Being Tied to the Lifeline

Duration: 40min
James 1:22; John 7:5
Listen from:
Children—Mark Breman
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My watch says 930.
And our schedule says Sunday school starts at 9:30 this morning. I see three girls here. Maybe one of you have a song you would like to sing this morning.
You know one off the hem sheet.
Why? Why does the ocean? Mm-hmm. That one on here.
OK, let's do Why? Why does the ocean? Do you know the hand signals?
Why do? Why?
Don't the love.
Is being translated.
I'm not so angry.
OK, that's a nice one to start with. OK, how about you?
Jesus loves me.
Jesus Loves Me is number 40 on our little hymn sheets #40.
Jesus loves me, this I know for the Bible tells me so let go one to hear me. Long may I wait. I need a strong.
Darkness of rain.
Yes, she's not love me.
Jesus loves me so I love and it went to make me laugh, wait to hold me in the long, give me safe from everything.
Umm, yeah, it's like, lovely.
Yeah, she's a long spring.
Yes, she's on the update.
Survival tells me so.
She loves me, love me so when I'm bury ring I know wrong is shining O my heart.
He will watch me where I want.
Yeah, she's a blood made young Jesus love me.
Zero 18.
OK, before we sing one more, let's bow our heads and let's just thank the Lord Jesus for his love to us, OK?
OK, we had two girls that gave out hymns. That was nice. Now does the boy have one?
When he cometh, when he come.
The sight of the morning is bright from the morning.
Lake of shining Earth yelling.
Down for him.
Are the jewels precious jewels?
Is my grinder on?
Like the stars of the morning.
Is bright brown on Dorney. There shall shining. I'll give it right and for him.
I have a question, maybe somebody can help me. How old do you have to be to be a jewel in the Lord's crown?
Any age. That's a wonderful, wonderful answer. That's very true. Our hymn says little children, little children.
Now I'm going to tell you a story about.
What she just said any age, OK.
A couple of years ago, my boys and I were visiting a neighbor that didn't look too far from us, an old man who was in his 90s, and he was walking with his cane out by the porch of his house, and we were talking with him.
And in the course of time of our conversation, we brought up the Lord Jesus.
The importance of knowing the Lord Jesus as our Savior.
Why did we mention that to him? I'll tell you why, because while he was speaking, he used the name of the Lord Jesus too, but not in a very nice way.
So we wanted to make sure that that old man knew the Lord Jesus in the right way.
Well, he got kind of a a look of.
Arrogance on his face and he said if I had to do it all over again I would do it just the same.
That's sad, isn't it?
You know, a couple, uh, months later, that man died.
And we were sad. We were very sad.
Well, I think it was about two weeks ago.
Uh, Lane had to travel with a man.
To centralized somewhere in central Iowa and that man just happened to be that old man's son-in-law.
And well, if Lane and this man were travelling along, they were talking a little bit about the neighborhood and those kind of things. And.
The man says to Lane. I'm going to tell you something about my father-in-law.
When he was dying.
I went to talk to him.
And I told him of the love of the Lord Jesus and how he needed to be saved before he passed from time into eternity.
He said that old man accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior.
Just before he died.
Isn't that nice? It's wonderful that even an old man can change his mind if he lived his whole life to dishonor the Lord. And at the end the Spirit of God works in his heart and conscience and convicts that old man. He can be like.
The song says little children who love their Redeemer, he can come to know the Lord Jesus as his Savior. But boys and girls, don't put it off till you're an old man or an old lady because we don't know. We don't know.
The Lord may come this morning before the Sunday school is even over.
Now you, you probably have all noticed I don't think this real fuel was last was here last night, was it? No, I put it up here this morning. You probably looked up there you went. What is that rope there for? Well, this morning I want to talk a little bit about a rope, but I want you to think of this as God is up in heaven and he gave a lifeline to us in the Lord Jesus.
Now we can see there's a rope and look at that rope and think, yeah, that's, that's nice. You know, we can do the same thing with the story of the Lord Jesus. We can say, oh, it's nice, but until you take that rope and you attach yourself.
By saying, Lord Jesus, I'm a Sinner and I need the Savior. Now I'm going to show you a few things with the rope this morning that will help you understand that I'm going to teach you how to tie a special knot. I like to tie knots. I tie lots of knots all the time and come up with some interesting knots, but this one knot is a common knot. It's called a bowling, but I'm going to teach you a little bit about that knot.
In a story, the story goes like this.
For God so loved the world, He wrapped his love around us.
That He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Now to tie the bowl in.
You have to do something.
You have to make a loop in the rope.
