Gospel—C. Lunden
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General meetings in Montreal, October 1974. Gospel by Brother Lundeen.
We remain seated while we sing hymn #2.
Come this Jesus.
Shall we sing together hymn #13?
Man of sorrow.
Can we turn to the 4th chapter of the Gospel of John please?
We read the 1St 30 verses of the 4th chapter of the Gospel of John.
When therefore the Lord knew how the Pharisees had heard that Jesus made and baptized more disciples than John, though Jesus himself baptized not but his disciples, He left Judy and departed again into Galilee, and he must needs go through Samaria. Then cometh he to a city of Samaria, which is called Sikar, near to the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph.
Now Jacob's well was there.
Jesus therefore being wearied with his journey.
Sat thus on the well, and it was about the 6th hour. There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water.
Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink, for his disciples were gone away unto the city to buy meat.
Then Seth, the woman of Samaria unto him, How is the thou, being a Jew, asketh, drink of me, which I'm a woman of Samaria, for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans. Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, give me to drink, thou wouldst have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.
The woman sat under him. Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep. From whence then hast thou that living water Art thou greater than our Father Jacob, who which gave us the well, drank there of himself and his children, and his cattle? Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again, but whosoever drinketh of the water that I should give him.
Shall never thirst, but the water that I shall give him shall be in him.
A well of water springing up into everlasting life. The woman saith unto him, Sir, give me this water.
That I thirst not, neither come hit her to draw.
Jesus saith unto her goal.
Call thy husband and come hit her. The woman answered and said, I have no husband.
Jesus saith unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband.
Thou hast had five husbands, and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband.
In that said, thou truly.
The woman saith unto him, Sir.
I perceive that thou art a prophet our fathers worshipped in this mountain.
And ye say that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship. And Jesus saith unto her woman.
Believe me, the hour cometh when ye shall neither in this mountain.
Nor yet at Jerusalem worship the Father.
Ye worship, you know not what we know, what we worship for salvation is of the Jews.
But the hour cometh, and now is when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father seeketh such to worship Him.
God is a spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit.
Add in truth the woman set unto him, I know that Messiah cometh, which is called Christ. When he has come, he will tell us all things. Jesus said unto her, Lie that speak unto thee, and he. And upon this came his disciples, and marvel that he talked with the woman, Yet no man said, What seekest thou, or why talkest thou with her?
The woman then left her water pot and went her way into the city and set to the men.
Come see a man which told me all things that ever I did. Is not this the Christ? Then they went out of the city, and came unto him.
In keeping with what we've been having before us in these meetings.
The councils and purposes of God.
And the marvelous blessings that have been provided for the one who believes in Jesus.
I just like to speak a little tonight about the way in which the soul is brought into these blessings.
I'd like to speak tonight a little about the Savior and the Sinner, and surely we have it here.
The Savior and the Sinner.
Now you know in the Gospel of John we have the Lord Jesus presented as the Son of God.
And so of course, sin must be exposed.
And surely it is exposed in his presence.
But you know, in this chapter we have something lovely.
Because even though sin is exposed, it's not mentioned on the part of Jesus.
Now this woman who's in the presence of Jesus.
He doesn't mention her guilt.
And yet at the same time, he brings home to her soul a sense of that guilt.
And while he does so, he wins her heart.
Oh dear friends, do you know the Savior?
Of sinners.
This chapter begins.
With a setting Jacobs well and it's often in Scripture that we have the well.
The place of refreshment and blessing connected with the gospel message.
And so we have here at Jacob's Well.
Which was that?
I suppose Shechem.
Or near Shechem because the well probably was outside of the city.
And if you'll just go with me for the moment, back to that land of.
Judea and up into Samaria, which was on a hill, and right near at Mount Gerizim, where these Samaritans seem to think a great deal.
Of that mountain.
There was a little hamlet there.
And nearby Jacobs Well.
And so we see a savior. We see a woman.
A Sinner who carries an ordinary water pot.
And she's coming to get refreshment now, dear friends.
We know that she was coming to get water for her household, no doubt, but the Spirit of God is making a spiritual application to our hearts tonight. It wasn't simply water that the Spirit of God would bring before us, but it's something that will satisfy man's heart.
Oh dear friend, do you have something that will satisfy your heart?
Tonight, Are you ready to go into the presence of God?
Satisfied if you were ushered into eternity immediately.
And so we have Jacob Swell.
It was a gift from Jacob, as she says. Our father gave us this well connected with it was all the tradition of those centuries that were behind.
