The first letter of each of the following responses will form the words which define the ultimate labor commitment which can be attained when patience is in evidence. [2] The number in brackets indicates the number of words in each answer.
1. Something farmers wait for with long patience until the time of rain. [2]
2. The middle link of patience and hope. [1]
3. That which the Christian pathway is likened to, in which we are encouraged to run with patience. [1]
4. That which an early church had not done when they had borne with patience and labored. [1]
5. That which an early church was able to do in the face of persecutions and tribulations with patience and faith. [1]
6. Another attribute of God, besides patience, which we are encouraged to display one to another. [1]
7. Something Christians can glory in, knowing that it works patience. [1]
8. What was one of the signs of an apostle that was displayed in Corinth? [1]
9. A form of address to a young man in the faith, encouraging him to follow after righteousness and patience, among other things. [4]
10. The natural consequence for those who have done the will of God, albeit with a felt need of patience. [3]
11. The beginning link of temperance and patience. [1]