Gospel—Jonathan Grinton
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Very thankful to be here with you tonight.
Is how we're sitting here in this room. The Lord has not come yet.
Yet there is room.
We could sing #15.
The blessed gospel sound, yet there is room It tells to all around, yet there is room. The guilty may draw near, Though vile they need not fear. With joy they now may hear, Yet there is room thing #15.
O blessed Gospel sound.
Get air through.
Head down to all around.
Yes, there is room.
I guilty may drive here.
No mile they need not, fears will.
A love in Christ, we could say.
That Fairy Gross.
Could not be.
As there is room.
All things are ready come.
Yes, there is room.
I have everything.
Very soon.
All the time it's been late.
Yet there is room.
On gas will be the light.
Yes, there is a room.
Handsome salvation.
Day from you will pass away.
The grace of Lord.
The fair number of little ones here tonight. Maybe we could also sing #43 on the back. One door and only one.
One door and only one, and yet its eyes are till inside and outside. On which side are you?
One door and only one, yet it's either I'm on the inside. On which side are you?
Thus the Lord for help.
Our God and our Father we.
While I was driving yesterday.
I had quite a bit of time to consider.
And one of the thoughts that I had.
Was everyone here in this room tonight?
And I wondered.
If there was one person here still in their sins.
What you might be thinking?
As you sit here, I don't know everyone. I recognize most everybody.
I trust you all believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, but I don't know.
He knows your heart.
But I wondered if you had sat in a room like this before.
And you heard these verses before?
And you sang these little hymns like this before?
I wondered what you would be thinking.
Are you comfortable tonight?
Are you happy?
Well known verse that everybody knows. I'll turn to it.
In John 316.
Any of you younger ones have a Bible? You might open it to John chapter 316.
Says For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son.
That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
We also sang One Door and only one, so turn to John, chapter 10.
We had a prayer a little while ago, a prayer meeting for the gospel tonight and a brother mentioned this prayer in his or this verse. In his prayer John 10 and verse 9 says I am the door by me. If any man enter in, he shall be saved.
And so I wondered what you would be thinking. Certainly you've heard these verses before.
It was only about a few days ago I was in to the grocery store where my son and daughter work.
And we had tried desperately to get a Friday night shift changed, a Thursday night shift changed, so that we could leave on Thursday to be here a day earlier.
And I had to go and speak with my son's boss.
And I went up the stairs and there was 3 ladies there and I do business with these people so I knew them.
I had to sit down and describe why we needed the shift change.
And they proceeded to tell me that the ship could not be changed, but they wanted to know what we did at a Bible conference.
And so I tried to tell them they knew we went to these Bible conferences before because we had booked the time off, but I had never sat and spoke to them about the Lord Jesus Christ, had never sat and talked to them about being saved.
And one lady, she was a Catholic lady. She is a Catholic lady.
She looked at me and she said I believe in God.
And she showed me her cross, you know, she had a cross around her neck. So I believe in God.
Mm-hmm, she said. But I am scared to death, of dying.
Scared the death of dying.
It made me think of the verse in Hebrews 9 that says it is appointed unto men once to die.
It goes on to say, and after this, the judgment, it is appointed on demand once to die.
As I said to Jonathan Alert earlier today, I looked up appointed last night.
It says decided beforehand.
Decided beforehand, Lord may come first.
But it was decided beforehand.
And you know you have an appointment.
With God.
And if you're still hearing your sins tonight, I'm wondering.
You're not prepared.
You're not ready.
And I wonder why?
There's a sign outside that I read last night at about 10:45 when we turned in the yard because we missed the driveway.
And it says, prepare in Amos, Prepare to meet thy God.
And I thought, this lady that's afraid to die.
I know I was fairly afraid to take this task to stand up here before you tonight.
But I love you and I want you all to be saved.
And so I think that if you're not prepared and you're not ready, you must be scared to death like this lady that I spoke with.
I think of the things that we do in our lives that we prepare ourselves for.
Exams in college?
Going to a new school, children off to work, maybe a proposal that has to be made. We prepare so many things every day. I already have my route prepared for the way home on Monday if the Lord leaves us.
I have an idea of where I plan to work on Tuesday. I don't think Mr. Porter will mind me saying I looked at his itinerary. He shows me every time I visit with him and it's got a route marked all the way around. Does he plan to complete that? Not if the word comes. But he has a route and it's planned.
