become new. It has been said that the Epistle to the Hebrews as an epistle of contrast, contrasting various things in the first chapter, the way that God spoke in the Old Testament through the prophets. Now he has spoken in his Son.
And the glory of that Blessed One is brought before us in contrast with all others, even angels. And then through the epistle we see his work contrasted with those sacrifices of Judaism, the way into approach, into his presence in the Old Testament.
The high priest once a year contrasted with the blessing that we have, being able to approach into the presence of God with holy boldness and without fear. But when we come to the end of this epistle, it seems to me that the Spirit of God would apply these things to our hearts in such a way as to draw on our affections and cause us to want to live to Him.
And all how important this is?
Because we are living in days when everything is being shaken.
But we have here, young people, some things that cannot be shaken.
We have a sure foundation, and unless we have a sure foundation to stand upon, why surely we may see the shaking of the very things that we thought were well established in this world. And so in this chapter here we have, I just might mention in the first part, we have the Lord Jesus.
Set before us, it says, looking under Jesus.
The author and finisher of faith, that is the Spirit of God attracts us to that one.
Who lost the path of faith perfectly, and so were pointed to him and encouraged to lay aside every week, and the sin which does so easily beset us. And then the second part of the chapter we have chastisement brought before us, and that is God's ways with us in child training. The disappointments and sorrows of life, and how God uses them in order to draw our hearts.
Word and tells us to lift up the hands that hang down and the feeble knees and to make straight paths for our feet. In other words, if one might put it simply like this, if the love of Christ. If occupation with the Lord Jesus does not cause us to want to follow him, then perhaps he brings trials into our lives so that we would realize that those things that.
Thought were worthwhile living for were only the passing things of time. And how often through the trials of life we are made to see that things here are not of a permanent character and that we have something better awaiting us. How brand it is to go and visit a sick one and those things that he has once held on to.
Very, very steadily. They're beginning to be shaken.
And to see him looking under Jesus, to see him through that trial.
Closer to the Lord Jesus. And dear young people, you have disappointments too. You have trials. There are things that come into your life and perhaps your outlook is very frustrating at times and you wonder why God allows these things to come. What do you know? It's because He wants you to have your affections set upon things above.
He's seeking to set before you.
Those things that are really yours, that belong to you with Christ in glory. And it's a good thing to learn these things while we're young. Sometimes we think, well, we would expect this from those that are older because they've had a lot of experience along the way. But God teaches us some of these things when we're young, and it's a good thing if we would take even those.
Frustrations and disappointments.
Means that God is using to make us realize that those things in this world.
That looks so attractive to our young hearts. They are not abiding they are going to pass away.
They belong to those things that can be shaken, but we have something that cannot be shaken.
And then where we began to read, we have the giving of the law. And this is very beautiful in this connection because.
We you might say, well, God is requiring something of me that I find it hard to give.
He expects something of Maine. That seems unnatural for me as a young person.
But he tells us that he hasn't brought us to Mount Sinai, where the law was given.
But he has brought us instead to Mount Zion. That is, He hasn't.
Brought us to that place where He makes known His demands to us in such a way as to strike terror into our hearts.
So I'm going to even Moses said I do exceedingly fear and quake. But when he makes known his mind and will to us, and this to my heart is precious, this was what I was thinking of particularly when he makes known his mind and his heart to us, he speaks from heaven.
He opened the vision of the glory that awaits us up there and said, I'm talking to you from this very scene of blessedness and I'm encouraging you to live to please me. Wasn't that grand? Oh, it's not, I say, coming to you with the voice of terror and demanding of you, something that you might find hard to give, but the Lord Jesus.
Has done everything that love could do to win your heart and mind.
What more could he do to win our hearts? And I think this is so precious here, to see him as the one who has gone up on high and right from heaven. He looks down and he says, dear young person, haven't I done everything that love could do to win your heart? You pick up the magazine, you see some picture of a new invention. You see some.
Scenery of another land and you say I'd like to go and see that?
That looks so beautiful. I like to have an automobile like that, or I like to have a home like that. Yes, those things coming from possessions that you don't have and places that you have not been, they appeal to you. But the Lord is speaking to you from heaven. You're a young person. He's there and He's your best friend.
