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Address—A. Barry
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General Meetings, Montreal, October 1974, Addressed by Amberry.
Let us sing hymn number 321.
Before the Lamb, whose precious blood, drawn from his written side, had power to make our peace with God, or let one spot abide, 321.
Uh-huh. OK, OK.
300000 blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
I see I have many young people before me, and many older ones too.
And I trust that.
What I have on my heart.
May be possible for one and all.
And what I have to speak about is the first word in the Kim. We just sang the old. Now I find that word in many places, both in the Old and New Testament.
So that I couldn't begin to cover the subject.
But perhaps a few places where the word behold.
Has given to us that it might furnish us with what the Lord could use for our special blessing. Now I understand that the word behold.
Means that there's something special, something of great importance before us.
And to get our attention riveted.
On this object or this subject?
And for the time being, to dismiss every other subject.
Or turn away from every other other object and have just before us what the Spirit of God is directing us to. Now the first scripture that I will turn to is in the book of Isaiah on the 42nd chapter.
First verse.
Behold my servant whom I uphold.
Mine elect, in whom my soul delighted.
I have put my spirit upon him. He shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles. He shall not cry.
Her lift up, nor cause his voice to be heard in the street. A bruise and Reed shall he not break, And the smoking flax shall he not quench. He shall bring forth judgment on the truth. He shall not fail.
Nor be discouraged till he has set judgment in the earth, and the Isles shall wait for his law.
So you see, the first behold is where Jehovah is speaking and saying.
Before my service.
Now Israel had been.
God's servant for in the 49th chapter of.
This fame book.
We read there.
In the third verse, and said unto me, Thou art my servant for Israel, in whom I will be glorified. Now we have the Lord Jesus speaking.
Then I said, I have labored in vain. I spent my strength for North and in the Oh, you see, dear friend.
That while Israel had been his servant, the Lord Jesus comes in now and fills the plate of God's servant. Now that has been true all down the high heels of Manchester.
And when God has committed anything to man and he has failed and he surely has failed in everything, then God brings all of the seeds. The one who hasn't faith, they weigh where the vine that was Israel was a vine brought out of Egypt.
But when you look for quotes, they brought forth wild races. Then we have John 15 where our blessed Lord says I am the true one, my father, the husband. Now the church was set here.
To be a witness.
That's here to be a witness.
A witness for God in this world.
And we have a whole history of the church before us in the addresses to the seven churches.
But when Israel has, I mean when the church has failed as a witness.
Then we hear.
The one who is thinking.
Well, now I'm thinking of him as the ones who have done all the will of God.
We have, we have to him out.
Of it, but I want to do a direction.
The Lord did it.
Before us.
Before because we.
So this is quoted in the 12Th chapter of Matthew.
I'll refer to that chapter shortly.
But is it a marvelous thing that I would the young people and all that the subject we have before us was written 712 years, the margin of my Bible tells me, before Christ.
And that the very all the very things we have in the New Testament.
Were what the Spirit of God was bringing before us by the prophet Isaiah.
So we have.
So we have here, behold, my servant.
I uphold mine elect, in whom my soul delight.
Well, that's the very words that we have.
In the At the baptism of our blessed Lord, I can't think of any place, I hope I'm not mistaken, where heaven was opened until the Lord was baptized and identified himself.
Where that repentance remnant there in Israel and it's so God broke the barrier between heaven and earth and we hear his voice thing.
Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I have found all my delight. Now that's a better translation, and it's the same as you get in this verse.
For he says mine elect, in whom I soul delight.
Isn't that wonderful, friends? When we think of our failures, we have been that there's been a man here below, lived in the very world we're living in, fast through the very trials and circumstances we're passing through. And yet God could always find His perfect delight.
In that blessed one and then to show how it fits in with his baptism.
For when he came out of the water at his baptism, he says, I have put my spirit upon him. For we know when heaven was opened, then the Holy Spirit in dove like form came and lighted the pine.
Now that we have in the 12Th chapter of Matthew how this is definitely coded concerning our blessed Lord.
12Th chapter of Matthew's Gospel.
And the 14th verse. Then the Pharisees went out and held a council against him, how they might destroy him.
When Jesus knew it, He withdrew himself from thence, and great multitude followed him, and he healed them all there. What a contrast between.
Man and the blessed Savior, here they were the leaders plotting to destroy, and at the same time the Lord healed all the sick in that multitude that faulted.
But it was then that He fulfilled the Scripture that we have our attention called to in Isaiah 42, and charged them that they should not make Him know that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken by His eyes to prophet, saying, Behold My Servant, and so on, word for word, almost as we get it in the 42nd.