And it goes kind of like this.
This is the gospel.
Is moreover, now I declare unto you the Gospel, how that Christ died for our sins and he was buried. That is when the Lord Jesus came in this world. He went into the grave. OK, I stuck that rope through the hole, didn't I was buried and he rose again.
So we're going to pull that back through the hole. He rose again the third day, according to the scriptures. Now if we just let that get tight.
That rope is around me in a knot that the rope would break before that knot came undone. And it's a very, very simple knot. In fact, you can use that knot to pull for one tractor to pull another tractor out of the mud.
And it won't slip. The rope would break first.
Try and do it. You just pull on that and it comes undone.
I wonder if every boy and girl here this morning.
Has come to know the Lord Jesus as their savior and been attached to the lifeline.
I'm going to tell you another something about knowing how to tie that knot. If you were in an emergency, say in the river and somebody threw you a rope. If you know how you can tie that knot with one hand if you get it around your body like this.
You can take that rope and go like this if you are hanging on to something with one hand.
And if you can get your hand back through there?
Like that you have just tied that knot with one hand. And if you kids want to after the Sunday school, I'll show you how to do that, OK?
But I'm attached to the lifeline.
There's another way to do it with one hand.
I need a volunteer to help me.
These girls have volunteered a lot. OK, here's the boy that can help me.
I want you to hold your arm out like a tree branch.
If you had to, with one hand, tie that knot around a tree branch to lift yourself up or something, you hold the rope like this, go like this.
And you throw that around the branch and you catch it on the other side, and when you pull it through, you have that same knot.
OK, now why did I show you those?
Because I want you boys and girls to know that once you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, once you have been fastened to the lifeline and you become familiar with the Lord Jesus, you can share His love with others. You can tell others of the love of the Lord Jesus and how to attach to that lifeline as well.
OK, I'm gonna read a couple of verses.
In Acts.
Chapter 2 is a verse.
In verse 28, Peter said unto them, Repent and be baptized.
Everyone of you, in the name of Jesus Christ.
The next chapter in verse 19, he says repent ye therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out. Let's go to the next chapter, chapter 4 and verse 12. It says neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.
This man who said that his name was Peter. And I want you to remember that when you say your verse this morning, OK?
Did you guys remember? Did you remember memorize a verse? You did OK, Would you like to say it?
The doers of the word, not hearers only. James 1/22. Thank you. Would you like to say it?
OK. Would you like to say the verse?
Would you like to say it without it?
Be doers of the word.
And that here is James one verse 22.
The dealers have the word and not hears only James 1/22 Thank you. These doors of the work work and not doers only does James 1/22 Thank you. Would you like to say it?
The Doors of the Word and not hearers only. James 1/22.
Thank you.
I have some stickers up here. If you guys like stickers you can come get one.
I like that verse. Did you know that there is a name in the Bible and the definition of that name is this verse? Did you know that?
The doers of the Word and not hearers only. The definition of a name in the Bible is.
Explained in this verse.
Now I'll tell you something else.
It is the most common used name in the Bible. There are quite a few people in the Bible with that name.
Who knows what that name is?
That's the definition of the name.
Do you know?
James. No. That's good, though. James is the one who wrote this. That's good. I'll tell you. The name is Simon.
Simon and there's at least seven, maybe 8, and I don't know for sure if one of the Simons might have been the same Simon in two cases, but the word, the name Simon means to hear the word of God in such a way that it affects your life to where you do it. That's what that name means.
And so, with the Lord's help, let's look at a few examples and we're going to find out.
If these assignments were doers of the Word and not hearers only, in other words, did they really take hold of the lifeline for themselves? OK, so let's look at Matthew's Gospel chapter 13.
Matthew's Gospel, chapter 13.
We're going to read about a family here.
And this family, one of the one of the members of the family, well the father was a Carpenter and these people were talking about one of the members of the family. In verse 55, he says, is not this the carpenter's son? Who do you think they were talking about?
The Lord Jesus, that's right. And then he names the family here.
Is not his mother Mary and his brethren James? James, I believe, is the one who wrote the verse that you memorized this morning.
And Joseph and Simon, he had a brother that his name meant the definition of this verse in Judas and his sister. So he at least two sisters, four brothers, two sisters. We know that from this verse.
Maybe he had more sisters, We're not told.
But let's go to John Chapter 7 and look at a verse that would tell us something about.
These ones John Chapter 7 about the Lord Jesus's natural brothers and sisters.
In John Chapter 7 and verse 5 there's a a verse there and it says that neither did his brethren.
