Children—Aaron Stewart
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Maybe we could start by, uh, singing some songs from the back of the, uh, the back of the simsheet if anyone wants to give one out.
Glad TIDIDING as I feel.
In G.
20 can't do the last that comes in the last days.
And we saw and we all saw the geek IRL elderly and in 1000 in the wireless in June.
Another 1.
When he cometh, when he comes.
In on the Gracious.
His son and his own.
Light the stars fall down for the morning in the bright ground Now that's no longer anything They shall shine in his university Friday turn the sword and.
Do you want to do a gather sun heaven swallowing again them all of a stagnant one of the bright lights is one of them, and there is some of them.
Oh, it's the morning.
It was running around so everything. There ain't no shine.
Yeah, she's kind of swallowing.
Yeah, she's not drinking anything we have.
1002 Thousand 22,005.
Yeah, it was strange.
Yes, chicken of rice and skin.
Yeah, I have a skin that's a flower. Sweet snow, thyroid rolled out the stone.
Yeah, she didn't. It's like, it's like a lot of sleeping. Yeah. I don't know. She didn't use his 1001.
Yeah, it's changed.
The blind fools out me so.
Thyroid and you know for all men shy name on my life.
Here rather watch me to where I have library. Yes, let's see the plants close to me.
That's huge.
Fighting out of the way.
In my trust and should I decline?
He will Take Me Home on time.
Yes, you need to tell you.
Come on me.
1216090 Tell me umm hum.
Now before we sing anymore, just want to mention there's candy up here for anyone that sits in the front row. So if your Shiloh is sitting in the front row, don't worry, won't ask you any hard questions and you will get some candy.
Uh, let's just pray before we. Maybe we'll sing one more after we pray.
So we will have one more if someone has one.
1 door and opening one again excites her to hurry on the inside of which I am.
So the subject I'd like to talk about is about being short.
So I don't know if your kids have any experience with being short.
But uh, I do. So I figured first I'd tell you about how I was always short. So I have a twin brother named Ben who's here. And so we were born at the same time and he was always at least 6 inches taller than me. I don't know if he still is, but he was always way taller than me. And uh, so my shortness was a problem. Sometimes people would ask for someone to reach for something. I could never help because that was too short.
And, uh, but eventually I got a little taller. He's still taller than me.
But I wanna point out this if you guys didn't see this.
The chocolate bar hanging up there and uh, I wanna talk about being short. Does anyone know of someone who is short in the Bible?
Zacchaeus. Zacchaeus. So maybe we'll look at the story of Zacchaeus really quickly.
That's in Luke 19.
So in Luke 19, you know the story of Zacchaeus.
So he was a chief among Republican and I believe he was a tax collector. So he'd go around door to door, a knock on people's doors and he'd say time to pay your taxes. So right now when we pay taxes, what we do is we fill out a form and send it into the government and, umm, with whatever however much money we're supposed to pay. At least that's what we do in, in the US. But they would come around it, they'd knock on doors and say pay your taxes.
And they would just tell you how much you owed, So what you could do if you were corrupt.
You're a bad guy. You could say, give me $10 when it was only $5 and just put the rest in your pocket and you could become rich. So a lot of these Republicans were rich. I believe Zacchaeus was one of these people. So you don't know if he's bad or good, but we'll read about his, his practices in, uh, tax collecting. But see, see where a good spot to start is.
So Zacchaeus heard that the Lord Jesus was coming to town, and he wanted to.
See the Lord Jesus so.
I'll, I'll start with the, the first verse of chapter 19. And Jesus entered and passed through Jericho and behold, there was a man named Zacchaeus, which was the chief among the public Republicans. And he was rich. So we know he was rich. We don't know if he was stealing to get rich, but and he sought to see Jesus who he was and could not for the press because he was little of stature. So he was short.
And Jesus walked by there and be lots of crowds around him, and he wouldn't be able to see over their heads.
And you wouldn't even see them. You would know he was there, but he wouldn't see him so.
Since verse four. And he he ran before, and climbed up into a Sycamore tree to see him, for he was the path that way. And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up and saw him, and said unto him, Zacchaeus, make haste and come down, for today I must abide at thy house. And he made haste, and came down, and received him joyfully.
When they saw it they all murmured saying he's gone to be guests with a man that's a Sinner. So everyone saw the Lord Jesus going with Zacchaeus to his house and said he's going to eat with the Sinner. That's wrong because they assumed Zacchaeus was a Sinner, which he was, but because he was a publican so he had a bad reputation.
Verse 8 And Zacchaeus stood and said unto the Lord, Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor, and if I have taken anything from any man by false accusations, I restore him fourfold.
And Jesus said unto him, This day the salvation come to this house.
So I'll stop there. So so Zacchaeus we find out isn't such a bad publican. It says that umm.
It says that half of his goods, even though he's rich, half of everything he had, he would give to poor people. Not many, uh, rich people might do that today. And then it says, umm, if I've taken anything by faul false accusation, I restore him forward. He says that if he asked for $10 and it was only, they are only supposed to give $5, he would give them four times that much. He would give them $20 back.
