THERE is something more blessed still in John’s words when, “looking upon Jesus as He walked, he saith, Behold the Lamb of God!” (vs. 36), than in the testimony of the second day (vs. 29), “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world!”
For it was not when John brought out a full description of Christ’s eternal Sonship (vs. 18), work on earth (vs. 29), and anointing by the Holy Spirit (vs. 33), that we find any particular effect produced on the disciples. It was when his own soul was absorbed and riveted at the sight of “Jesus as He walked,” and the simple utterance burst from his lips, “Behold the Lamb of God!” that his two disciples turned and “followed Jesus.”
Such was the blessed effect produced on others by the testimony of a soul absorbed in the adoration of the person of the Lord!
And now see how the Lord gratifies the Spirit—wrought desire―He “turned and saw them following, and saith unto them, What seek ye?” Where there is faith, He loves to test it; and He wanted to hear from themselves that it was not for something from Him merely, or for what He could do or give, that they were following.
Mark their answer: “Rabbi, where dwellest Thou?” And that was met by the ready reply: “Come and see.” it is the delight of Christ to make us companions with Him in a land of glory.
“They came and saw where He dwelt (literally ‘abides’), and abode with Him that day.” We are not told where it was; but elsewhere we read it was “beyond Jordan” (ch. 10:40), a spot unknown to the world―to His own a dwelling-place.
“They came and saw... and abode with Him that day.” For a complete period of time they enjoyed His companionship.
Abiding in Him, and with Him by faith, we shall have unbroken communion till we are with Him, and like Him, in the Father’s house forever. But it is only as we go with Christ through His Jordan, as it were, beyond death and judgment, in resurrection life and peace, that we find what He has in store for us at the other side, where He “feeds His flock on the mountains of myrrh.” J.B.M.