Ending with and his name shall the Gentile.
Trust you know the blessed Lord in His life. Fulfill every scripture that has been written in the Old Testament concerning Himself.
Right on up to the cross, and there was one scripture as he was suffering there that had not yet been fulfilled, and that scripture was I thirst. And then the Lord bowed his head.
And went into death.
He had fulfilled all the scriptures up to that moment.
Well, now we find that when they he was despised and hated, and they were plotting to destroy him, that the Lord would not have his name mentioned.
And the Lord never saw popularity as he went about his father's business.
He did what the Father had for him to accomplish. He went about doing good and healing all the very presents of the devil, for God was with him and at the end of the day he would retire and be in the Father's presence.
And get an incommunion would find guidance.
For the day that was to follow.
Nor did the Lord in any way interfere with conditions in this world. For he says a bruise agreed shall He not break, nor smoking plaques shall He quench, until he brings forth judgment unto victory.
What a lesson for you and me. We can't improve this world. This world is a doomed scene, and it's going on to its solemn destruction. And the Lord went through this scene. He left it just as he found it.
And when one came to him and said, Lord, speak to my brother, that he ensure the inheritance with me, the reply of our Savior was who made me a ruler and a judge over thee. And then the Lord took the opportunity to carry out his true mission, and that was to warn of covetousness.
And he tells about the rich man that was going to tear down his barns and build greater.
And going to enjoy life for a while. And yet he hears the solemn words this night. Shall thy soul be required of thee? Now I know there are many young people within the hearing of my voice that have a true and sincere desire to serve our blessed Lord. Well, God the Father would say to you, He would say to me.
Before my servant does the blessed Lord before you.
You know there was one of the disciples that was led to write the life of the Lord Jesus.
In a different way from the others. That is, Matthew starts out with his genealogy, Luke with his birth, and John goes back into eternity. But Mark?
And his gospel begins with the Lord's ministry.
And carries us on step by step through that wonderful service until he's received up into heaven and takes his seat on the right hand of God. Only one that tells us in the gospel writers of where he of his taking his seat because Mark was telling us.
Oh yes Sir. And when his service was over, he could take his seat on high.
Well, as I said, I know that you, dear young people who have trusted Christ as a Savior, have a desire that you might in some way serve our blessed Lord. You remember that when the persecution broke out over Stephen that they were scattered everywhere through Samaria and Judea. Judea.
And it says that they went everywhere preaching the word.
But there was one man.
As we read it at that time, named syllable went down to Samaria and preached Christ unto them and God.
Used him mightily, as we know.
And of the servants of the Lord, the only one who is called an evangelist is this Phillip. And it was only after he'd been preaching 20 years that the Spirit of God calls him an evangelist.
So you see, for your friends said, we're all not gifted to preach the gospel in the way that Stephen preached the gospel so mightily there in Samaria, that the whole city was hanging on his words. But till we can be like those many that were scattered abroad, going everywhere and telling of our blessed Lord. And what is the preparation for?
Our service for him. Again we return to our verse where the Lord Jehovah says.
My shirt.
How we need to be occupied with His blessed person.
Here. Wonderful.
Hall laborers here below. How he was ever seeking to do the father's will.
Now, I'm not saying that you're to confine your reading to the four gospels, but never neglect.
The precious life of our Lord Jesus.
But in getting acquainted with him and his service, we turn to every other portions of the word, and what wonderful illustrations we find take Abraham offering up Isaac.
Was he ever a more beautiful illustration of God the Father giving up his beloved Son as a sacrifice on the cross?
And then the story of Joseph, where when he has read and repented, how he received them with open arms. All the Old Testament is full of illustrations, beloved, that we can abundantly use in our efforts to win souls for Christ.
Of course, in the book of Acts we have how the apostles and the Lord's servants, how they how they announce their message.
Rather close told me that when he was considering strongly giving his time to the Lord's work, he said I took an old bag, and he said I cut out all the sermons in the book of Acts.
And made a little book of them. And then he said, I studied those those sermons diligently to see just how God directs his servants in connection with the preaching of the gospel.
Well, I can surely say of having known Brother close well, that he was one of the ablest gospel men I ever knew. And one thing he said he discovered this.
The simplicity of it and the priority of it, not to preach too long and and to weary people with words, but having delivered his message, then to leave it with the Lord. And that was his way, and it was wonderfully used, as I know of the Lord.
So then we would get abundance of doctrine in the in the epistles.