To make sure that he didn't rip them off and, you know, take money from them wrongly.
So he was a pretty good person. It seems like the Lord Jesus still says this day is salvation come to this house. So even though he was a good person.
Still, he had to be saved like anyone else.
So now I wanna try something. So who's the tallest here?
Which one they could stand up and compare?
I don't think so.
Uh, I think he's a little taller, all right? Without jumping. Can you reach that?
Uh, barely. We will say you can't reach it, alright.
Who is the UH?
Alright, who is the, uh, the shortest here?
You wanna try reaching for it.
We'll help you out. We'll even give you a little help.
Don't worry.
Here. Hold on. OK, Still can't reach it. All right, all right, you can get down now.
Uh, how about that?
All right, so no one can reach it. And she couldn't even reach it when she had a little help, a little ladder to to step up on.
And, uh, so maybe someone's taller to reach it. Uh, maybe we'll have my brother Ben, who's taller than me, very tall, uh, see if he can reach it.
Uh, you can. It's good. Maybe we'll give him that.
Oh, we got. We have more smaller ones.
See how I have to stand in my tip toes but then can just reach them?
There you go. So so someone tall could reach it.
But you know what the Bible says?
About us The Bible says we're all short.
You want to think of the verse I'm thinking of?
It says we're all short.
Almost 323. Let's read it.
So in Romans 323.
It says for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. So that's not talking about our actual height, is it? So what's that talking about?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. The thought is that.
That none of us can reach God in the sense of His Holiness. So God is perfect. And we know from the Old Testament, even from Genesis very first book in the Bible, that God wants to be with man. He wants man to be with him. But God, man is a Sinner, and so he falls short.
And so it doesn't matter your physical height, but you fall short because you're a center. So even the tallest person in this room has fallen short of glory of God.
And, you know, maybe we try to get a little help so it's not a ladder because that's for physical life. But say we, umm, think that, you know, if we are good or just do enough, maybe it's just come to meeting and, uh, sing the songs, sit in the front row in Sunday school and, you know, be good.
Or maybe we think we can try, Maybe because our parents are safe, that we'll be safe.
I'll tell you a little story about me. When I was saved, I think I was four years old.
And I came up to my oldest brother, we're in our tree Fort was in tree Fort. It was a just a Fort we were in. And I asked him, I said can you get saved for me?
He said no, so then I went and asked my second oldest brother and he said no as well and told me I had to do it myself. So I did and I was saved. But just like getting a ladder for help, we cannot get help from anyone else for salvation. It's individual, it's personal, and uh, you know, if we try anything, we try and do.
Is worth nothing, even if it's good, even if we do something good, it's worth nothing if you turn to Isaiah.
Uh, Isaiah chapter 64.
And verse 6.
Says But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags, so that isn't it strange that even if it's something good we do, it's as a filthy rat?
So even if we're nice to our brother or sister, or even if we, uh, give, uh, give something to someone, give them a toy or even like Zacchaeus.
He would give back.
Four times as much if he took it.
To give back $20 if he only took five.
And yes, still it says all our righteousnesses are filthy rags. So it's a serious thing not to be saved, not to put our trust in the Lord because.
Even anything, any good thing we do is not worth anything. If it's not, we're not safe.
I want to read another verse about about being short and Luke again. Simon's in Luke chapter 12.
Luke 12, verse 25.
Says, And which of you taking thought can add to his stature? 1 cubit.
So anyone know what a cubit is?
I believe a qubit is the distance from the bottom of your elbow to your finger, so it's more than a foot, but depends on the person. But I think that's a qubit. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong.
But it asks.
Who have you just taking a thought. In other words, if you could just think, could you make yourself taller? And the answer is obviously no. You know, when I was always short as a kid, my grandma always told me, you know what? Someday you're gonna be taller. Someday you're gonna be taller. So I thought about that. And I hope and hope that I'd be taller than Ben, but I was, I was never taller. And, uh, because you can't think and add to your height.
And, uh, you know, that's the same with our salvation.
That we can't just think and we'll be saved, you know, We can't just think and try hard to be good and then we'll be acceptable to God.
There's only one way.
To be saved.
And that is by trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ.
So we know.
What happened where God wanted to be with man, but man has fallen short, right of the glory of God. He could not be in God's presence as we had last night in the gospel meeting. And so because man is a Sinner, remember Adam and Eve when they sinned, they were in the garden and they took the fruit which they shouldn't have taken, and God kicked them out of the garden.
So they couldn't come back in and God had walked in the garden, umm, you know, and He was with them, but He could no longer be with them because they were sinners. Well, God came up with a plan so that everyone could be with Him.
And that was that he sent his Son to die for us, and the Lord Jesus bore the punishment that we deserved.
But we still have to accept because we still fall short. Lord Jesus bore that punishment.