But we have another gift also in this chapter.
The gift of God.
And it also had to do with the well or a spring that the Lord Jesus was presenting.
And so as we see this picture then.
This just at this moment.
Find the Lord Jesus coming to the well of psycho.
I have never looked it up, but a brother was telling me that he had probably walked.
All night and that day to reach that well.
And we find too, that just as he reaches that well, there comes a woman who was a Sinner to the well at the same time.
How could this all happen?
Was this a coincidence? Oh dear friends, we have in this chapter three, we have God the Father, we have God the Son, and we have God the Holy Spirit at work.
In the salvation of a soul we see the Father drawing this soul.
To that well, at that very moment.
We see the Lord Jesus as the one who was the dependent man walking in obedience to the Father.
He reaches that well at that very moment.
Does this well have a history? Indeed it does.
It's Jacob's well, and it's all that these poor souls had.
Until Jesus came. And dear friend, I'd like to ask you tonight, what do you have tonight?
What do you have tonight? If you don't have Jesus, What do you have? All you may have? Tradition.
All that goes with what Jacob Swell speaks of.
This will never satisfy your heart, as we notice in this account that we've read, and we may have time to mention a few things.
This woman would draw and draw again, and her heart would be never satisfied.
Whether it be from that well of Jacobs, or whether it be from that which she sought refreshment in this world, never would her heart be satisfied to hear. Nor will yours.
No, only the one who made us beloved can satisfy our hearts.
And he will, if we'll just come to him.
And what else do we have connected with Jacob's well?
Her brother was speaking today of the illustrations of the Old Testament.
And how important they are.
Well, if we go back, we find in the 48th chapter of Genesis.
The last verse or two we find out Jacob gave to his son Joseph one portion above his brethren.
It was Shechem, that lovely Shechem.
And Joseph is the type of Christ.
Oh, dear friends, is there any response in your heart at all to these spiritual illustrations? Don't you see that the Lord Jesus?
Joseph, the true Joseph, has come to claim that gift that his father gave him.
At Shechem.
Yes, he's come to claim that gift.
One portion that I've taken out of the hand of the amorite with my sword and with my bow.
All that speaks to us of the work that was accomplished. The enemy was meant, and that portion was provided.
For his son.
Yes, the Lord Jesus did it, but He did it in obedience to the Father.
Therefore does my father love me because I lay down my life that I might take it again? This commandment have I received in my father.
And so we see the Lord Jesus now coming to claim that portion.
At Cycar as well.
That portion of his father had given him. And what is that portion? Oh, it's the church.
For the first time, do we have worship in the Spirit brought before us in this chapter?
Worship in the Spirit. Strange circumstances, isn't it? Here's a wretched Sinner standing in the presence of the judge and the quick of the dead Jesus.
Yes, God has given all judgment into the hands of Jesus. He is the Judge.
And we're not going to speak of the judge tonight very much. But that's not what our story is about. Our story is about the Savior. Oh, he is the judge, but I hope you'll never see him as judge. He didn't come to judge.
No, he didn't come to judge. He came to save. He didn't come just to help. He came to say he wants to save your soul tonight.
And so we find him here at the well at Shechem.
To claim that which his father was, to give him one portion above his brethren, that is, above Israel.
He's come to claim it, but something else we notice here in connection with Shechem.
If you would carefully trace the history, you would find that there was shame brought on the House of Jacob.
At Shechem.
Yes, shame.
In the matter of Dinah.
But we find here that blessed Saviors come to remove all the shame.
It's all gone.
None left.
Jesus and he alone can remove all that shame.
Oh, you say, well, my life isn't too bad. That's not.
That's not.
But God is giving us an illustration here of one.
Who was a candidate for the Church of God?
And what's her history? Well.
We have it in this chapter.
Shocking. Very black. Oh yes, nevertheless.
He doesn't speak of that.
He came to save. He doesn't repel her. He doesn't embarrass her, no.
He gives her that.
Which will give her life.
And so we find that the Lord Jesus is sitting on the well. Why is he sitting on the well? Because he's tired.
Yes, he's tired. That blessed Savior who came down from the heights of glory became a man.
He went in and out among men, healing the sick, cleansing the lepers and raising the dead.
And if his brother's calculations were right, he probably walked all night long.
And until 6:00 in this day, I suppose, the evening.
To meet this one soul.
Oh, what a savior we've been singing. What a savior.
