Believe and Live

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 26
My friend, this world shall pass away,
With all its pomp and show,
Are your affections set above,
Or fixed on things below?
Are you upon the narrow path
That leads to realms of light?
Or are you still upon the road
That leads to endless, night?
Perhaps you say, "I'm striving hard
To gain the narrow way;
I wet my couch with many a tear—
I mourn—I sigh—I pray.”
"But yet my soul is all unsaved,
Though I have labored long
That I might be a child of God,
And join the heavenly throng.”
My friend, God does not ask thy tears,
Nor aught that thou canst give,
Thy prayers can never save thy soul,
"Believe," and thou shalt live.
The work was finished long ago,
All merit set aside,
When Jesus, in the sinner's stead,
Upon Mount Calvary died.
He there became a substitute,
The sinner's debt to pay—
He brought in everlasting life—
For all who will obey.
And Jesus, risen from the dead
Is now the proof to thee
That all the debt was fully paid,
By Him upon the tree.
There's nothing left for you to give,
Nothing for you to pay;
If you but trust in Jesus' blood
You may be saved today.
Saved, if you simply place your trust
In God's beloved Son,
And rest your faith alone upon
The work which He hath done.
Thus, having Christ, by living faith,
You stand before the throne,
In all His perfect spotlessness—
His comeliness alone.
Then cease from all thy useless toil;
Thou art not asked to give—
God tells thee, Christ has paid thy debt.
"Believe," and thou shalt live.