For our ministry, our talking to souls are having to do with either St. or Sinner. We should be well established in the doctrines of the Word of God. So we are not to just say the gospel is the only.
Subject that God has for us, we need to be established.
On dispensational truth. Or we can get souls all in confusion about the various lines of truth and the precious Word of God.
Well, now I have two beholds before me in the first chapter of John's Gospel.
In the 29th verse, the next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him.
And saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.
The 31St verse and again the next day after John stood in two of his disciples and looking upon Jesus as he walked, he said, Behold the Lamb of God.
Now you notice that in both of these verses I read.
That is the day following. And what was the day preceding? That was the day of the testimony of John the Baptist, as you get it in the preceding verses. For we find that the Jews and priests and Levites, they were inquiring who he was, And they said, What hast thou to say of thyself? And his answer was, I am the voice.
Of one crying in the wilderness.
I am the voice of one.
I am.
The voice of one crying in the wilderness.
Prepare ye the way of the Lord, and make his paths straight. I didn't get my eye just on the verse that I intended. He says I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness. May straight the way of the Lord as set the property was.
Now isn't this wonderful, young friends, that when the Lord was speaking about John the Baptist?
On one occasion, he says those that are born of women there have not risen of greater than John the Baptist.
Love the man that Jayla said was the greatest born of women when they asked him the question, what do you say about yourself?
All he could say is I'm just a horse. Not in the temple, not in a prominent synagogue, but out there in the waste howling wilderness, away from their popularity of men. There he was.
Just announcing the wonderful person that was soon to appear.
Of whom, he says, the lack of those shoes, I'm not worthy to stoop down and unloose.
That would be the most humble duty that Asleep could perform. He says, I'm not even worthy of that. So great is this person that is in your midst. And then the next day the Lord presents himself, and we don't hear John the Baptist saying, Behold the King.
Or behold the Messiah. All true statements about it, but he says, behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the birth and the other trends whenever the Lord Jesus is brought before us as the Lamb is always in his victim character.
You get in Isaiah 53, he was led as a lamb to the slaughter.
And at the end of the Book of Revelation, or near the end where we get the marriage in heaven, it fell that the marriage of the land has come all to my soul. That's so precious that those who form the church.
Are the bride of Christ and there to be united to Him in holy matrimony through eternity in his victim character. Now I am sure that many here understand that.
Now when John said, we take it away the sin of the world, that it has a much wider application than the putting away of our many sins which he bore on the cross.
Because it looks on into the time when all evil shall be banished, and when a new heaven and a new earth are brought onto the scene.
About whatever way with you.
The purposes of God we can see this.
That the cross of Christ, that's suffering, that he endured as the Lamb of God will be the foundation.
For every glory and forever, for every blessing, to all eternity, it will always existence to that one who was LED out of the land to the slaughter and his sheep before shears his dump.
Whenever they on the 2nd occasion it's the same day. The next day after that is after John's testimony, John stood in two of his disciples and looking upon Jesus as he walked, he saith.
Behold the Lamb of God. You notice here in this verse he doesn't go on to say which take it away.
The sin of the world, but it's just behold, the Lamb of God.
Now John was with two of his disciples. He wasn't making an announcement to Israel as he had in the 29th verse.
It was just why it was filling his own heart with delight at the moment.
It doesn't seem that he even spoke these words to the two disciples, but his heart was so enraptured and beholding that blessed man as he walked before him, that he gave the expression of his own soul's delight and fame.
Before the Lamb of God.
Well, we find the result that two of these disciples left Jesus, left John and followed Jesus. I'm sure John was never so happy in his life as when he saw these two men leave him to follow the blessed Lord. Now we've been saying, dear young friends, that I'm sure that everyone here who is the Lord.
And some way to elite others.
To know the Savior in whom they have trusted.
But if they're not, importance of having a desire to lead others.
To follow.
That lesson 1 like the two that left John and followed Jesus and beloved, how is it that we can be enabled through the grace of God to lead others not only to know that He has washed their sins away?
Blood, but to know that they have an object now they have one that they can follow through this tangled world. Oh, I know you desire to lead others to a closer walk with God to go on and no more and more of your Savior. And if not remembering the Lord to sit down at his table and enjoy the privilege that those who are gathered.
Are enjoying love with young people.
How can you be able to go lead others to follow Christ?
Just look at John the Baptist looking upon Jesus as he walked.
The rapture of his soul was such.
That others left him to follow that blessed man.
I fully believe that one of the two was the writer of the Gospel, because he ever keeps himself in the background, speaking only as the disciple whom Jesus loved. Think of all her testimony He was. Think of how the books that he has written, the life of our blessed Lord as the Eternal 1 The Epistles, and then the Book of Revelation.
