The first letters of the following responses give the name of one who commanded an army with nine hundred chariots of iron, yet perished when a woman drove a nail through his temples while he slept. [1] Numbers in brackets indicate the number of words in the answer.
1. What hope do the children of light have that will serve as a helmet of protection for them? [1]
2. King Uzziah became famous for his military strength, having an army of well over 300,000 soldiers, equipped with helmets, shields and various other items of warfare. He also had war machines developed which were capable of catapulting huge stones. What did he seek to burn, bringing about his downfall? [1]
3. A wicked man whose head was thrown over the city wall to his pursuer at the counsel of a woman, who, in her wisdom, delivered the city from destruction. [1]
4. Where were these words spoken: “It shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise His heel”? [1]
5. One of the foes with which a believer wrestles, mentioned along with principalities, powers and spiritual wickedness in high places, which necessitate wearing the whole armor of God, including the helmet of salvation. [7]
6. One whose skull was broken when a woman dropped a piece of millstone on his head. [1]
Answers to these questions will be found, Lord willing, in the next issue of Christian Shepherd.
J. Short