Believe in him. Oh, that's a sad verse. Do you think that at this time his brethren, the Lord Jesus, his brothers and sisters had taken hold of the life line for themselves?
Did they? No, not at this time. They didn't believe. And I wonder if there's a boy or girl here this morning who's like that.
Maybe there's somebody in your family who loves the Lord Jesus, but you haven't made it your own. That's sad, isn't it? Oh, we pray this morning that you'll take a hold of that lifeline, wrap it around you, and tie it as it were.
Believing that the Lord Jesus loved you, He came down into this world, died and rose again for you personally, and each one of us have to take the lifeline.
For ourselves.
Now let's turn to Matthew's Gospel 26.
So let's read about another Simon in verse six. Now when Jesus was in Bethel in the House of Simon the leper.
To read a little more about them, let's go to Luke's Gospel Chapter 7.
Luke 7 This man, he invited the Lord Jesus to his house for a meal.
And there was a a lady who came to that meal in verse 28, it's or 38 I'm sorry. It says she stood at his feet behind him weeping and began to wash his feet with her tears. And it wiped them with the hairs of her head and kissed his feet and an anointed them with ointment.
Do you think this woman appreciated the Lord Jesus? Yes, she did. Yes, she did. But the man, Simon?
Who, whose name means what you learned in the verse today.
Let's read in the next verse. He spake within himself. Notice that boys and girls, sometimes you might speak within yourself. Do you think the Lord knows when you speak within yourself? Sure he does. In verse 40, Jesus answered him, the Lord knows when you speak inside yourself. He knows what you're thinking. And he answered him and said, Simon, I have somewhat to say to thee. And he said, Master.
Stay on. The Lord has something to say to each one of us, doesn't he? And we should listen. That's what our verse is about, listening when the Lord says something. Well, the Lord tells him that he didn't provide any water or a kiss for him or anything nice for the Lord Jesus.
But the woman didn't stop doing nice things for the Lord Jesus, and this man only had bad things to say about that Lady for doing that.
Do you think he had a hold of the lifeline? No, no he didn't. That's so sad.
John, Chapter 6.
And verse 70 Jesus answered them, Have not I chosen you? 12 And one of you is a devil.
He spoke of Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon. Now here's a man, and his dad's name means to be hearers of the word and not doers only.
But this man was under the influence of Satan. I wonder, is there a boy or a girl here this morning who does not love the Lord Jesus and has just rejected the Lord Jesus? Do you know that Satan is in control of your life, not the Lord Jesus? Isn't that a solemn thought?
Well, I hope that every boy and girl here this morning could see that this man did not have a hold of the lifeline.
Acts Chapter 8.
Acts chapter 8 and verse eight it says. And there was great joy in that city.
And I'll tell you why there was great joy in that city. There was a man named Philip, and he came and he preached. And I'll tell you what he preached.
He preached Christ.
That's what he preached, and it caused great joy in that city. Boys and girls, if you can get a hold of Christ in your soul, it will cause great joy. These people wanted to get a hold of the lifeline because of the message that Philip gave of preaching Christ. But there was a man in that city, and his name meant the same thing as your verse.
But there was something the matter with that man.
In the end of verse nine it says that he was giving out that himself was some great one.
He wanted to exalt himself. He wanted people to think that he was a great one. Who should we think is the great one?
The Lord Jesus, right? That's right. Yeah.
And he saw how these people were receiving their joy by believing on the Lord Jesus and all the blessings that were coming. And he thought that he too could would like to do that. For God's glory, no, but for his own glory. And so he offers money.
To Peter to say I'd like to. I'd like to do that too.
In verse 20 Peter says thy money perish with thee. Into verse 21 he says thy heart is not right with God.
In verse 23 he says Thou art in the gall of bitterness and in the bond of iniquity. Does it sound like that man had a hold of the lifeline?
No, but what did his name mean?
To be a hearer of the word and a doer as well.
Let's turn back to Matthew's Gospel chapter 10.
Matthew's Gospel chapter 10 and verse four when we find that one of the disciples.
His name is Simon.
The Canaanites.
Now let's let's look at look at six to find one more thing out about him. Luke's Gospel, Chapter 6.
Luke's Gospel chapter 6 in the end of verse 15 it says in Simon called Zelotes.
Now that might seem a little bit interesting called Zelote, but I will tell you what I've enjoyed about this name.
He was known by other people, by how he lived.
And they, when they saw him, they saw that he loved the Lord Jesus.
He was very zealous for the Lord Jesus.
Isn't that nice? I wonder when if you love the Lord Jesus that's so nice and to be a testimony for him so that when others see.
