BEING blessed with Christian parents, and taught early that there is no salvation out of Christ, I cannot remember the time when I was not anxious to be saved. I longed to feel safe, so that if Jesus came I should not be left behind, and yet, although I had heard so often, I did not know how to be saved. I thought, “The Bible says believe on Jesus Christ and be saved;” but what have we to believe? I do believe that Jesus died, but that does not make me feel happy.
At last, one evening I went with my sister to hear a minister of the gospel, and I, with my heart longing to be at rest, listened while he preached Jesus, and Him crucified for me―for me, myself―punished for me―and, believing that, I was saved. Oh, the joy of it, and the peace that came as I thanked God for His great goodness to me! How strange it seemed that I had never believed before. I should not have minded staying at that service all night thanking and praising God for His love to me.
And, although years have passed since that evening, the peace God gave me through believing on His Son has never left me. I find more and more as the days go by that “unto you which believe” He is precious. A. E. P.