But let me tell you something else, dear friend. He came further than that. He came all the way from the glory.
Supposing you had been surrounded by everything that a King's palace would provide.
And suddenly you were thrust down into the lowest environment possible.
Among men, would you be comfortable?
And yet the Lord Jesus, the Son of God, who dwelled in the bosom of the Father, and he never left it.
But he did leave those courts of glory come down as a man.
And he went in and out among men, in the midst of all the sorrow.
So that he could win your heart and mind. Oh what a savior. But what else did he do?
The one who went around doing good. Those very hands that bless.
Were peers with nails and hung to a tree.
A sword was plunged into his side, and death.
So that that payment might be made.
So he could remove all the shame from his father's house.
That's Jesus. That's the Savior.
Well, in our chapter then we have here.
He must needs go through Samaria.
We find the Lord Jesus out of the area that he had come to.
He'd come to his own, that is, the Jews. He'd come to his own, and his own received him not, but to as many as received him to them gave me the right or title to become the children of God.
And now he's gone outside, as it were.
Of Judea into Samaria, among the people that would not be recognized by the Jews.
And he's sitting there on the well, and here comes a woman of Samaria with her water pots.
Something to draw with to satisfy her just for one day, and then she comes back to draw again to meet the dead, the needs of the day.
But she's not thinking of the need of her soul.
But she liked probably many and perhaps some in this room tonight.
Is our thinking about something else?
In the measure in which the Spirit of God and grace would impress it on the soul. And that is the guilt.
That's in the life of everyone.
Who refuses or has rejected Jesus?
Now the measure of guilt may be very indifferent ones, but what does that matter if it plunges you into hell?
Then it will.
Oh dear friend, you know the road you're on without Christ, it leads to the pit.
Yes it does.
Endless wall.
That all the Lord Jesus presenting to this poor soul something tonight.
Or in this chapter we have before us tonight.
To meet the need of her soul so that she'll never have to come again to draw.
We're not speaking merely of water, you know.
But of that which would dip into the refreshment that this world provides for the moment.
The pleasures of sin for a season.
You know Moses was in such a position.
And there was a day that came when he he made a decision.
And that decision was to a suffer affliction with the people of God.
Rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season.
He made the choice. Have you made the choice?
Pleasures of sin for a season.
The Lord Jesus says to this woman.
Give me to drink.
Give me to drink.
Oh, what a position the Savior was in. And why was He in this position? Because it was the Father's artery.
Perfect man, perfect dependence, and he's dependent upon this woman for a drink.
He had been walking.
Hasting to reach this place and now he's tired and he needs a drink. Jesus, the Son of God down here is a man needs a drink.
We don't know whether he ever got that drink or not.
But we do know that before the story ends, his heart was refreshed.
And I trust, beloved, that before this meeting is over, the Lord Jesus heart will be refreshed once more.
As you take him as your own personal savior.
Because we have on the authority of this word, that all heaven will rejoice tonight if you take Jesus your Savior.
Do you know that the blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanseth from all sins? You know that God has says, Verily, verily, I say to you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me half everlasting life shall not come into judgment, but is passed from death unto life. Either despise of the word shall be destroyed.
But he that regardeth the commandments.
Shall be rewarded.
Oh dear friend, you know what hardens the heart?
You know what hardens the heart?
Refusing to act on the Word of God when you hear it. What else?
Trifling with sin.
Oh yes.
But still, there was a sense of need in the heart of this woman.
This woman was miserable.
How could a Sinner be otherwise but miserable?
But there's something we see here that the father is drawing.
No man can come to me except the father draw him.
That's what the Lord Jesus could say.
Oh yes, the Father's drawing. And that's grace, isn't it? God didn't have to draw this poor soul to himself, neither did He have to draw you.
But he did, didn't he? If you're a Christian, he drew you. He constrained you. He drew you to the Savior, or you never would have come.
That's great.
Oh yes, he made her feel her need.
He made her feel her misery.
And that's the fruit of sin.
Waste itself gains nothing. That's in nothing again.
But all what the Savior has for you.
What a difference.
Well, springing up into everlasting life, he's going to present to this woman.
All she has is the fruit of sin, and she's miserable. And what else is she? Isolated? And that's what sin does.
Separate you even from society.
Alone. And is there anything worse than this? To be alone? To feel alone? Oh, how many souls feel alone tonight because of sin and they've put themselves in such a place as this.
But I have good news for you.
The Lord Jesus just as he sat here by the well.