Says prepare to meet thy God. There are no certainties in this world. You might plan to do these things. You might.
You might purchase car insurance for 20 years.
And you might never have a car accident.
You might purchase house insurance.
For 30 years and never have a claim, ever.
There is nothing certain in this world.
But one thing I can tell you is certain, if you do not have the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, you're on your way to hell.
Simple as that.
There is another certain thing though.
If you do as the Lord Jesus, as your Savior, If you've asked him to wash your sins away.
He is prepared a place for you. He's prepared a place for you.
I was thinking of this hymn #15 and it says though vile, though vile.
And I was considering some verses.
That might allow us to see what we are actually like.
We often say that we're born in sin.
I know in Psalm 51 it says we are shaping in iniquity Psalm 51.
In verse five says, Behold, I was shapen in iniquity.
Chapter 58.
It says the wicked are estranged from the womb. They go astray as soon as they are born.
They go astray as soon as they are born.
Look in Genesis chapter 6.
Verse five God saw.
The wickedness of man.
It was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
You know these verses. You've read them before Jeremiah chapter 17.
Verse 9.
The hurt.
Is deceitful.
Above all and desperately wicked.
We are born in sin, Romans 3 and 23 says. For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
We are vile.
There's no way that we can.
Get rid of the sin.
On our own, we don't have the strength, the capability.
And as we prayed, there was only one way of escape. It was through the Lord Jesus Christ. There was another verse in Umm Matthew chapter 23.
And I was thinking of this verse in connection with the others, because, as I said, I can't tell by looking at you. I've known a lot of you for a long time.
So to look at your outward appearance.
Would not suggest anything tonight.
And here it says in verse 28, Even so he also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within your full of hypocrisy and iniquity, whoa unto you.
Wake up.
He sees you, He sees your heart.
You cannot fool him, but he loves you.
Loves you. He wants you for his own. He paid the price.
He gave his only begotten Son, for God's loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Woe unto you, verse 33, ye serpents, the generation of Vipers, how can you escape the damnation of hell?
How can you escape the damnation of hell?
Hebrews 2 Says how can you escape if you neglect so great salvation? You have a responsibility.
He has done all the work, He has completed the work on the cross. It's up to you to choose. Everything we do in this life is a choice.
You can say yes, you can say no, You can do good, you can do bad, and there are consequences to everything that we do. The consequence for you tonight to say yes.
To the Lord Jesus Christ is salvation. It's a place prepared for you in heaven.
Place that you will have eternal life.
Yet there is room.
I was thinking.
Of this because.
I don't know. I've always really liked police officers.
Wanted to be one when I was younger. Of course then I wanted to be a firefighter. Maybe I better stop at the police officer recently in Nova Scotia.
I drove to Amherst at the border for work a few weeks ago.
And I went into some of the customers that I have and everybody was talking about this police officer.
And there are some pretty upset people.
They said, you know, the highway is still blocked off.
See, this police officer was a young man.
He was newly married.
Not certain if it was three weeks or three months.
Wasn't very long.
You went on a cruise in the police car to New Brunswick.
And on the way back there was a man pulled over on the side of the road.
And he had his tire jacked up and he was trying to change the tire.
And I don't know what the code of a policeman is. I know he's to serve and protect. But if I looked at his book, I'm not sure if it says in service that he would change your tire, but many of them do. And he pulled over and left his car out. How they teach them to do it on a four lane highway. And he had his lights on and it was a beautiful, beautiful sunny day.
And I'm sure he went up to that man with the full intention of changing that man's tire and helping him.
And probably.
With the assumption he would get back into his cruiser.
And finish off the shift.
As he was kneeling down between the cars changing the tire.
A vehicle came along.
And struck the police car.
And the police car struck the officer.
They were on the shoulder of the road and he ended up over in the median.
He didn't finish his shift.
He didn't finish his shift.
His life is over.
Now in Acts chapter one it tells you that you don't know the times or the seasons.
We read and often quote that you should not boast of tomorrow.
We don't know what the day may bring.
Yeah, that man was just doing his duty.
And his life is over. I don't know if he was saved or not. I didn't personally know him.