John was used.
To direct that decision to the Lord.
All when one speaks along this line, it gives him to feel how far below what he is suggesting to each a young believer in all that his actual life has been and should be. Oh, how little we're occupied with Christ.
Now we have to confess.
Our our lack of devotion and may it stir us up one and all that there may be more and more of that with us that will give others like their.
When they discovered that the area the disciples were unlearned and ignorant men, they took knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus.
Or how it tells in our lives and in our ways, if there is more devoted occupation with His blessed Person.
Although I had another behold before me, and his thinly Gospel of John.
And it's at the end of the night, and it's the beginning of the 19th chapter.
Then Pilate therefore took Jesus and scourged him, and the soldiers planted a crown of thorns and put it on his head, and they put on him a prepper robe, and said, Hail King of the Jews, and they smote him with her hand.
And therefore went forth again, and said unto them, Behold, I bring him forth to you, that he may know that I find no fault in him. Then came Jesus for wearing the crown of thorns, and the purple rose in pilot said unto them.
The whole of the man.
Or may that echo deep into your heart and mind.
It's all.
I remember our when Brother Blount was with us preaching in our brother's home in Arlington, KY.
Has that a hard working old man came in? I never saw the man before or afterwards.
Brother Brown, just read these few verses that I just read to you and that dear man was so overcome that the tears rolled by down his weather beaten face.
May there be that in and you and me that affects us as deeply as it affected him. Just the readings and the various fights and the very worst. Behold the man.
Now this was said as we know by pilot, the judge and we have pilots saying.
I find no fault in him. Think of a judge saying.
A man that was before him on trial, I find no fault in him, and yet at the same time condemning him to the most shameful, ignominious death that the human cruelty has ever invented.
Well, it's the word though, for us.
You know, beloved, dear friends, you and I will never see the Lord.
And his sufferings and in his humiliation that we read about in the word Peter was.
One who witness was a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and of the glory that shall be revealed. But we can by faith, according to Hebrews 2, say we all we behold.
Jesus was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death. Crowned with glory enough.
What I believe that God has been pleased in his Word to give us a picture of His beloved Son that we're going to carry with us into heaven.
And it will be.
A theme of our joy through all eternity. Now we see Him crowned with glory and honor, as we said when we see Him.
In all his beauty and we see every knee bowing to him. Yet there is one scene.
That I believe will eclipse all other things.
For no other scene so touches the heart of the Sinner as to see that one crowned with thorns, to see him there in the robe of mockery, and to hear these words.
Whole man and why we'll never see him with these eyes.
And his sufferings. Yet this memory that the Spirit of God has brought before us will be a source of eternal adoration to our souls.
Behold the man.
I have another behold before me, also written by the apostles John.
In his first epistle and the third chapter.
Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of the children of God. Therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.
Well, the Spirit of God is again using that word, but this time it's in connection with a Father's love. Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us.
That we should recall the children of God.
And all around Queen Victoria freed all the slaves in the West Indies was a wonderful act of benevolence.
Brother, one thing Queen Victoria couldn't do, that God our Father has done. She couldn't welcome all her slaves into her house and make them a part of her family.
That God has done that.
He is not only through the work of His Son redeemed our souls, but He brought us into that wonderful relationship to Himself as His children.
And you know that should carry with it.
Dignity as we go along, that I am the child.
Of the very God who gave his Son.
As a sacrifice.
For my sins. And then he says, Therefore the world knoweth us not.
Because it knew him not.
Just been talking about the Father, but when he says because the world knew him not, we can only think of Christ, can we?
But the dear apostle has the persons of the Godhead sold before him.
That in Speaking of one, he can soon, we soon find his Speaking of another person that is, in this case the Son. Well, we're told in the first chapter of John's Gospel.
Now he was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.
Now the world will know a Christian that's a good mixer and one who is occupied with the world's sports and the world's nonsense and and.
It's politics, but if we're following.
That lowly one that we have been speaking about that.
Won't know us in that character, as God's children world knoweth us not. And isn't that a wonderful reason?
That we should be no more known by the world than the eternal Son of God was known when He was here among men.
Now immediately he says, Beloved, now are we the children of God, and it does not yet appear what we shall be.
But when he shall appear, we shall be like Him, or we shall see Him as He is. That's the verse I was speaking about and saying that we'll never see the Lord in his humiliation, but glory to His name, we shall see Him as He is.
In all His glory, fix your eye upon Jesus.
Look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow dim in the light of His glory and grace.