They say, oh, that one. And that boy, that girl, that man, that woman has a hold of the lifeline.
That night, yeah, that man, he, he had a hold of the lifeline.
OK, let's look at Mark's Gospel, chapter 15.
Now we're going to look at a little family. Mark's Gospel, chapter 15.
And verse 21.
Actually, let's read verse 20 as well, Speaking of the Lord Jesus.
On his way to the cross, and when they had mocked him, they took off the purple robe from him and put on.
His own clothes on him and led him out to crucify him.
And they compelled 1 Simon, a siren who passed by coming out of the country, the father of Alexander and Rufus, to bear his cross.
This man was called to carry the cross for the Lord Jesus.
Now let's go to Acts chapter 19.
Acts Chapter 19.
And verse 33.
I wonder if this is that man's son, Alexander.
His father was drawn out of the crowd.
For the sake of the Lord Jesus A.
Now his Son, I wonder if this is the same man being drawn out of the crowd for the name of the Lord Jesus in verse 33. And they drew Alexander out of the multitude, the Jews putting him forward.
Let's also go to Romans chapter 16.
And verse 13.
It says Salute Rufus, chosen in the Lord.
And his mother and mine, this man, Rufus.
I wonder if it is the same man.
And here it speaks of his mother being close to the Apostle Paul. If that is so, this is a family.
Who is devoted to the Lord Jesus? They all had a hold of the lifeline.
Isn't that nice? It's one of the sermons, OK.
Acts Chapter 10.
Acts Chapter 10.
We have two Simons in the same house.
In verse 5.
Well, the story is that there was a man named Cornelius and he had a vision. Actually, I believe an Angel appeared to him.
At 3:00 in the afternoon and said I have a message for you, you have to go.
To this man Simon's house. And there's another man there by the name of Simon too. There's a message from the Lord there for you.
This morning I trust you boys and girls.
Hear a message from the Lord.
And be doers of the word, and not hearers only.
In verse.
Five. It is one Simon, whose name, whose surname is Peter. He lodgeth with one Simon a Tanner. Let's go to Chapter 11.
And we'll see the result of what happened here in verse 18.
And when they heard these things?
They held their peace and glorified God, saying, Then hath God also?
To the Gentiles granted repentance unto life. It's wonderful boys and girls, that this morning we who are Gentiles can be brought in to the Lord Jesus and take hold of the lifeline. The wonderful methods are good for us too this morning. I hope every boy and girl here this morning.
Has made the Lord Jesus their own said yes, I need the Lord Jesus as my Savior.
The rest of that verse in John 316 it says Shall not perish. We heard in the Gospel meeting what parish means.
It's solemn, isn't it?
We don't want any boy or girl to perish when all the boys and girls here and everyone in the room to put their faith in their trust in the Lord Jesus. Now Matthew's Gospel chapter 10 again.
Matthew's Gospel chapter 10 and verse two. Now these are the names of the 12 apostles.
Are are the names of the 12 apostles? Are these the first Simon who is called Peter, the first assignment the Lord Jesus called Simon? Now let's look at that in the in the 4th chapter of Matthew.
Matthew chapter 4 and verse 19 and verse 18.
And Jesus, walking by the Sea of Galilee, saw two brethren Simon called Peter and.
Andrew his brother, casting their net into the sea, for they were fishers. And he said unto them, Follow me.
Did Peter obey Peter follow Lord? Yes, he did. Isn't that wonderful? He was not only a hearer of the Word, but he was a doer of the Word. The first thing that he heard from the Lord Jesus was follow me, and he obeyed. Now let's go to John's Gospel, chapter 21.
John's Gospel, chapter 21.
And verse 21.
And Peter seeing him, saith Jesus.
Says to Jesus, Lord, and what shall this man do? Jesus saith unto him.
If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? Follow thou me.
Perhaps the last words that the Lord Jesus said to Peter was the same as the first words he said to Peter.
Follow me and.
Follow thou me.
We are so thankful.
That Peter is the one who is able to say those verses that we started out with this morning.
There is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we that includes boys and girls this morning, whereby we must be saved.
Peter took hold of a lifeline.
Have you this morning. We trust that if there's a boy or girl who doesn't know the Lord Jesus as your Savior, you'll see the importance of not saying, Oh yes, I believe that there is a gospel. I believe that that Jesus came down into this world to save us. And it's nice, but I'm just going to leave it over there.
I trust this morning that every boy and girl here and everyone in the room, if there's anyone who doesn't know the Lord Jesus as their Savior, will take hold of the lifeline for themselves and tie on.
Be doers of the word and not hearers only. Let's pray.