He's done more for you than the dearest friend you have on earth, and no failure on your part.
Could ever change his log towards you? Indeed, this chapter brings that out. It tells us that when he corrects us, it's in love and it's for our profit. Sometimes as parents we correct our children. What we do it for our own pleasure. We often ask them to do things because it's for our pleasure. We tell them to be quiet because they're bothering us. We tell them to do things because it make it easier for us.
But isn't it marvelous to think?
That God our Father loves us so well. He said. I will never bring one trial into your life that isn't for your good. It's for our prophet that we might be partakers of His Holiness. He doesn't correct us in wrath, He corrects us in love.
And so it brings out the contrast here. Moses saw that mount where the law was given Mount Sinai. And it said, he said, I exceedingly fear and quake. And perhaps if I stood up here and started to talk to you of the things that you ought to do, it might arouse resentment in your heart.
It might cause you to say I don't like to hear the way he speaks.
Always demanding something, but I think this is lovely here. My precious Savior from heaven said, I'm not speaking to you now from Mount Sinai. I'm speaking to you from heaven itself. And he gives us a little view here of that heavenly city. Isn't this lovely, the city of the living God, the grandest cities on earth.
Are shaken sometimes earthquakes come. Tornadoes come.
Fine buildings are taken down and others are put up. New highways are built and almost before they're finished they're wishing they could change them a little because we're living in a scene where everything changes.
What we have before us, the city of the living God, a city that will never need to be replanned, a city that will never need a new invention to make it any better. There will be no improvements in the homes up there.
So we know better cars coming out next year than there were this year. Everything will be the ultimate of supreme happiness and blessing. And when the vision of it was opened up to John, God said, behold, I make all things new.
Write, for these words are true and faithful. Oh my God, open up to your soul a little picture which the Lord Jesus here is seeking to open up to you, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels.
I might say that the comma should be after General Assembly here.
It's to an innumerable company of angels, the universal gathering, that is. Angels now are ministering spirits sent forth the minister for them, who shall be heirs of salvation. But we're going to occupy a higher place than the angels.
He hasn't put the world to come in subjection to the angels. We think of those angelic beings that are greater in power and might, but he said they're going to be gathered in and you're going to have a more wonderful place than the angels. And one might speak in this way when we get to glory the angels, which are now around the throne, discharging God's will.
Are going to move back and the redeemed are going to take the nearest place to the throne.
Yes, those mighty beings who never sinned.
Don't have as wonderful a future before them as you do, dear young person, You have a grand future before you. Those angels, those ungealous beings will step back to give you the nearest place. Perhaps you've gone to some place. When you got there, the crowds were so great. You said, oh, I couldn't get near enough to have a good look. There were such crowds. Did you ever go any place where they stepped back and said, well, we'll let you.
Nearest place, but God says to the angels, move back.
My redeemed people are coming. And so in the 5th chapter of Revelation we see in the inner circle there the ones around the throne, the redeemed, the ones who sing the choir of heaven, and they sing without worthy. For thou slain and hast redeemed this to God by thy blood, out of every kindred and tongue and people and nation.
And this made us unto our God, kings and priests.
And we shall reign over the earth, you say. Well, I have a responsibility to.
Try and do my part in this world. I know they tell you that at school. They say you have a place to feel in your community, in your country.
But you and I have a place to fill in the first righteous government.
This world has it's going to have righteous government someday.
Jesus is going to reign in righteousness and God is preparing us through the things that we pass through here.
This is our schooling, and he's preparing us for the place, reigning with him. And as we had yesterday, if we suffer with him, we shall also reign with him. Jonathan didn't want to suffer with David, so he missed the privilege of being associated with David when the Kingdom was established. And if you and I try to shirk the suffering, we're going to miss part of the joy.
Of reigning there with Christ.
Well, we have the universal gathering of the angels and then.
The Church of the First Born, which are written in heaven.
He will talk about the church role, a church role, while a church rolls in heaven. And if your name is on a church roll down here doesn't mean very much. It doesn't mean very much because you might have it there and not be saved at all.