Wants to relieve your heart tonight and deliver you from those sins that isolate you not only from God, but from your fellow man.
Oh, what a condition to be in. And yet, who? Where is she? As we said, she's standing in the presence of the one who judges the living in the dead.
And yet she apparently isn't too uncomfortable in his presence. Except for that one thing.
She doesn't seem to leave.
No, because of that blessed Savior, there is an attraction to His person.
He came down to save. You don't know Jesus, do you?
Oh, dear sitter friend, you don't know him as the one who draws you to himself, do you?
Who loves you? The one who wants to do you good.
Wants one who wants to give you a water that will refresh your heart both now and for all eternity.
Do you want the Savior?
Give me to drink.
The Lord says, give me to drink.
Oh, he wants to have his heart refreshed tonight.
Yes, he does.
And perhaps there's someone in this room tonight is unsaved that's going to refresh the Savior's heart.
By coming to Jesus.
Are you coming tonight?
Coming in all your sin and your misery and your shame, coming to Jesus.
Are you coming tonight?
Are you going to let your heart get just a little harder and turn away once more down that road?
That leads you nowhere.
To endless woe, and perhaps you will never have another opportunity.
The one opportunity is tonight.
Behold, now is the accepted time. Now is the day of salvation.
The disciples are gone away.
And this resorted of God too. Why? Because.
So this soul might be in the presence of Jesus alone. Have you ever been in the presence of Jesus alone?
It's a good place to be.
In the presence of Jesus alone with your sins.
Conscious of who he is.
Oh, what a place to be.
Now tell me, could you go to anybody else, Anyone else with your sins like that?
Could you go into the presence of anyone that you know and have him say?
Thy sins are forgiven thee. And that he did to the woman in the 7th of Luke.
Yes, he did.
Thy sins are forgiven thee.
Always Savior.
Could you go to anyone else and have that or the Pharisees say, who is this that forgives sins? They didn't know Jesus. They didn't know that God had come down in the person of his Son for that one purpose, to forgive sin.
He came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
And as we said tonight, we're going to speak a little of the Savior and the Sinner in his presence.
Oh, what a gospel we have.
A loving Savior, the Savior who died at Calvary so that the Sinner might be saved.
Give me the drink. What does the woman say?
The disciples having gone away. You know, I just want to say this.
Could you and I be in the place of a disciple and be a hindrance to a soul being saved because we didn't understand God's mind?
These disciples didn't understand.
All fellow Christian, let's be sure that we're in the presence of God and have his mind.
Because we're going to be a helper, a hindrance in the salvation of souls.
Disciples have gone away to buy bread.
The Lord Jesus was feasting while they were away.
And yet he had no bread.
And when they come back he can say I have meat to eat that she know not of.
Oh dear friends, you don't know about this water or this meat, do you? If you're unsaved.
That the Lord Jesus had.
The disciples didn't know, and yet they were formally appointed to preach the Word, though this is solemn.
How is that thou, being a Jew, asketh drink?
Me, which I'm a woman of Samaria for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans.
The Lord doesn't answer her question.
Oh, I think this is beautiful.
The Lord answers her according to her need.
He knows what the heart needs.
And he answers, and this is true. Of course, as Christians too, he answers our prayers that way, according to what we need.
But especially here's the soul that has a need, a real need for eternity.
And the answers according to the need. She's been talking about the well that Jacob gave. He's going to talk about another gift that the father gave.
If thou knewest.
Verse 10 The gift of God.
And who it is that Seth to thee give me to drink.
Thou wouldst have asked of him, and he would have given me living water.
If thou knewest.
The gift of God.
And who it is that Seth to thee? Give me the drink. I would have asked of him, and he would have given me living water.
Our brother was talking today about the short sermons and acts.
Peter sermon was about 3 minutes when Cornelius and his household was saved.
This isn't a very long sermon in this chapter either. Is it that Jesus spoke?
Though how effective when God the Father is drawing, when Christ Himself is acting as the channel of blessing, and when the Spirit of God is convicting the conscience?
Not many words needed are there?
And all that the Spirit of God would work tonight in this way.
That the father would draw.
To the Savior.
If thou knewest and she didn't know.
Because these are heavenly things.
And poor earthlings know nothing of heavenly things unless they have a revelation from God.
The natural man doesn't understand the things of God.
That we'll see here in a moment.
How we come to an understanding?
Man prides himself today with his intellect and words of taking him.
