Bible Challenger: 2004 - (e)

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
The first letters of the following responses answer the following question. Though we may not know what to pray for, the Spirit of God makes intercession on our behalf. What word is used to describe those unutterable pleas? [1] Numbers in brackets indicate the number of words in the answer.
1. The place where this exhortation was given: “Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” [1]
2. The type of man whose effectual, fervent prayer has much avail. [1]
3. Something filling golden vials, which represent the prayers of saints. [1]
4. At the first mention of prayer in the Word of God, whose life was spared and healing granted? [1]
5. One who took a moment to pray to the God of heaven before replying to a king’s question. [1]
6. In addition to supplications, prayers and giving of thanks, what should be made for all men, for kings, and for those in authority? [1]
7. The frequency that one described as a “widow indeed” engages in supplications and prayers. [3]
8. When coming boldly to the throne of grace, what can a believer expect to find to help in time of need? [1]
9. The occupation of a woman who was found by a riverside where some gathered for prayer. [3]
Answers to these questions will be found, Lord willing, in the next issue of Christian Shepherd.
J. Short