But if your name is written in heaven, you will be there, you will be among that wonderful company who will occupy that place and association with the Lord Jesus as part of His bride, a Church of the first born which are written in heaven. One of you is opened up to the soul, the Spirit of God here pointing to us, giving us a picture.
Of that scene and of which we are soon to be ushered.
And speaking to us from that place, sometimes there will be a broadcast.
Miles away, a man will be speaking from the very place. He will look around. I say he will see something and he will describe it. Hello. You're not there. Well, here is a voice from heaven. Isn't this more wonderful than anything you could listen to over any of the world's conveniences or ways of broadcasting news? Here's a voice that speaks to you from a scene of glory.
The Church of the First Born.
Which are written in heaven and to God the Judge of all. We might be surprised why that should come in here.
But also wonderful is the place into which the believers brought that we have No Fear. The judge is the one who gave his son to die for us. Like the little child her father has. The judge in the courtroom, he has condemned the man to death.
The death sentence has been passed by that very man. And he walks out. He comes to his home. He gets out of his car and his little girl comes and throws his arms around his neck. A neighbor said, well, that's the judge just condemned the man to die today. A little girl says, that's my daddy. That's my daddy. Oh, isn't it wonderful?
That that one who is going to be the judge?
Is the one who loved you, gave his son to die for you? All beloved young people, There's No Fear in love. Perfect love cast without fear. That's why it says in that passage in first John. I believe it's the fourth chapter.
That we may have boldness in the Day of Judgment, because as he is, so are we in this world.
We don't have to wait till the judgment day to find out there are those who are living in fear, hoping that when the judgment day comes, everything will be all right. But here the Lord Jesus speaks from heaven, and he tells us of that scene, and he speaks of the Judge of all, but tells us that we're part of the bride.
That were part of the Church of the first born, which are written in heaven. Oh how beautiful this is, and of the spirits of just man made perfect. That is the Old Testament Saints. For all in heaven will not be part of the bride. The Church is the bride of Christ.
All said, I have espoused you as a chaste virgin to Christ. You had your choice of the time in which you'd like to live.
You couldn't live in a more wonderful time. The Old Testament Saints are going to be in heaven.
But they will not occupy the wonderful place we occupy. They will not be part of the Bride of Christ. They will be there. They will sing His praises. They will know His love in a wonderful way, but not in the same blessed way that you and I will know it.
And then it says and to Jesus the mediator.
Of the new Covenant, and of the blood of sprinkling that speaketh better things.
The land of Abel. Why, when the first covenant was made, it was conditional on man's obedience.
The first covenant.
Said this, do and thou shalt live.
I am forfeited all right, the blessing on that ground, but we were brought to the one who is the mediator of the new covenant.
And his blood speaks better things than that of Abel.
And God looked down upon the blood of Abel. That blood called for vengeance.
But he looked down. He saw this world mail his son to a cross. He saw that soldier with a spear.
Crossed his side, and as he looked upon that blood, he said that blood calls for blessing for man. Blessing is not marvelous. God looked upon that soldier putting a spear into the side of the Savior, and he said that blood cleanses from all sins could love the greater.
If you ill treated someone would you expect him to love you the more for it? Not naturally would we?
But this world ill treated the Son of God. Your heart and mind cried away with him.
But what does he do in return? He looks upon that stoop, blood, thy blood shed on Calvary, and says that it cleansed us from all sins. Yes, that precious Savior up there speaks to you. Listen to these words. See that she refused, not him that speaketh all. Is there an unsaved 1 here?
Are you refusing that precious savior? Are you turning your ear away from one who loves you like that?
Are you saying no to his entreaties of love and mercy? Remember, if you do, you'll meet him as a judge. You'll meet him in the same character in which he was made known at Mount Sinai when the old boy demands were made of man. Because apart from the blood of Christ, God requires that every transgression and disobedience.
Receives a just recompense of reward.
God does not Passover sin. Sin must be punished, but for us.
We can say judgment is passed. One is often said judgment is either.
Ahead of you or behind you, if you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior.