But I'm certain each and everyone of you can think of stories similar that you have heard or people you have known.
That their life ended like that.
It is appointed unto men once to die. When are you going to die?
Don't know.
Matthew, Chapter 24.
Verse 36.
But of that day an hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be present. The days that were before the flood. They were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came and took them all away. Social also the coming of the Son of Man be.
Then shall two be in the field, The one shall be taken, the other left.
Two grinding at the mill.
One shall be taken and the other left.
Watch therefore, for you know not what hour your Lord does come.
Verse 44. Therefore be also ready. Be also ready for in such an hour as you think not the Son of Man cometh.
The Lord could die if the Lord could come. I'm sorry. Or you could die on your way up the road tonight. You could take a heart attack walking out of this building before you leave the door. You don't know the time. I consider this because we read in our calendar page the other day about Noah, and I'm not sure if it was the children's and young people's, but you know, it says that.
It took that long for him to build that big boat.
They are. And all the people watched. They were there. Surely they were curious. We're all curious.
And you know Noah waited.
The very last moment it said in our calendar page that we waited to the last second to shut that door.
And people would not come in.
People would not come in. Certainly he was there saying, yet there is room.
That boat.
Was big enough.
He waited till the last second.
Have you ever thought of what it must have been like for those people as the water started to rise?
Have you ever considered what it must have been like?
As the water gets so high, surely they were trying to cling to the sides of that heart.
The door was shut.
They perished.
Lost were all eternity.
Yet there is room.
Yet there is room.
The door stands open.
I am the door by me if any man enter in shall be saved.
Chapter 25.
Verse One. Then shall the Kingdom of heaven be likened unto 10 virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom, and five of them were wise, and five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them.
But the wise to avoid in their vessels with their lamps, while the bridegroom tarried. They all slumbered and slept, And at midnight there was a cry made. Behold, the bridegroom cometh, coming out to meet him. Then all these virgins rose and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil, for our lamps are gone out. But the Wise answered, saying Not so.
Lest there be not enough for us and you, but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.
These are the verses I was thinking of and while they went to buy the bridegroom cane and they that were ready.
Went in.
They that were ready went in.
They went in with him to the marriage, and the door was shut. Afterwards came also the other virgin, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.
Watch, therefore we know neither the day nor the hour. We're in the Son of Man coming.
There's time. There's room.
Why do you wait?
Why do you put it off?
It's a personal thing between you and the Lord. Would we all like to know? Yeah, it would be nice to know.
But it's personal.
You only need to take care of it with him.
Why would you choose a life?
Of eternal Hellfire.
Why would you choose that and give up?
A place that he is prepared.
For you.
I think of the Lord Jesus.
When he rose from the dead.
Those ones in Acts chapter one, we're standing watching.
And they saw him.
Send up and to be received into the cloud. The clouds.
Those ones there.
Said ye men of Galilee.
This one that you see going up will come again in like manner Acts chapter one. I cannot quote it.
Verse 11 Yemen of Galilee. Why Sanji gazing up into heaven?
The same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.
He is going to come again.
He tells us so, and I believe it.
And I am one that is waiting and watching.
And there is nothing.
Funny about this. I don't intend to make a joke, but Jonathan Bullard and I get along quite well and we talk about certain things and, you know, he's learning to fly a plane.
And I told him one time that.
I would consider going up with him.
Then I recall the boat ride he had taken me on last year.
And I finished the statement with because because.
I know that he believes in the Lord Jesus Christ because I know he is saved.
And because I know I am, I said I will take that trip up with you.
But it will be when the Lord calls us home to be with him. And I pray that each and everyone of you.
We'll hear that shout.
I think of those two in Matthew.
So we have to turn back to Matthew 24.
I think of those two that were in the field, one shall be taken and the other left.
You know, I really enjoy the gems that Mister Ebert sends out, and there was one just the other day that had this in it.
And it spoke very much.
Of the joy we will have when the Lord comes to take us to be with Him, His own, those that believe in Him, those that trust in Him, His own. And then it spoke in the last paragraph in this poem very clearly of the ones that would be left behind.
That would look and see the one.
And they would wonder where is the other?
And those two that were grinding there would be one.
And they would say where?
But they would remember.
They would remember. You will remember if you are left behind and it will be too late.
Too late, too late will be the cry.