So he says now he we are the sons of God.
But it does not yet appear.
All we have the marks of the fact that we're part of a ruined world as we go on our way so it doesn't appear.
Yet now I understand that this word, when he shall appear, is difficult for the translators because it doesn't tell.
Refer to his appearing when he appears and the Saints come with him. It's put like this if he should appear not referring to.
What we usually turn the appearance for We know, beloved, that just as we're told in First Corinthians 15 and 51, that.
I show you mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we all shall be changed. And when does that change take place? Yes, when the Lord gives the shout in the air.
And the moment we are gazing on His blessed face, we will find that we are in bodies of glory, like His glorious body.
So he said.
Said And every man that hath this hope in him purified himself, even as he is pure. That is, if I'm to be perfectly like God's beloved Son, physically and mentally and spiritually, surely I want to be as much like him as possible down here.
And that word purifies himself.
Is judging those things that hinder.
Our being like the one.
That has redeemed us and is soon to have us in glory with Himself.
Now there's another Behold that we'll turn to in the first chapter of Revelation.
And the seventh verse, Revelation one and verse 7.
Before he cometh with clouds, and every eye shall see him, and.
Also which pierced him, and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so. Amen.
Now we feel the testimony as to the Lord's coming that's intended for the world, the testimony for you and me who are saved is the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with Archangel voice and trump of God.
And the dead in Christ shall rise 1St, and so on.
So the world needs to be warned that the one they rejected is coming with power and great glory.
And so it is there that that all kindreds of the earth before that, and they also wish pierced him, and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him.
God has decreed 3 things that every eye shall see Jesus.
And that every knee shall bow to Jesus, and that every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the fallen.
Are they those unsaved?
All we're seldom in a company as large as this where they are not those who have not yet closed in with God's offers salvation. Remember, unsaved friends, you're going to see that man. You're going to either see him in judgment or you're going to see him when the very.
View of His presence is going to transform your mortal body into his own likeness.
And now this this little.
This verse comes into a wonderful connection.
In the fourth verse John is bringing first him with ears, And which was and which is to come?
And from the seven spirits which are before the throne, you see, there is God as we know as Father, there is the Holy Spirit, and from Jesus Christ, who is a faithful witness and the first begotten of the dead and the Prince of the kings of the earth.
Now you notice that there's a break in the subject. A parenthesis is brought in.
For the apostles heart was so filled, however delight of considering the glories of Christ, that he turns aside from his subject, and says unto him that loved us, really loves us, and voices from our sins in his own blood.
Made us kings and priests unto God and his Father. To him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. And then he goes on with his subject, because he is left off with the Prince of the kings of the earth. And then he comes as the Prince of the kings of the earth, and every eye shall see him for all our precious beloved. And may it be a way of approach to.
That the truth of God, that when?
We're introducing or preventing any line of ministry or truth.
That it has laid hold of our own souls where the preciousness that fills the heart with unspeakable delight. What?
This is the one, as John says, that has loved us, and washes from our sins in his own blood, and made us unto our God, kings and priests.
Well have.
Brought out before you these few befores, and you can multiply them eleven friends, your heart content and see that the Spirit of God often addresses your soul in this way. Behold, and I might just mention one more scripture and that is in the.
6th chapter.
And the second verse.
For he saith, I have heard thee in an accepted time, and in the day of salvation have I suckered thee. Behold, now is the accepted time. Behold, now is the day of salvation to any unsaved. God is saying to you the whole now.
Not tomorrow as the accepted time. In fact, friends, you know tomorrow never comes.
And it's been often said that the road called by and by leads to the House of never. One of the most treacherous, dangerous state of soul that a Sinner can be in is to put off the acceptance of Christ as a Savior. For we get him, and Hebrews one. How shall we escape? Doesn't say if you refuse, but if he neglects.
So great salvation.
Show and view all the facts. There may be unsafe presence. I'll repeat this word again. Behold, now is the accepted time. Behold, now is the day of salvation. I remember when Donald Pludge and I were holding meetings in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia.
But a man named a king came to our camp door, told us why he got up and left the meeting that night.
He had a good reason.
So he took the opportunity to talk to him about the importance of accepting Christ as his Savior. He learned that it was important and all we said was true.
Friends, in 24 hours, Mr. King was brought past the tent door of corpse under a most horrible situation.
One of those Mountaineers pulled out a revolver and riddled him with bullets. Far as I looked at his face, in his ghastly face in the coffin, I thought, oh, if he could return, and here are the invitation that he heard at our tent storm, how different it would be.
Really. So the friends, it was too late, I feel.