We need to accept this offer of salvation, and if we do.
Will be accepted in him.
So does anyone know what it means to be accepted in the beloved? It says the Bible says that we are accepted in the beloved.
Are accepted in the Lord Jesus. Does anyone know what that means?
I'll explain it so when God looks at us, he sees that we've fallen short or too short.
But now, because we've been saved, because the Lord Jesus took our place, God looks at the Lord Jesus.
And he does not fall short. And so we're accepted in him because he took our place.
So it's very simple to be saved, but there's so many that don't take advantage of it.
And, uh, they fall short.
Does anyone know?
Does anyone know?
Why in the Old Testament? Does anyone know that why in the Old Testament the Old Testament believers could be saved?
Even though the Lord Jesus hadn't died yet.
Well, they had new life and I they they trusted in God and their new life.
But I'm gonna read a verse just in that same chapter of Romans, Romans 3.
Romans 3. It's verse.
I mean at the end of verse 24 says Christ Jesus.
Whom God has set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood. Now this is part of us enough to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past.
And so that's talking about the Old Testament. So you think of all the Old Testament people that, that, uh, sinned, but God, the Lord Jesus had not come yet. So God had made a plan that we would be accepted in the Lord Jesus and no longer have to fall short, but yet the Lord Jesus hadn't come yet.
Well, it says here that they were covered under that work that was to come. So those people who believed in God and had new life, they were saved, says for the remission of sins that are past.
Isn't that amazing that even though the Lord hasn't come, He still provided a way?
He still provided a way that he could have man, boys and girls, men and women with him.
And that was because of his love. Love for us. I want to read.
So we have the positive side that we can be saved, but I wanna read what happens to those who do not accept the Lord Jesus.
As their savior.
So it's in Revelation chapter 20.
Revelation 20.
Verse 12.
And I saw the debt, small and great, stand before God, and the books were opened, and another book was opened, which is the book of life.
And the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books according to their works.
And then I'll go to verse 15. And whosoever was not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.
So what's gonna happen in the coming day that everyone is gonna stand before God?
And then open up the Book of Life and he's gonna see if your name is written there.
And I'll go through and they'll see my name in there because I'm saying he's gonna go through and he's gonna look for your names.
Everyone's name.
And if our name is not in there, it says we'll be judged according to our works.
You know, we've all done a lot of bad things. Probably those who are older have done more bad things, but those works will be reviewed.
And we'll, we will be judged according to them if we're not saved. And if we're saved, our sin has been taken away. It's been covered. But if not, we'll be judged by those things that we've done. And it says that whoever was not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.
It's a serious thing.
You know, if they, it also says in other places about, about that final place for those who aren't saved, that it's that it's black and it's dark blackness of darkness forever and there won't be friends there.
We'll be friends there. You won't see anyone.
And it will be a hopeless situation.
So we don't wanna end up there, but we can be very thankful the Lord has provided a way.
And if you wanted to set it says about health, it says that hell was was made for the for Satan and his angels. It wasn't even made for us. It wasn't even made for sinners. But there's no other place for them to go. They can't go to heaven because they can't be with God.
Because He is holy and they have not been washed in the blood of the Lamb.
So it's a good lesson to remember. Umm.
That we all fall short, but we are accepted in the beloved. The Lord has provided a way, and the Lord has deemed this earth and died and.
For our sins, for that punishment of sin on the cross, that we could be saved. Well, does anyone have, uh, another song or two we could sing?
Nsnoise College. Nsnoise.
Salvation Salvation story makes me glorify.
09/10 7:11 2007 Nobody ever had spoken to me.
3D reconstruct, otherwise we're in 12 days from standby and then don't tell me after.
No attempt his son give so ever, said he.
And now I am sure that is that is still covered in anything.
I don't care again.
Just the other day, I mean, if you know what I mean, so.
You know that you can say I'm not young man of them nobody ever has stolen music from.
Uh, around the crown of dying heavenly afraid of Children's Day children.
Are also against heavenly and thumbprinting glory.
Glory, glory, glory, glory into God.
And shy King rode up silence like he entwined whilst in your friend. Well, they did run from lasting falling and joy of the translator.
Everything is a different God and God.
What 3200 thousand 400 dollars 179 So fried dancer.
Will always be an joy and love mountain the children.
Glory, glory.
Mm-hmm. Because let's save your challenges. Like to watch the wind Thursdays. No one is, God knows, precious blood devils and blind and cleaning quality.
Glory takes them to God, and ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Alright, does anyone, uh, did anyone have a memory verse they wanted to say?
John 627 Labranath and meet which parishes left of the meat which endure spent everlasting life, which is the Son of man shall give unto you, bring him as God the Father seals. John 6 and 27.
Uh, place you're not feeling weak with your shifts or for the meat or somewhere I can't just realize yes.
Which is some of the nature of the most news.
For whom that has got a father's war, Joseph.
OK, all right, well, maybe we'll just close in prayer and then, uh, everyone can get their handy after.