You can say judgments behind for me the Lord Jesus bore my judgment, but if not, it's ahead for you see that you refuse, not him that speaketh. Could I believe we could also apply this to those of us who know the Lord.
That you receive is not him that speaketh.
As your heart stirred by that voice.
I'm sure that if you love him, his love, his voice does touch your heart.
Think of Mary there as she stood at that grave and her tears were flowing.
And he heard that voice say, Mary, and she turned herself and said, Master, and the Lord Jesus is speaking to you. He is calling you by name, dear young person. He knows the tears that may dim your eyes. He knows the disappointments of life. Mary was thoroughly disappointed. She had expected the Lord to establish the Kingdom and to bring her into a place of blessing on the earth.
And all her hopes were frustrated.
Maybe you expected the Lord to make a Garden of Eden for you. Perhaps you did just what Mary did. She thought the Lord was the gardener. And perhaps you thought the Lord was the gardener for you. We're just going to turn your life into a wonderful, happy life. Rather be no disappointments, no frustrations, no sorrows. And you were disappointed. But he's still calling you.
There isn't saviors calling you. He's not the gardener to make a better place here.
To live, but he's gone up there. And he said, Mary, tell my brethren, I ascend them to my Father and your father, and to my God and your God. Mary heard his voice telling him that he was going up there. And this afternoon you hear his voice from heaven, and he's calling you by name.
Are you going to turn away? Are you going to say Lord?
If I can't have happiness in this life, life isn't worthwhile. Paul, he says. I have something better for you. I have something better. I'm speaking to you from heaven. I'm already there, and I'm coming again to receive you unto myself. See that you refuse, not him that speaketh.
Or if they escape not who refused, not him that spake on earth much more. Shall not we escape if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven? Whose voice then shook the earth? But now he has promised staying at once more I shake not the earth only, but also heavenly. Yes, there's going to be a shaking of everything in this earth.
I think we see something of it coming. I have felt in these last few years that we have seen in a certain sense, the beginning of those shaking things that were once considered sure things on which man once built their hope.
Things which were considered irrefutable have now been shaken. Boys and girls go to school. Things that we were taught at school, there's, there's told. Oh no, scientists don't think that anymore. We have a new conception of this thing. We have a new outlook and everything is being shaken.
Morals are being shaken. Everything in this world, we see it being shaped.
Family life is being shaken, and I believe, dear young people, the Lord leads us here very much longer. We're going to see a lot more of the shaking of the things that can be shaken. Yes, all those things. The conception of life and the whole basis of education and training and all that sort of thing. It's going through a period of change and it's changing so quickly.
That some of us who are a little older hardly know where we're at, and perhaps some of you or young people feel the same.
Everything changes so quickly that things that you want to thought were acceptable and things that you want based your thoughts and hopes upon your conceptions, your ideals are being shaken. With all dear young people, you have something that can't be shaken. You have a home above and that can't be shaken.
That home of armor is never going to be shaken.
The blessed things that belong to you up there, they're going to abide forever. They're not going to be shaken. Houses are not going to be pulled down to build new highways. They're not going to build newer and finer buildings. You have before you a home that can't be shaken. But there's more than that. You have one who can help you through this light.
You have already a Kingdom that cannot be shaken.
You get your ideas of life, your outlook on life, your morals, your conception of home life. You get that from the current periodicals. Well, if you do, I'm sure you have changing ideas. But if you have the precious word of God.
Why then you have something that abides?
Assembly, where you're gathered to the precious name of the Lord Jesus if it's established upon scriptural principles.
Why it's established upon something that can't be shaken. It doesn't have to change because men's ideas change because we have the word of God and the Lord Jesus said heaven and earth shall pass away, but my word shall not pass away. If your thoughts about what is becoming to the Lord in your conduct.
Are founded upon the word of God, then you have something that abides.
Morals may go to pieces in the world whom life may be greatly disturbed and broken up. We may see some terrible changes that will shock us if the Lord leaves us here. I'm quite prepared that they may come if the Lord leaves us here. But the word of God doesn't change. You have something that you can turn to. God didn't have to put out or revise addition of His truth.
The only reason we have revised editions of the Bible is because.
