Bereavement; Good in the Midst of Evil

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 6
Very dear brother,-I was told of your meeting on my arrival here, also in a letter of invitation to the conference in Canada, and I have since counted the days; it would have been a happiness to see the brethren of Iowa, and you all also. But they had arranged for a kind of little conference here, having invited the people before my arrival, so that I shall be here until the 20th of the month... and it will be impossible for me to be at Vinton. When I learned that there was a conference there, I felt that I should not be there. But I beg you to salute the brethren very affectionately on my behalf, and I earnestly desire for the Lord's glory that He may bless you abundantly, and that the fruit of your intercourse and of His presence may be permanent. My heart longs that the Lord may be glorified in the walk of His own; that they may glorify Him, not only by avoiding evil, but by maintaining close communion with Him, and, separated from the world in all their ways, may be to Him for a testimony, and for a testimony that their hearts are elsewhere because their treasure is.... It may be I shall never see them again. But it is well if I finish my course; our meeting will be elsewhere.
I sympathize with you, dear brother, in the loss of your children. I was told of it. It is a sorrowful blow for the heart of the parents—that one can understand, and I believe not less sensibly on the part of those who are not, according to the measure of the Spirit of Christ. He felt, in a manner a little different it is true, the death of Lazarus, more than those who took part at it. But all this belongs to that which is down here, where everything is passing and everything is changing. But He is all the time our God. He wept, but He raised. He sympathizes with us, but He has introduced the power of good, of God Himself, in the midst of evil. For us, we have to wait for the result, but it is none the less sure. I in nowise doubt that all children that die are with Him; and it is there we find that which abides, that which is perfect, that which is all of Him. We wait, but He also waits to have us. We wait with longing, but He who shall come will come, and will not tarry. We have need of patience, that after having done the will of God we may inherit the effect of the promise. I trust that Mrs.—'s heart rests in the Lord in this sorrow. It is comforting to do so; His grace is perfect....
God be with you, dear brother, and may He bless your conference. Once more, salute warmly the brethren.
Yours affectionately in Jesus.
San Francisco,
June 9th.