Well, you only need to glance at the corner of your newspaper, you'll find out. You don't need to read the whole thing. It doesn't profit you, just the coroner will tell you, that's all.
Oh what a mess this world is in.
Just about ready for Jesus, isn't it?
But you know, when he comes, he's going to judge this world in righteousness. God is going to judge this world in righteousness by that man. And he's given witness to all men, and he's raised him out from among the dead.
I know how solemn this is for those who rejected him.
Yes, only to the Lord. Jesus can straighten this world out, and he's going to do it.
To the description of this present world in its last throws before Jesus comes, is in the 24th of Isaiah.
Yes, it'll rock to and fro.
And it's beginning to rock already.
But my friend, what about your soul?
Your precious soul. You're never dying soul. What about it tonight?
Have you found the Lord Jesus your Savior? Have you put your trust in that precious blood?
Have you taken of this water of life that has been provided for you by just taking Jesus your Savior?
If thou knowest the gift of God, and who it is itself to thee, give me to drink thou which the vast of him.
Have you asked of him?
There was nothing to draw with the well as deep. Whence then asked thou that living water she's beginning just a little bit.
To be concerned whence, whence we get that often in the gospel.
We have it again. When shall a man provide so much bread in the wilderness? Whence?
All the man naturally doesn't know the supply there is in heaven. Man doesn't know the supply that God has laid up in store for the Sinner who believes in Jesus.
An eternal supply of blessings? No man doesn't know.
Then hast thou that living water? I suppose she thought of an artesian well.
That's what she was thinking about, perhaps something where she wouldn't have to go deeper and deeper every time to get a little more water.
And that's the way it is with the center, you know, because you know, the present things of this world do not satisfy.
That's why men are out searching everywhere for something new.
Because the things that they.
They have found do not satisfy.
All they have to do is read the book of Ecclesiastes and they'll find out.
Because Solomon tried it all.
He didn't withhold himself from any pleasure.
And he writes one word across the whole thing. Vanity.
Vanity, and besides its vexation of spirit.
But Jesus is not banned. To your vexation, the Spirit Jesus satisfies. He'll satisfy your heart tonight, and he'll satisfy your heart for all eternity. Have you taken Jesus as your Savior?
Now she speaks of tradition.
In verses 12 to 15.
Tradition, so she knows.
But then finally she says, Sir.
Sir, now she's going to ask and that lovely she's going to ask. Won't you ask 2 tonight? Won't you ask Jesus for that living water, Sir?
Give me this water that I thirst not neither come hit her to draw. Now it's true she was ignorant of what the water was about, but she was willing to accept what he had to give.
Yes, she was willing.
Jesus said unto her, Go.
Call thy husband and come hit her.
All here we have the secret of divine intelligence brought to man.
Go call your husband and come come.
You'll have to go first, but then come, come, come back.
Come back.
And what does it mean to go?
Well, she has a little matter to settle first. What is it? He doesn't say a thing about her sins, you know.
No, he doesn't say one thing about it. He says you just go call your husband and come.
And you know, this just unlocks the heart completely.
Because she knows now the secret is out. And you know, my friend, that every hidden thing will be revealed, and those things that are hidden now will be shouted from the rooftops.
Oh, do you want them shouted from the rooftops or do you want them all put away tonight?
And the precious blood of Christ.
Have your choice.
They'll be shouted from the rooftops. What does that mean?
It means that God is going to expose every sin that you've committed.
Yes, he will.
Unless you take Jesus. And if you take Jesus, they'll be.
Cast the bottom of the sea and they'll be hidden as far as the east is from the West.
Have you made your choice, dear friends? Do you want them shouted from the rooftops?
Oh, what a savior.
What a savior.
I have no husband voices. I know that you've had four husbands.
And the man you have now is not your husband. Shocking life all my friends.
We say it's shocking, but think of the world we're living in tonight. As it was in the days of Noah's, so shall it be in the days when the Son of Man shall come. And what about the days of Lot?
There's no use hiding the facts, dear friend. We're living in a sinful world.
And sin even reaches in among the people of God.
But all how it spoils all the joy that the Christian has when he allows it.
The dear friends, tonight if you're in your sins without Christ.
You go on into eternity lost, lost. You'll never have one drop of water to refresh your soul for all eternity.
If you go out of this world without Christ, you might tonight if you leave this room unsaved.
God's pleading with your soul tonight.
Won't you come and take this water of life? Won't you receive the Savior, that precious Savior that wants to put away all your sins, every one of them?
He loves you, God is drawing you.
