"Behold Nathan the Prophet"

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 2
Revelation. 3:20. 1 Kings 1
" The grace of God and the gift in the grace "-(Romans. 5:15).
SEE the palace doors unfolding—
Opening to the power of grace;
Anxious eyes are there beholding,
Hearts recalling former days.
See that foot that quickly enters,
Well prepared with grace's claim;
Bright the light that round him centers
As they herald forth his name.
O ye saints, whose hands are falling—
Tremblers in a heavenly calling,
Scan it all, lest ye may lose
Aught that fills such fruitful views.
Will he bitter waters mingle,—
He whose lips could tell a tale,
Causing every ear to tingle;
And the yearning heart to fail?
Why not broach the buried story—
Use it to enforce his words?
What to him that sheen of glory,
Or its retinue of lords.
List, ye fainting souls in sorrow,
Hopeless of a bright to-morrow,
Gather near that ye may sing
Round the dying grace-led king.
He could send the pointed arrow—
Strike it deep in hardened hearts,
E'en dividing joints and marrow,
Speaking to the inner parts,—
Bring the balm; and, binding—healing,
Leading to the house of God,
Ceasing not till full revealing
Mercy's path before untrod
As he " bows to earth," beseeching,
Gracious majesty is teaching—
Opening out the very thing
Longed for by the shepherd-king.
This is Nathan: well we know Him
Who have learned the deeps of grace:
Hearken then, ye souls who owe Him
Never-ending songs of praise.
Through the " Solomon" He gave us
From His own exhaustless store,
Givers, too, His love would have us,
Praising still and praising more:
In the fruit of grace He tended,
Food from off the fire He handed;
Davids, Peters, seldom miss
Seeing depths in scenes like this.
As our spirit looks behind us,
Towards the days of shame and dust,
Ile doth haste with grace to bind us,
Lest His " Jacobs " might not trust.
All we wrought-a desolation:
Like an Abram on his face,
Power divine in new creation
Proves the rights of sovereign grace.
Jacobs, Davids, tell a story—
Grace's ways that end in glory;
Each has fruit that fills his heart:
Show, " good Lord," how great Thou art.
O, how little have we known Him
In His patience heretofore,
Till our opening " door " doth own Him
As in love He chastened sore!
Like Mephibosheth at table,
Weak to serve, but strong to praise,
Learn ye, that our Lord is able
(On " the bed," in closing days).
Gazing on that wondrous seer,
Think on Jacob's God at Beer,
Telling sinners-Look and live,
Telling " rebels "-" I will GIVE."