The Children’s Class
1. If we love the world, is the love of the Father in us?
2. What commandment has God given us that we should do?
3. How did God manifest (make known) His love toward us?
4. What promise do we have when we believe on the name of the Son of God?
5. Is one a deceiver if he confesses not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh?
6. Should we follow that which is good or that which is evil?
7. Are there certain men that deny God and our Lord Jesus Christ?
The Young People’s Class
1. After Saul proved incapable of ruling Israel, did the Lord provide someone else as their king? 1 Samuel 16.
2. Do we as Christians have assurance that God will provide all our needs? Phil. 4.
3. Did Samuel think that Eliab was the Lord’s anointed? I Sam. 16.
4. Are our thoughts always in agreement with the Lord’s thoughts? Isa. 55.
5. How does God’s viewpoint of a man differ from man’s viewpoint? I Sam.
6. What came upon David when Samuel anointed him? I Sam.
7. Have we been anointed and given the earnest of the Spirit? 2 Cor. 7.