The first letter of each of the following responses will form the words which are a counterpart to the gospel of Christ, knowing that it leads Jews and Greeks to salvation. [3] The number in brackets indicates the number of words in each answer.
1. In what way does one, whose feet are seen as beautiful, make known the good tidings of the gospel? He ______________ salvation. [1]
2. Eternal salvation is assured to all that _______________ its perfect author. [1]
3. Even those young in years can be made _______________ unto salvation by knowing that which is holy. [1]
4. A prophecy yet to be fulfilled: Israel shall not be ashamed or puzzled when the Lord will save them with an _______________ salvation. [1]
5. An invitation to make a salutary noise to the _______________ of our salvation. [1]
6. An appointment, quite the opposite of receiving wrath, but rather to _______________ salvation. [1]
7. A vast company of perplexed people, about to see the salvation of the Lord by simply remaining immobile, were encouraged with these words: “ _______________.” [3]
8. A king’s son, in recounting his friend’s victory over a mighty foe, said he wrought a _______________ salvation for the whole country. [1]
9. Sad to say, some people worship in total ignorance, but salvation is by the One who was _______________. [3]
10. The way Old Testament prophets searched, when they testified of coming salvation and grace. [1]
Answers to these questions will be found in the next issue of Christian Shepherd.
R. Erisman