Of the translation, but God never had to change one page.
Of his precious word, never it abides. It's the truth of God.
And all dear young people, I can't impress upon you enough how thankful you should be for the precious Word of God.
All I plead with you, dear young people, read it, meditate upon it, live by it. The Lord Jesus said he that Edith made even he shall live by me. You follow the ideas of brethren. They may change, but not the word of God. Take God's word prayerfully. Consider it.
Ask Him to guide you. Ask Him for grace to walk in obedience to it.
And you'll have something that won't change, that won't be shaken. Oh, it's a wonderful thing when it says here we have a Kingdom which cannot be moved.
When they had that scare short time ago and they thought it was going to be war with Cuba.
While it was a great deal of talk of what was going to happen to the United States, they knew what bonds could do. But what gave my heart comfort was that I had a Kingdom that could not be shaken. Everything here is going to be shaken. This very earth in which we live is going to pass away. All is going to go through a period of change until it finally passes away.
But all how grand it is, how lovely it is.
We have a Kingdom which cannot be moved.
But now are we living for that? Are we living for it? The devil is doing his very best to hold in front of us all the time the glitter of present things. He is showing us how we mustn't be too set on these things because people's ideas change and we've got to accommodate ourselves to the day in which we live. But all I would plead with you, dear young people.
To live for those things.
That don't change. Live for the Lord Jesus, the love of Christ.
Constraineth us, I say. Love couldn't have done more for you than me.
Than it has done God's heart has been told out never worth it a time.
When God's heart was so wonderfully told out as it is right now.
And you and I can sit with our Bible underneath, and we can enjoy these precious things. All dear young people were wonderfully privileged.
And so it says, wherefore we receiving a Kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear, seeing we belong to another sphere, seeing we have something that can't be shaken.
Seeing our thoughts, our knowledge, perhaps I should say.
What is abiding comes from the one who can't change.
The one who said I am the Lord, I change not. We can take our stand upon the word of God.
And we can say we have something that doesn't change with a changing time, that we have a city before us that is abiding and that doesn't change. And now you, dear young people, in a few short hours, this whole assembly is going to be broken up. You're going to go to your home. This world that you've left for a little while to come to these meetings is going to present its glitter and its glamour.
Again, it's going to show you all those things. It's going to try and thrill your heart with all the things that men are discovering in the world today. But God is holding out before you. That scene of glory, the Lord Jesus that's still small voice speaks to your heart this afternoon. He speaks to you from heaven.
When you allow His love to constrain your heart. You and I were once dead. We were once part of this world of judgment before us, but now we belong to a new scene. We belong to heaven and all. I'd like to encourage you, not by laying down the laws of Mount Sinai before your heart, but by telling you that there's a voice speaking to you.
One who died for you. One who has the male Prince in his hand.
When whose blood was shed to cleanse you from sin? He's beckoning you to those blight and blessed things. He's seeking to step before you, those things that abide. And now let us have grace whereby we may serve God acceptably. As we go back to our homes again, may we have a fresh sense of His love. May we feel the magnetism of that love.
May we have allow our minds to be made by the things that God has set before us in His words, and may we look beyond all the glitter and all the tinsel, and all the changing things, to that voice that this afternoon calls us at. One that he speaks of in the second chapter was read to us this morning.
But we see Jesus, who has made a little lower than the angels.
For the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honor. He's looking at you this afternoon. You hear his voice. He ought to have won your heart and mind. He's done everything he could to win it. May we be all like those wise men who when they had come up and they had seen the Lord Jesus there in the Manger in Bethlehem.
And presented their gift to him. It says they departed.
And went into their own country another way. What made the change?
All they had seen, the one who was King of kings and Lord of Lords, their whole idea of the world, all connected with it have been changed when they had had a glimpse of that one lying there in the Manger or in the house. But now the Lord Jesus speaks to you, redemption has been accomplished. He's in glory.
And now he says, I've done it. All the glory is open to you, it belongs to you. I've brought you to it. And now he's speaking to you. Don't refuse that voice.
Turn up, turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, and the light of His glory and grace. Let us have grace whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.