The Savior came to save you, and the Spirit of God is appealing to your conscience now. Man wasn't created with a conscience, you know. He didn't get one until you disobeyed God.
And that silent monitor is busy every day. Good thing too.
Dear friend, you're going to have it for all eternity unless you take Jesus your Savior.
Yes, you will. Where the worm dieth not and the fires not quenched, you'll have that conscience for all eternity, and you will remember.
Not only with wailing and weeping and gnashing of teeth.
You will remember.
This very gospel meeting tonight.
If you reject the same.
How about the water of life? How about that well springing up which he speaks of the Spirit?
The moment you believe on Jesus, you have the Holy Spirit.
Go call thy husband. That's the secret.
Intelligence comes through the conscience, not through the mind.
Merely it may travel through the mind, but it comes by way of the conscience.
And it comes because God has drawn. The Father has drawn.
And the Lord Jesus himself, the Savior.
Has offered you that water of life.
And the Spirit of God.
Convicting you of your guilt in his presence.
That you might simply reach out and take that water of life that's free tonight.
She speaks of worship.
She speaks of his being a prophet. And you know, that's a step forward because we find in the Old Testament that when one accepted a prophet.
Is accepting it as the word of God.
Are you willing to accept the Word of God tonight?
Are were you willing to bow to his work?
Now why is this so important, dear friend? Because faith comes by hearing.
The ear is the conscience.
Spiritually, faith comes by hearing, hearing by the Word of God.
Have you believed the word of God?
That's how you get life.
That were the prophet. Oh, she's coming along.
Father's drawing, isn't he?
Yes, the Father's drawing.
She speaks of worship.
25th verse The woman Southern I know that Messiah's cometh. She's intelligent about religious things, but not about spiritual things.
Oh, how intelligent this world might be tonight about religious things.
But not necessarily about spiritual things.
The world is full of religion. Who fact has been the greatest persecutor of Christianity they've ever known.
But it won't save your soul.
She knew about the Messiah.
Oh, how many people know about Jesus?
Tonight, but they don't know the Savior.
Do you know the Savior? You know someone who saved you from your sins? Wash you clean so that your soul is whiter than snow? Do you know someone like that tonight, you know Jesus?
The Savior Have you owned yourself? The Sinner Have you met the Savior?
Because that's the only way you can introduce yourself is by your sins.
He came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
When he has come, he will tell us all things.
Now it's wonderful to have knowledge.
But the Lord Jesus does not satisfy.
No, he doesn't satisfy the mind.
There's warning one thing that will do you any good tonight, dear friend, and that's the only thing that would do this woman any good.
I that speak unto thee am he, that's all.
If you believe not that I am, he shall die in your.
The Lord could say, I that speak unto thee, and he.
As have come home to your soul that Jesus is the eternal Son of God the Savior.
And have you received them?
As your own personal savior.
I that speak unto thee.
Am he this beloved? Is the great I am?
The great I am is down here with a Sinner, and he's giving her the water of life.
Oh, she's got her vessel filled now.
Yes, and she takes that old water box and she sets it aside. She doesn't need it anymore.
We are Speaking of spiritual things now.
It's a sad thing to see a Christian go back and get the old water pot. You don't need it anymore.
To know how the present things around us sometimes cause us to look back at the old water pot as though it were going to satisfy our hearts. No, it won't.
We don't need the old water pot anymore.
No, it will never satisfy the heart.
I that speak unto thee, and ** *** leaves your water pot. She goes back to the very place of her shame. She says, come see a man which told me all things that ever I did. Is not this the Christ?
She has a testimony and an acceptance.
Why? Because there's been a change, that's why. Has there been a change with you, dear friend?
Has there been a change in your life? Christianity produces a change.
Yes it does.
It's a Newman.
Born again, born through the incorruptible Word of God.
Washing and regeneration, and then the renewing of the Holy Ghost. A change.
And as she goes back to the very place of her shame, she proves.
That she has something that the rest do not have. And so they come to see the man that told her. What did he tell her? Did he tell her all things that she ever did? Yes.
Because she knew down in here that she was in the presence of the one who knew all that she ever did, and he never rebuked her for it once.
He just gave her the water of life. Oh dear friends, won't you come tonight and take Jesus? Won't you receive him as your Savior tonight as we sing that little hymn #12?
Want to receive Him as your own savior? You sit there in that chair.
Take Jesus Christ as your own precious Savior. The blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanseth from all sins.
Just as.
The Lord.