That door will be shut.
You will say I never knew you.
Well, I was thinking of the children.
I know we sang one door and only one and the edit size are two.
I just thought maybe I could tell this little story for the kids.
I can't remember their names, but.
One of them was Timmy and he had two brothers.
One day.
They were gonna go to Sunday school. Their parents told them that they had to go to Sunday school, so off they went.
And it was a hot, hot day.
As they walked along, they came along this beautiful river.
And the older brother?
He said, well, I think that we should skip Sunday school today and we should go swimming.
What do you think, Timmy?
He said no.
No, we need to go to Sunday school like Mommy and Daddy said. And you know, it wasn't that long. It was about a week before that Timmy had got saved at the Gospel tent.
And he loved the Lord Jesus. He was just a little boy.
He said no, we got to go to Sunday school.
And his brother said, no, let's go swimming. And the middle brother, he said, what do you think? Yeah, let's go swimming. So they kind of tackled Timmy and got him down to his trunks and threw him in the water. He didn't really have a choice.
Then they all got before you knew it, everybody was having fun. It was enjoyable. The water was cool, it was very hot.
And as they were swimming, they saw these logs that were floating down the river heading to the mill down below.
And so they made a makeshift diving board.
Where they could jump off these logs and swim and they were having the time of their life.
All of a sudden, the older brother looked.
And he said to his little brother, Where's Timmy?
Oh, I don't know.
Where's Timmy?
And they looked on the shore. Well, maybe he went to get dressed. They couldn't see him.
Well, maybe he got dressed and went to Sunday school.
Now there wasn't time for that. His clothes were still there.
And then the fear hit.
They realized that Timmy by the current had got pulled under those giant logs and they screamed and they cried for help.
They tried to move the logs but they were too heavy.
They couldn't move them.
And the men all came from the mill, and they rushed out as fast as they could.
By the time they got there, him he was gone. He was dead.
He was dead.
Oh the sor the sadness those boys felt. They had to go and tell their parents first of all that Timmy was dead, but that they were disobedient and they didn't listen and do what they were told.
Well, the policemen came and.
Health and home.
And you know, the mommy and daddy were really sad because they lost their son Timmy. But you know what made them really happy?
Was that Timmy got saved a week before at the gospel time and they knew that he was with the Lord Jesus in heaven.
And so young children, young people.
Make sure that you are safe. Make sure you ask the Lord Jesus to wash your sins away.
Because anything can happen at any time. We don't know.
And you know, that story is a little bit longer, but it's nice because his two brothers went on and they got saved too. I remember the oldest one went and sat on his dad's knee one night.
Only about a week after his brother had died and he cried to his dad.
You said I can't sleep, I can't do anything.
He knew he needed the Lord Jesus for his Savior.
And his dad read him some verses.
You got down and He accepted the Lord as a Savior right then and there. You need to do that now too, if you're still in your sins.
Says in Second Corinthians chapter 6, Behold, now is the accepted time. Behold, now is the day of salvation. You don't have time to wait.
You don't have time to wait.
I have heard one say that when this meeting is over, if you would like to meet with someone and get on your knees and pray you don't have time to wait, you need to do it now.
The Lord could come. We have talked about it before. We have said that maybe He is just waiting for one last person to be saved. Did we sing that?
Somewhere tonight.
Maybe I read that somewhere else.
But we have often heard that.
I know I have growing up that maybe is just waiting for one last soul to be saved. Maybe it's you.
So what if it isn't?
What if it's somebody in India? Or what if it's somebody in?
And they could save right now at a gospel meeting, and you're still in your sins and the Lord comes. It's too late.
You don't have time.
Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord, that your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow, they be red like Crimson, they shall be as wool. They'll wash all your sins away, and make you whiter than snow.
Please put your trust in the Lord Jesus tonight and be saved.
Let's sing.
SIM #21.
Besides, for Christ today in God's salvation yield soul and body, heart and will to Him who died for thee. Christ alone can save, break the power of sin. Christ has fully satisfied the heart that cleaves to him #21.
He sighed for Christ today.
And salvation. See.
He'll fall and body hard as well, to him who died for thee.
Christ, thou canst.
54 price today.
I thought thou canst not.
Take her blood so guilty and pray.
So a transgender.
If you decide.